Liberal opens fire in Dallas at liberal protest


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Not a judgement, just an educated guess being inferred from the facts about this individual. I kinda doubt that a BLM adherent would be a conservative. :plain:

He was an Army vet with a tour in Afghanistan.


I was listening to this song last night. The first line, in light of recent events, has proven prophetic:

"The one who shouts 'black power' would bury you and me."

To Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP and the Black Lives Matter movement, I have one word for you. That word is "Never."

And I'll be saying that word to you at the ballots this November. #Trump2016.

Black Power


I REST MY CASE - yet another example of a rush to judgment rather than a conclusion based on the facts!

Here's a nice quote from Reagan:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Nail on head.

The word 'fact' should be banned from the liberal dictionary, because I think about how a liberal was in his time, think about them now, and.. :plain:

You all have gone full retard.


New member
Possibly because of a book 10 years ago called THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE which discussed the inexplicable co-belligerency toward the West by both Islamic activists and the Left, even though they have huge problems with each other.

The godless Secular Humanists ally with Islamists to attack Christian values. This will last until Christianity in US is vanquished. We are in effect in a religious war, but too many deny this reality.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The godless Secular Humanists ally with Islamists to attack Christian values. This will last until Christianity in US is vanquished. We are in effect in a religious war, but too many deny this reality.
I don't know what your views are on other matters, but this post here I must fully agree with.


I was wondering when "Crucible" would resort to the predictable "name calling" to which our conservative "friends" invariably revert - nothing more than a clear admission that they are unable or unwilling to develop the necessary debating skills to elevate the discussion out of the gutter!

What I do object to is when these intellectually-challenged "neanderthals" attempt to promote their warped ideas in the name of Christianity!


Americans have chosen to live in a Wild West type of society. They are finding out that it works better in tje movies.
It works way better in America. If the right to keep and bear rifles was recognized however, it'd work a whole lot better. 'Ever notice that the only Americans with rifles in public areas are bad guys? That is foxtrot-ubar, vis-a-vis the Second Amendment's RKBA.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You ever notice how people who happily lie without a second thought get all worked up about name-calling? I guess for Liberals, lying is okay, but name-calling when the name is true and fits is bad. Very strange.


I REST MY CASE - yet another example of a rush to judgment rather than a conclusion based on the facts!
Another mass murder. That's the judgment, and the fact.

Is he Muslim? It's a reasonable question. It'd be reckless if not negligent, to not ask it, or at least not notice anyway.

Don't you think?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Another mass murder. That's the judgment, and the fact.

Is he Muslim? It's a reasonable question. It'd be reckless if not negligent, to not ask it, or at least not notice anyway.

Don't you think?
I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder, though there's no particular reason to suspect it. It's not unreasonable given how much of recent violence has been linked to radical Islam. That said, we have to understand that most black men aren't Muslims. Most black men who commit homicides aren't Muslims. Most Muslims, black or otherwise, don't commit homicides. There doesn't appear to be a religious manifesto, video, or other evidence of a connection. And the most common thread among Islamic extremists is their tendency to want everyone to know the root of their actions.

Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? Doesn't appear to be. Time will out.


I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder, though there's no particular reason to suspect it. It's not unreasonable given how much of recent violence has been linked to radical Islam. That said, we have to understand that most black men aren't Muslims. Most black men who commit homicides aren't Muslims. Most Muslims, black or otherwise, don't commit homicides. There doesn't appear to be a religious manifesto, video, or other evidence of a connection. And the most common thread among Islamic extremists is their tendency to want everyone to know the root of their actions.

Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? Doesn't appear to be. Time will out.
Coin flip for me. :idunno:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Taking you off ignore for just a moment here because I anticipated that would be the first leftist response, and that it would come from you whether or not I'd named you.

So once again, the irony of tagging and labeling a person comes to the forefront again, the very same thing you accuse "leftists" of being guilty of. Maybe at some point when your head is out of the clouds the irony might just finally sink in...

There is no hypocrisy or irony here. That you think you see it shows once more what a shallow thinker you are.

There completely is on both counts and you can do ostrich impressions all you like. You're absolutely culpable of the exact same thing you criticize. Nobody else's fault but your own Musty. Unlike you I don't get me news from whacko sites either...

The big difference between us is that I do not mark you as bad because you're a Leftist. While I do absolutely consider you to be you also consider me to be are not evil because you're a Leftist, anti-Bible, pro-homosexual or anything else. Those are evil groupings but belonging to them is not what MAKES you evil. They are not WHY you are evil. So I do not consider you or anyone else evil because you are BADGROUP.

I consider you to be gullible and immature rather than evil, so there's that. Considering you've made multiple erroneous presumptions about me before then you can continue with your ironic hypocrisy via labeling me as a "leftist" & all the fevered delusions you happen to "think" comes with it...

Just the opposite: you are all of those things because you -- the individual -- are evil. You love sin. You love it in others. You hate righteousness as it is defined by God. You despise the cross of Christ, which was for you. So everything else about you, including your political and social affiliations, flows from that...from your love of sin. THAT is why you are evil. THAT is what caused you to gravitate to the Left, which loves sin and celebrates and rewards iniquity in many forms.

Dude, whatever you do don't go into psychoanalysis because you just plain suck at it. If you think formulating a bunch of pompous rhetoric as to why anyone who doesn't veer to the far right is in any way objective or grounded in reality then once again - you're just being dishonest and all it shows is the lack of a valid argument on your part - again.

So you have it exactly backwards. In my view, your political and social affiliations are only symptoms of that innate personal evil which (make no mistake) ALL of us are born with.

No I don't. Whatever you try to bluster about will not negate the irony of you besmirching the "left" when you're arrogantly and ignorantly doing the exact same thing (and then some)

And make no mistake here, either: there are MANY evil individuals on the Right, but that discussion would be wasted on you since you believe just being on the Right is by itself enough to make one BADGROUP. So I won't bother explaining it to you.

Another erroneous presumption on your part. I believe no such thing no matter how much you peddle that crap.

Anyway, your evil is why the more a person holds to the authority of the Word of God alone, as relatively few of us on TOL do, the more you despise and hate them, the more antagonistic you are toward them. On the other hand, the more "liberalized" their "Christianity" is, the better you're able to get along with them.

Oh get over yourself already. I neither 'hate' or 'despise' you, or Nick or SOD etc. You're not worthy of respect because of the way you conduct yourselves and deliberately misrepresent and flat out lie about people. It's got nothing to do with you identifying as conservative whatsoever.

Water always seeks its own level.

No, it doesn' any event, you might want to elevate yours.

Do not lie about this, we've watched you long enough to know better: to you we are BADGROUP. No one in BADGROUP can have enough redeeming individual qualities to remove him or her from BADGROUP.

I'm not lying. You, Nick M and the like are cranks AFAIC but I have never lumped all right wingers as such from the outset. I gauge on input, not labels.

So to sum up: to me, you are evil because you yourself are evil, as all men are without Christ; yes, even as I once was.

But to you, I am evil simply because of what I believe. That alone makes me BADGROUP. That I'm on the Right only makes it worse but proclaiming Christ is enough to earn your antagonism and despising. Do not attempt to lie about that. We know you.

You know no such thing, although I doubt you'll be honest enough to give any sort of objective reflection on the matter anytime soon - or indeed if you actually read my response. If you do then you might wanna dispense with the lame "we know" business as well...

One last thing.

Note carefully, Artie, that none of the above dehumanizes you in any way. Indeed, you are a member of BADGROUP but that group is called mankind, the sons of Adam. We're ALL born into that bad group. No, you are VERY human. You are very much an individual, but it is as an individual that you will stand before God to be judged, lest you repent [change your mind]. There's hope for you yet. I strongly suspect you will die refusing to do so but it's happened before.

On the other hand, the only way you would ever extend the same courtesy to one of us is if we publicly renounce Christ and Him crucified for our sins. To you, that's the only hope of redeeming us. Because you know that about us, nothing else we can do will remove us from BADGROUP.

back on ignore

You really have no clue. If you think I'm interested or hoping for you or any other believer to renounce Christ or faith then you're so far out of the ball park that Babe Ruth couldn't match. You OTOH have constantly declared so many untruths and presumptions about me that it's more laughable than anything now. I have had a number of amicable debates and friendships with people who identify as conservative on here. The difference being that they are honest and don't act like either second graders or dishonest blowhards.

One last thing in turn. If you're really putting me back on ignore then do me the courtesy of not addressing me either directly or indirectly.



Well-known member
The godless Secular Humanists ally with Islamists to attack Christian values. This will last until Christianity in US is vanquished. We are in effect in a religious war, but too many deny this reality.

They're both like separate contractors who think they're competing with each other but don't realize they work for the same boss. Many members of Christendom here on TOL work for him too.