Is there any way to get Republicanchick to go away?


Is there any way to get Republicanchick to go away?

yes, there is

if you're using an old crt screen, rub a big magnet all over it whenever you see one of her posts

if you have a newer screen, put it in the microwave on high for five minutes

viola! she's gone! :banana:


New member
I think the Democrats should fund TV+Radio political commentary shows with her as the host and aCW as her sidekick. If I were in charge of media strategy for the Democrats, that would be my first order of business. Just put them front and center, doing exactly what they do, representing the right wing.
I'm pretty sure she already is a sock puppet, actually.

Like all the other versions of her before.



Like toenail fungus, she's nearly impossible to get rid of. Just when you think you've begun to get it under control it jumps to another piggy and grows into a thick, crumbly mess again. Before you known it it/she has completely taken over and you start thinking that ripping your nails out at the roots would be worth it if would make it/she go away.



Is she gone yet?​

Lol! I feel so much better. Believe it or don't, i am concerned i get too aggressive sometimes. By...., nevermind.


New member
this makes me wonder about tol being a sock puppet

If people spend a lot of time here it distracts them from doing, or paying attention to, anything actually important. The more distracted people are, the more politicians can get away with. Even keeping them focused on abortion, while actually doing nothing to change it, distracts them from all the other evil they do. It's like sleight of hand. Look hard at this while I do that.

As for me I, am getting old, have been disabled 13 years and am about 80% bedridden. I've had to give up doing almost everything important outside the home. Almost.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think she fits in with most of the other Christians at ToL perfectly. She doesn't stand out as any different to me at all.
So you don't actually read her then...or is it that you don't actually read most Christians who post here...or both? :plain:

I think the Democrats should fund TV+Radio political commentary shows with her as the host and aCW as her sidekick. If I were in charge of media strategy for the Democrats, that would be my first order of business. Just put them front and center, doing exactly what they do, representing the right wing. Knight does a pretty good job of showcasing her (and aCW's wacky gay parade hijinks), but really, TOL just doesn't give her nearly enough exposure.
She's like the Phil Collins of TOL...well, if this was the 80s.


New member
and what are you doing about that?

If you really want to know, my wife and I started one of the early Right to Life local chapters back in the early 80s, when we had difficulty even getting churches involved because most of them thought it was too controversial and divisive. We grew it to a few hundred members before shifting attention to what was then a Crisis Pregnancy Center. As we got older, since we had a constant flow of young people at our home, we dealt with things on a more personal level. Everyone around knows our position, knows we aren't judgmental, that we're known for being loving and compassionate, that we are approachable, and that my wife is a therapist. When people had problems they eventually ended up in our dining room talking over a meal or cappuccino. It is much more affective than preaching at them. Then there are those meetings with state legislators and letters to Washington. Yet that only taught me that abortion is only a campaigning tool for most of them, and their secret position is that if they ever actually reversed it they would lose leverage over a fair portion of their base that are single-issue voters. If they drop the flower out of their right hand you'll notice the knife in their left.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If you really want to know, my wife and I started one of the early Right to Life local chapters back in the early 80s, when we had difficulty even getting churches involved because most of them thought it was too controversial and divisive. We grew it to a few hundred members before shifting attention to what was then a Crisis Pregnancy Center. As we got older, since we had a constant flow of young people at our home, we dealt with things on a more personal level. Everyone around knows our position, knows we aren't judgmental, that we're known for being loving and compassionate, that we are approachable, and that my wife is a therapist. When people had problems they eventually ended up in our dining room talking over a meal or cappuccino. It is much more affective than preaching at them. Then there are those meetings with state legislators and letters to Washington. Yet that only taught me that abortion is only a campaigning tool for most of them, and their secret position is that if they ever actually reversed it they would lose leverage over a fair portion of their base that are single-issue voters. If they drop the flower out of their right hand you'll notice the knife in their left.

that is all very nice

who do you vote for?