LivingDeadDoll's lies

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Because I feel that calling sombody a liar shouldn't be done lightly and it should be backed up if one chooses to do so, I want to make it clear that I have done just that. I may call people names but liar is one I rarely use because I take being able to back up what you say very seriously. Not that LDD deserves this to pointed out to her because as far as I'm concerned she's come to the point that she now deserves no other explanations but for the benefit of others who may not realize that she really is a liar I submit the following.

LDD, you are a liar. I'm not just pulling some name out of thin air just to be mean but because this is in fact what you are.

When you first came in here asking the question about how everybody felt about marijuana, you immediately let everybody know about your husband and his MS and how he uses it for medicinal purposes. You waited a while before you let everybody else know that you used it. And before you did you said

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
I must say that i am extremely curious about marijuana use and what the bible has to say, if anyone is knowledgable in this area please comment on that effect...

Why were you so extremely curious? You seem to be so adamant that there's nothing wrong with it. What do you care what the bible has to say? It seems painfully obvious that you came to a Christian website to see if others will agree with you, even hoping that they could give you some scripture to help ease your conscience.

BillyBob started asking you a series of very legitimate questions.

He asked how long will you be able to keep it from your kids you said....

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

Unless my children were to wake up from sleeping and run down the highway at night trying to locate our vehicle only to catch up with it on foot and jump in the window then they aren't going to figure that one out and the chances of this happening are slim to none.

He asked who stayed with your kids while you guys were out and you said.....

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

my mother in law also loves with us in a split plan house, so, we do not leave the children alone. We are just lucky to be able to get time to ourselves with a built in baby sitter.

When he asked if you thought it was safe to smoke it while driving you said....

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
For me, no. that's why i don't drive when i smoke it, some people feel that it does not impair them from doing so, i am not one of them.

When the Sibbie asked you about this contradiction, since you said earlier that you only do it while you were out driving, you came up with....

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

i said that I did not drive, because I did not feel completely safe to do so. i did not speak for my husband. Any substance introduced into ones body is going to react differently than when introduced to anothers body. people do not interact the same with anything because our bodies are different. My husband however feels safe when driving, so he drives. i was responding to a specific question, with a specific answer.

You said in an earlier quote that you weren't one of those people who felt that pot didn't impair one's driving. So you allow yourself to get in the car with an impaired driver and not only that you described your husband's condition saying....

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

And in some cases i say that the benefits MOST DEFINETLY outweigh the risks. If you watched your loved one go through periods where they shook so uncontrollably that they could barely talk much less walk, or their muscles tighten up so hard that you could just about knock on them, or if you watched them go into a coma-like state where they could not even communicate, or they bled from their eyes, or were in so much pain from muscles spacticity that they curled up and cried and screamed, or if they were in a wheelchair, then you might think the same. maybe you can identify, maybe not. but lung cancer is the least of our concerns right now, and even neurologists and pain management doctors have said the same. My husband spent all of christmas morning in the bed, never even got to see the children open their presents. He has a horrible disease that eats away at his brain and body, lung cancer is NOT at the top of our list of concerns.:cry:

So you're husband is not only driving impaired but is also able to drive with all these symptoms as well. When confronted with this you said....

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

my husbands symptoms are not constant, they come and go very swiftly, and yes they are worse at night, and if he can't drive we don't go.

to which Turbo responded with....

Originally posted by Turbo

I thought you said husband smoked to alleviate his MS symptoms. Now you're saying that you two only go to get high when he isn't having symptoms?

What happens when the symptoms "come swiftly" while he's driving at night, when they are most likely to do so?

You responded with....

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

maybe where i have gone wrong is trying to explain my husbands disease or the effects therein, in a few short sentences. It would take a while to fully explain it all to you. I will find the time soon to better explain myself. if you want to say that i am not doing it now because of some silly reason and make some insulting remark as most others have done. Fine. i will still explain myself as promised.

and then a few posts later, here's your explanation....

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

Turbo - here's your explanation - i don't have to have an explanation! I never said we ONLY smoked it for medicinal reasons, and if symptoms come on very quickly he pulls over, but there is some rhyme and reason to his nightime symptoms so we are pretty good at judging when we can do something and when we can't and if we need to pull over or come home we do, usually we are able to come home before it gets bad though.

You also said
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

and if i happen to use it during the daytime hours i try to take a puff or two to help my physical situation but i do NOT intend to get high at those times.

to which I responded with....

Originally posted by Poly

So who drives you when you need a puff or two in the daytime to help your physical situation?

to which you responded with

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

The only time i really get an opportunity to help myself medically with it is at night, occasionally in the day when the kids are in school.

to which I responded with.....

Originally posted by Poly

Not all of your kids are in school. I saw the picture of your precious little baby in the gallery. It doesn't bother you to smoke it around him?

To which you never responded.
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Banned by Mod
With your first bit of accusations I am not sure exactly what you find a lie, just because I did not at first mention that I smoked it recreationally does not make it a lie, no one asked me a direct question that i respoded to with a lie, are you sure you know what a lie is? I never said I purely smoked it for medicinal reasons either. And as for why I came to this Christian forum, it's because I am a Christian and I wanted to converse with other Christians. You are preventing me from doing anything else because you keep hounding me about this one thing. Do you think God would approve of you hindering my attempts to become more knowledgable about religion?My reason for starting the marijuana thread was pure curiosity about what others thought on such a subject. As for your post that i did not respond to, I did not see it. Why do I care what the bible says? because I am a Christian and I want what I do to be right with God in my own heart.
As for the driving around thing, I never said that "I" drove, and that is because PERSONALLY I do not see well at night and i do not want to chance getting into an accident because of being stoned and not being able to see as it is. Therefore I am free to partake to whatever extent I wish because i am NOT DRIVING! My husband does not drive if he does not feel able to do so, as for his disease i do not feel compelled to explain every last point of detail about my loved ones illness to a person such as yourself, it would take entirely too long to do so and you are not worth my time as you have been quite rude to me.
But I will say that my husband does the driving because he feel safe to do so, everyone is different on how substances effect them. Where one person can take a shot of alcohol and not be drunk another might fall to the floor from it. And i never stated what hours my husband used marijuana, now did I, we were talking about ME not so much him, He happens to use it all through the day in order for his spasticity not to be so bad that he can't walk!!! So in turn he has a higher tolerance and we can take a ride at night and share a joint and he is not intoxicated to the point that he cannot drive. As for the medicinal part on my behalf, i didn't say that i have NEVER taken a puff during the day, if you will recall my children are in school! And my mother in law is here all day and all night so if i want to leave at any given time i have the opportunity to do so. You are just picking out anything you can find that remotely sounds off so that you will have a way to justify your name calling and childish behaviour. The fact is you cannot point out to me an exact instance where I outright LIED. That is because i did not LIE. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill and for what? You have mentioned repeatedly that you disagree so what is your point in continuing to act like whining child? "mommy, I'm going to hold my breath until I get everyone to think like me!" What will you accomplish by continuing to pick this issue apart, will you feel better about yourself? Do you think God is going to come down and pat you on the back for something? what? Do you think that if we turn all the attention onto the new kid that no one will notice what an *** you are making of yourself by acting so rudely to a fellow christian? since when did Jesus condone the behaviour that you are displaying/ i don't recall anywhere in the bible that jesus said "Hey, go forth and trash those that believe differently than you. Call them names and taunt them to leave theology groups so that they cannot participate in learning more about me." Maybe there were times that Jesus was judgemental but sweetheart you aren't Jesus!


Banned by Mod
BTW - How absurd to think that you have nothing better to do with your time than try feebly to annoy me!

Fac ut vivas!


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Re: LivingDeadDolls lies

Re: LivingDeadDolls lies

Originally posted by Poly

Because I feel that calling sombody a liar shouldn't be done lightly and it should be backed up if one chooses to do so, I want to make it clear that I have done just that. I may call people names but liar is one I rarely use because I take being able to back up what you say very seriously. Not that LDD deserves this to pointed out to her because as far as I'm concerned she's come to the point that she now deserves no other explanations but for the benefit of others who may not realize that she really is a liar I submit the following.
Thanks! Saves me the trouble of reading the marijuana thread, which I haven't done yet.


Banned by Mod
Smack? I see no tangible evidence of lies. But if all Poly wants to do is spend her time trying to waste mine with this drivell then fine, so be it. But some of the things I said should be noted.


Banned by Mod
have you ever heard of slander? Oh, that's right, you only spend your time worrying about making fun of other people, how would you know anything of the outside world.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

I see no tangible evidence of lies.
Surprise, surprise!

Prosecutors generally don't try to convince defendants of their guilt. As Poly said, she's presenting this case "for the benefit of others."


New member
Yes Poly, I see some contradicting statements in LDD's responses. Just letting you know that your work was not in vain. ;)


Banned by Mod
Now that you've had your little fun, I'm going to venture off into other discussions now, this is an enormous waste of time and defeats the purpose of why I came here in the first place. And I can assure you that nothing you have said to me has effected my believe structure at all, if anything it has opened me up to the fact that you can't always expect people to act as you would think them to by their proclamations. Even Christians act wrongly, I was nieve in thinking otherwise. I'm sorry that you do not agree with what I do but that does not make it right for you to judge me, as I am doing nothing wrong by God. I am equally sorry that I have acted in some posts just as rudely as you have. I felt I was left with no choice but to fight rudeness with more rudeness and that proves to be useless. So I have to say that I apologize for the rude things I have said because my conscience compells me to do so. I really have nothing more to say to you in this matter. This has gone way too far as it is. It is obvious that we do not see things the same, I have not said I do not understand your point of view, I just don't see why you have to try so hard to not see mine. I do not have to be wrong for you to be right. If you want to further prove yourself un-christ-like then please, feel free to disturb my further endeavors in learning more about our saviour.

Blessings, Minerva


Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

Smack? I see no tangible evidence of lies. But if all Poly wants to do is spend her time trying to waste mine with this drivell then fine, so be it. But some of the things I said should be noted.

I really don't see any lies either, per se.

What I see are constant contradictions and boatloads or arrogant stupidity.

LDD wants to play a game of wits, but came to the rumble only half-armed.


Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

Now that you've had your little fun, I'm going to venture off into other discussions now, this is an enormous waste of time and defeats the purpose of why I came here in the first place.

and yet you returned to the thread and bumped it so you could receive more attention...and that's the real reason why you came to TOL and why you started the marijuana thread.


Banned by Mod
Originally posted by cattyfan

LDD wants to play a game of wits, but came to the rumble only half-armed.

I don't want to play any game with anyone, I only wanted to discuss what people thought about marijuana and the bible and what they thought about legalization. But when people started asking me personal questions I answered them. I suppose this is where I went wrong. because after that I was attacked personally, why should it matter what I do so much? I never wanted to have any of this go as far as it has but I didn't want to look like a ***** and back down from them either. And for it to have been one against many I think I was pretty brave to have held my own. I guess I just don't see why it is such a huge horrible deal. I'm not a murderer, I don't beat my children, I love a godly life as best I can, so what's the big deal? Just know that I didn't jump into this looking for a fight, it just turned into that over difference of opinion.


Formerly Shimei!
Don't worry, her husband has an IQ of almost 200. Maybe he can explain all of the contradictions. IQ of almost 200? Wow! He is off the charts!!!!


Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
my husband is remodling our home while running his business and remodwling other's homes and he is doing an excellent job of it ( have i ever mentioned that his IQ is almost 200?) he's quite a busy little bee


New member
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

With your first bit of accusations I am not sure exactly what you find a lie, just because I did not at first mention that I smoked it recreationally does not make it a lie, no one asked me a direct question that i respoded to with a lie, are you sure you know what a lie is? I never said I purely smoked it for medicinal reasons either. And as for why I came to this Christian forum, it's because I am a Christian and I wanted to converse with other Christians. You are preventing me from doing anything else because you keep hounding me about this one thing. Do you think God would approve of you hindering my attempts to become more knowledgable about religion?My reason for starting the marijuana thread was pure curiosity about what others thought on such a subject. As for your post that i did not respond to, I did not see it. Why do I care what the bible says? because I am a Christian and I want what I do to be right with God in my own heart.
As for the driving around thing, I never said that "I" drove, and that is because PERSONALLY I do not see well at night and i do not want to chance getting into an accident because of being stoned and not being able to see as it is. Therefore I am free to partake to whatever extent I wish because i am NOT DRIVING! My husband does not drive if he does not feel able to do so, as for his disease i do not feel compelled to explain every last point of detail about my loved ones illness to a person such as yourself, it would take entirely too long to do so and you are not worth my time as you have been quite rude to me.
But I will say that my husband does the driving because he feel safe to do so, everyone is different on how substances effect them. Where one person can take a shot of alcohol and not be drunk another might fall to the floor from it. And i never stated what hours my husband used marijuana, now did I, we were talking about ME not so much him, He happens to use it all through the day in order for his spasticity not to be so bad that he can't walk!!! So in turn he has a higher tolerance and we can take a ride at night and share a joint and he is not intoxicated to the point that he cannot drive. As for the medicinal part on my behalf, i didn't say that i have NEVER taken a puff during the day, if you will recall my children are in school! And my mother in law is here all day and all night so if i want to leave at any given time i have the opportunity to do so. You are just picking out anything you can find that remotely sounds off so that you will have a way to justify your name calling and childish behaviour. The fact is you cannot point out to me an exact instance where I outright LIED. That is because i did not LIE. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill and for what? You have mentioned repeatedly that you disagree so what is your point in continuing to act like whining child? "mommy, I'm going to hold my breath until I get everyone to think like me!" What will you accomplish by continuing to pick this issue apart, will you feel better about yourself? Do you think God is going to come down and pat you on the back for something? what? Do you think that if we turn all the attention onto the new kid that no one will notice what an *** you are making of yourself by acting so rudely to a fellow christian? since when did Jesus condone the behaviour that you are displaying/ i don't recall anywhere in the bible that jesus said "Hey, go forth and trash those that believe differently than you. Call them names and taunt them to leave theology groups so that they cannot participate in learning more about me." Maybe there were times that Jesus was judgemental but sweetheart you aren't Jesus!

Could you please use paragraphs? It makes your posts so much easier to read.


Banned by Mod
It's 168 to be exact, sorry to be so vague.

I could use paragraphs to make it easier to read, yes. I just don't have the mind set to do so when I am angry. Kind of like when I forget to take a breath when I am ranting. However, if you will note, I have accomodated you with the capitalization of my I's.
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