If the Supreme Court said said child molesting is now legal... (re kim Davis)


New member

[sorry about typo in title]

What if the Sup Ct did that, said "child molesting is now legal" (and the media chimes in "Aren't you child molesters happy you now have equal rights with non-child abusers?")

u just have to have a license

and from now on, county clerks are required to issue licenses to those who want to molest children?

Kim Davis was accused of giving her finger to the Sup Ct (by some poster here)

Let me add my finger also

Changes are definitely called for when one branch of the government can OVER-RIDE the clear will of the people (The Judicial branch does not have the right to SQUASH the Legislative branch, does not have the right to MAKE law)

over 70% have voted for DOMA

But the Supreme Ct (well 5 of them..) have given We the People the finger..

and by the way, the Supremes (so called) have already decided it is open season on children... Roe v Wade)



New member
Huckabee's speech today was so eloquent and moving

and I am seriously considering changing who is Number One on my

to Vote for list


TOL Subscriber
What is a Muslim man working at the DMV(or whatever your state calls it) decides not to issue driver's licenses to women?

Oh, wait, Islam is a false religion, so his point would be null and void. I forgot. :sigh:


New member
What is a Muslim man working at the DMV(or whatever your state calls it) decides not to issue driver's licenses to women?

Oh, wait, Islam is a false religion, so his point would be null and void. I forgot. :sigh:

if I were working there, I would simply say that I would issue the license, he doesn't have to.. but probably that would not be good enough

he'd probably go jihadist on us..

We don't have to worry about christians doing that, do we (since they don't believe in violence and revenge)?


one reason Christians are picked on... easy target for cowards



TOL Subscriber
if I were working there, I would simply say that I would issue the license, he doesn't have to.. but probably that would not be good enough
And if he was in charge of the DMV and forbade the issuing of driver's licenses to women?

he'd probably go jihadist on us..

Yes, because all Muslims are terrorists in disguise...:plain:

We don't have to worry about christians doing that, do we (since they don't believe in violence and revenge)?

Ah yes, abortion clinic bombings(Army of God), KKK, Anti-balaka group in Central Africa, Kony and the Lords Resistance Army, etc. I tried to keep these fairly recent, but if you'd like I can continue.

one reason Christians are picked on... easy target for cowards
Do what?


New member
What if an Amish man refuses to issue a gun license because he is a total pacifist?

What if a Jewish man hired as a butcher refuses to touch or sell pork?

What if a Hindu working at meat packing plant refused to cut meat off a recently-dead cow?

Seriously, do you fundamentalists not see the downhill slide you're oiling up with these kinds of arguments?
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TOL Subscriber
What if an Amish man refuses to issue a gun license because he is a total pacifist?

What if a Jewish man hired as a butcher refuses to touch or sell pork?

What if a Hindu working at meat packing plant refused to cut meat off a recently-dead cow?

Seriously, do you fundamentalists not see downhill slide you're oiling up with these kinds of arguments?

In short- no.


New member
What if an Amish man refuses to issue a gun license because he is a total pacifist?

What if a Jewish man hired as a butcher refuses to touch or sell pork?

What if a Hindu working at meat packing plant refused to cut meat off a recently-dead cow?

Seriously, do you fundamentalists not see downhill slide you're oiling up with these kinds of arguments?

everyone should get some kind of reasonable accomadation for his/her faith

those gays could have gone to other places or persons.. I tend to think Davis was not right to keep other clerks in her office from issuing the lic... but I am not sure about that... b/c homosexual acts are objectively EVIL

and if she has authority over those clerks... If she allows them to do evil, she is involved... and so at this point, I say she should indeed keep restricting those other clerks..


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What if an Amish man refuses to issue a gun license because he is a total pacifist?

why would an amish man be issuing gun licenses?

What if a Jewish man hired as a butcher refuses to touch or sell pork?

why would a jew seek work as a butcher in a non-kosher shop?

What if a Hindu working at meat packing plant refused to cut meat off a recently-dead cow?

why would a hindu be working at a meat packing plant?


New member
a lot of people seem to forget that this DUMB Sup Ct ruling came


very recently... LONG before Davis was elected (and she WAS elected, which means a majority of people wanted her there)

She swore to uphold the Constitution as it was written and interpreted UP UNTIL that recent (again DUMB) Sup Ct decision.

She did NOT take an oath to uphold THAT decision

She should not be forced to leave her job just because of a .. frankly illegal decision by the Sup Ct..

Why do we only have 9 people on the Sup Ct?

I have said for years now that that is Un-American.. We should change the sup Ct... either get, say... 60 members on the Sup Ct... or something... (and maybe there should be some "lay" people on the panel... non-lawyers... )

it is really un-American to have 5 people ... who aren't even supposed to change law... change it... 5 people...

out of 300 million... 5 people have nearly absolute control over 300 million????!!!


Heck, even 60 is not representative... but NINE???



TOL Subscriber
why would an amish man be issuing gun licenses
Lets say a pacifist gets stuck in the sporting goods section of Walmart. Or goes to Academy and gets a job, and they stick him in the gun section. Then what.

why would a jew seek work as a butcher in a non-kosher shop?
A grocery store puts him to work in the butchery(Is that a word?).

why would a hindu be working at a meat packing plant?
:idunno: :rotfl:

Mocking You

New member
What if a Jewish man hired as a butcher refuses to touch or sell pork?

I'm in Minneapolis and we've had a couple of instances involving Muslims.

Muslim taxi drivers at the airport (and elsewhere) would refuse to pickup passengers with dogs or passengers carrying alcohol. The local government threatened to pull their taxi cab license if they didn't quit discriminating against customers.

I've personally been in the checkout line at the grocery store purchasing pork products where the cashier has been Muslim. In these cases the cashier rings up all of your other stuff then calls over a non-Muslim to handle the pork products. I've also had Muslim cashiers stop ringing up items and put on latex gloves to handle the pork products. This is a few years ago. Apparently plenty of people complained because you don't see this happening anymore. Also, Target Stores made a big announcement years ago that intolerant Muslims would no longer be working in the food departments or as cashiers.


Well-known member
In this scenario, did the Supreme Court say Christians had to become child molesters? If so, it is right and proper to "break the law".

But as usual RC seems to equate apples to oranges. Child molestation is against the "non aggression principal." Giving licenses to homos isn't.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Lets say a pacifist gets stuck in the sporting goods section of Walmart.

piece of cake

go over to the auto parts section, get a can of WD40 and get him unstuck

Or goes to Academy and gets a job, and they stick him in the gun section. Then what.

never heard of academy :idunno:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In this scenario, did the Supreme Court say Christians had to become child molesters? If so, it is right and proper to "break the law".

But as usual RC seems to equate apples to oranges. Child molestation is against the "non aggression principal." Giving licenses to homos isn't.

the "non aggression principal"

musta missed that one when I wuz reading the Bible

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

[sorry about typo in title]

What if the Sup Ct did that, said "child molesting is now legal" (and the media chimes in "Aren't you child molesters happy you now have equal rights with non-child abusers?")

u just have to have a license

and from now on, county clerks are required to issue licenses to those who want to molest children?

Kim Davis was accused of giving her finger to the Sup Ct (by some poster here)

Let me add my finger also

Changes are definitely called for when one branch of the government can OVER-RIDE the clear will of the people (The Judicial branch does not have the right to SQUASH the Legislative branch, does not have the right to MAKE law)

over 70% have voted for DOMA

But the Supreme Ct (well 5 of them..) have given We the People the finger..

and by the way, the Supremes (so called) have already decided it is open season on children... Roe v Wade)


It simply wouldn't happen so it's moot.


Well-known member
the "non aggression principal"

musta missed that one when I wuz reading the Bible

Yeah, you did.

The bible doesn't say it's ok to threaten or initiate violence against a person; force is justified only in defense or retaliation.

Don’t kill anyone, don’t steal, don’t do anyone wrong, don’t stick your nose in someone else’s business, and don’t bother anyone if he hasn’t bothered you. Other than that do whatever you want.

You agree or no?