For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud


Well-known member
Indeed. It is funny when people on here venerate the "mighty tweeter" himself in those respects though...
Heathen rebels against God hate Trump for tweeting and love Biden for murdering babies and deserting American children behind enemy lines in Afghanistan.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Brain is one of those conspiracy nuts who thinks that former US vice president Joebiden won the election.
What, really? A former English teacher who still doesn't understand the definition of conspiracy or theory attached?

Oh, Trump lost dude, he really did. He cried about it a lot but them's the facts man. Sure, there's wingnuts and folk with out of date bread for brains who still whine on about the results even now but they're old news and only worth the odd satirical laugh here and there.

You're welcome for the update!


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This site is owned by a right winger, yet here you are.
This site was founded by Knight and one in which open debate was not only tolerated but encouraged with opposing viewpoints as that's what made it vibrant. The conservative bias was advertised from the get go Jefferson so this is lame. What wasn't tolerated was bat crazy conspiracy theories that now seem to have found a new home unfortunately.