If you don't believe in the trinity...

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Lazy afternoon

ALL life is PROcreated. That is not the same as created, which God did out of NOTHING.


Heb 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.



Well-known member
Yet again, "another other" dares to speak!

What church or denomination are you affiliated with? I'll bet
you don't consider yourself a Christian, do ya?

It is curious how your rep power is so much higher than most already. Did you find a way to rep yourself like the cheater that you are? Either that or it just goes to show how many hatemongers there are around here that love the way you slander and treat people like trash the way you do while using your rep power to hand out neg reps four in a row to those you hate. What a joke of a "Christian" you are, full of hate and vitriol, not anything like a true Christian ought to be or act. You have already proven many times over that there is surely not even an ounce of love in your entire being and you certainly do not know any god but yourself. Neg rep all you want if that is what makes you tick. But how many times must it be said? You cannot stab spirit with a kitchen knife; you need the rhomphaia and you do not have it. :chuckle:

PS ~ I was just reading in another thread and noticed your pal Nick also has a very high rep power already so soon. What a sick, twisted, perverted world you must live in to sit around with four or five comrades plotting evil and reping each other all day long. You need the real Yeshua: he will actually heal you of your blind hatred, that inner spiritual disease that is fermenting in your heart, that boil in your forehead that is beginning to fester, and the leprosy that is growing in the walls of your house and slowly killing you. :crackup:
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It is curious how your rep power is so much higher than most already. Did you find a way to rep yourself like the cheater that you are? Either that or it just goes to show how many hatemongers there are around here that love the way you slander and treat people like trash the way you do while using your rep power to hand out neg reps four in a row to those you hate. What a joke of a "Christian" you are, full of hate and vitriol, not anything like a true Christian ought to be or act. You have already proven many times over that there is surely not even an ounce of love in your entire being and you certainly do not know any god but yourself. Neg rep all you want if that is what makes you tick. But how many times must it be said? You cannot stab spirit with a kitchen knife; you need the rhomphaia and you do not have it. :chuckle:

PS ~ I was just reading in another thread and noticed your pal Nick also has a very high rep power already so soon. What a sick, twisted, perverted world you must live in to sit around with four or five comrades plotting evil and reping each other all day long. You need the real Yeshua: he will actually heal you of your blind hatred, that inner spiritual disease that is fermenting in your heart, that boil in your forehead that is beginning to fester, and the leprosy that is growing in the walls of your house and slowly killing you. :crackup:

Is this your way of saying, you refuse to answer what church
or denomination you're affiliated with? Have another glass of
"WHINE" kick back and enjoy your morning tirades.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Daqq, I mistrust posters that won't designate if they're a Christian or not.
They, like you, prefer to go by, "Other" instead of Christian. Which means,
they may be a cultist or some other unusual belief system other than
Christian. You have anger issues, I understand that. Perhaps you ought
to seek help for those? I see you as a trouble maker. I call them what
I see them.


Well-known member
Daqq, I mistrust posters that won't designate if they're a Christian or not.
They, like you, prefer to go by, "Other" instead of Christian. Which means,
they may be a cultist or some other unusual belief system other than
Christian. You have anger issues, I understand that. Perhaps you ought
to seek help for those? I see you as a trouble maker. I call them what
I see them.

It is self righteous people like you GM who are the ones who cause trouble.

Why does any one need to designate anything to you?

Can't you just accept them on face value?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It is self righteous people like you GM who are the ones who cause trouble.

Why does any one need to designate anything to you?

Can't you just accept them on face value?

Whereas, I do appreciate your valued discernment of my extreme
importance on this forum, however, I must protest your continued
undervaluing of my seeming character deficits.

Lazy afternoon

It is curious how your rep power is so much higher than most already. Did you find a way to rep yourself like the cheater that you are? Either that or it just goes to show how many hatemongers there are around here that love the way you slander and treat people like trash the way you do while using your rep power to hand out neg reps four in a row to those you hate. What a joke of a "Christian" you are, full of hate and vitriol, not anything like a true Christian ought to be or act. You have already proven many times over that there is surely not even an ounce of love in your entire being and you certainly do not know any god but yourself. Neg rep all you want if that is what makes you tick. But how many times must it be said? You cannot stab spirit with a kitchen knife; you need the rhomphaia and you do not have it. :chuckle:

PS ~ I was just reading in another thread and noticed your pal Nick also has a very high rep power already so soon. What a sick, twisted, perverted world you must live in to sit around with four or five comrades plotting evil and reping each other all day long. You need the real Yeshua: he will actually heal you of your blind hatred, that inner spiritual disease that is fermenting in your heart, that boil in your forehead that is beginning to fester, and the leprosy that is growing in the walls of your house and slowly killing you. :crackup:

You speak the truth.



Well-known member
You speak the truth.


The Father even says that when we come into the Land, He Himself will even put the plague of (spiritual) leprosy in the walls of our house, (but it is of course for our own good and to see if we will go to His Priest seeking healing).

Leviticus 14:33-35
33. And YHWH spoke unto Moshe and unto Ahron, saying:
34. When you be come into the land of Canaan, which I give to you for a possession, and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession:
35. And he that owns the house shall come and tell the priest, saying, "It seems to me there is as it were a plague in the house."

Ah yes, I remember the day when I went to the Priest, and said to him, "It seems to me there is as it were the plague in the house", and he said to me that an appointed time would be made for him to come and inspect my house, and that when he comes the contents inside the house must be emptied out so that what is inside the house not be made unclean.

Leviticus 14:37-38
36. Then the Priest shall command that they empty the house, before the Priest go into it to see the plague, that all that is in the house be not made unclean: and afterward the Priest shall go in to see the house:
37. And he shall look on the plague, and, behold, if the plague be in the walls of the house with hollow strakes, greenish or reddish, which in sight are lower than the wall:
38. Then the Priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house, and shut up the house seven days:

And now I know from Romans 7:14-25 that in the walls of my house, that is, in the flesh, dwells no good thing but rather evil only evil. And I remember also the unexpected snare of the day wherein I was suddenly and violently removed from my house and seven times passed over me, (I think some here mistakenly call this some sort of happy "rapture", lol) but again, there shall be no man inside the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony until the seven strokes are fulfilled, (Leviticus 16:17, Revelation 15:8). :)


Well-known member
A lot of "bellyaching" going on about my "Rep." I think it's called, jealousy?

The false imitation reputation power under your screen name does not reflect the true reputation which precedes you in real life situations, like the conversations you have with others here in this forum, so it is difficult to see why anyone might be jealous of your true reputation. Reputation does not consist of how many points you can have your buddies rack up for you on a point tally next to your name but rather consists of how you treat others, for in that truly you reveal the fruit of the vine from which you are nourished; and in your case it clearly appears to be an Assyrian vine that nourishes you, (Isaiah 36:16-17). And that is because you ignore the Testimony of Yeshua, (while claiming to be "Christian") even though the Master Yeshua clearly states that he is the only True Vine. Likewise some figs are so rotten that nothing they say can be eaten, (Jeremiah 24:3). :chuckle:


Then you can not worship Jesus.

I said
Your not worshiping Jesus if you DO believe in the trinity. I have refuted every piece of evidence that the trinity has tried to use.
I proved the trinity is a strong delusion because people will not love the Word as it is written.

II Th 2:10-12
10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,
12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
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