Looking for a church

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Free-Agent Smith

New member
What kind of church do you want to be part of?

Do you want to be in fellowship of a church that condones gay marriage or is against it?

Do you want to be in fellowship of a church that hides childmolesters or one that pushes them into the hands of justice?

Do you want to be in fellowship of a church that believes everyone is saved regardless or one that teaches that you must repent and believe that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and died for our salvation?

Do you want to be in fellowship of a church that believes God loves us all regardless or that even God has standards for our behavior?

You really don't have to answer these questions openly to me but it would be interesting to see how you would intepret God's opinion using verses from the Bible to answer them.


New member
Re: Looking for a church

Originally posted by servent101

I am looking for a church, a place to fellowship. I thought I would say what my leanings are and see if you there at TOL would know of a church I would be at home in... a place of similar values and beliefs.

I try to walk the walk of a fundamentalist but appreaciate the non-condeming attitude of the liberalist. See value in liberalist thinking. Would rather associate with a non condeming Spirit in people that is so hard to find at the fundamentalist camp.

Interpretation of Bible is not Literal; example -Doctrin of hell is one that is a warning to us not a place that everyone who does not believe in Jesus is condemned to spend eternity in.

Preterest - believe that the book of Revalation has allready happened and even Jesus return could of allready happened - not sure, but leaning this way.

May think of some more but will put these up for now... Please don't preach to me - I am just asking for information of churches with similar beliefs...Thanks.

I've never met anyone with your beliefs who call themselves a Christian. I don't think there is a single Christian Church out there for you. You'd have better luck with some type of self-help group. Something New Age-ish.


New member
I've never met anyone with your beliefs who call themselves a Christian. I don't think there is a single Christian Church out there for you. You'd have better luck with some type of self-help group. Something New Age-ish.

In reality there is only one church - and the idea of a denomination is something that is only here for a few hundred years - and this is not to say that the Orthodox -Greek or Catholic - had it right - church is an individual process - and the tares and wheat are growing up together - as Jesus instructed - until the day of judgment.

I do have a life apart from this board - and there are a lot of people with similar beliefs - people who are fed up with the dogma of the church, the separation of clergy and laity etc. The actual church in the Bible in no way resembles the church today - in code, mindset or framework. Your concepts and apologetics would be just as out of sorts with what the people believed and did back then - 100 A.D. as what you think mine are. Most of what you consider the church believes is white washed elevated saintly talk - that is Greek to most common people - and it quickly elevates people to their level of incompetence. - Food for thought I hope.

With Christ's Love



New member
How is that different than what you do here at TOL, even in this post?

I was not rude to Aimeil first - and I do struggle with posting as I do - but it is Aimiel who posts like that to me first, so I answer according to Scripture - answer a fool according to his folly. As well the example of Jesus - to the professing leaders and teachers - Jesus rebukes them quite harshly - self professed guides - who are blind.

If you take Jesus literally on hell - you are blind, and the truth is severely hampered in your life. The doctrine of literalism is what people are teaching - to take the words literally - and there was no such instilled orthodox mindset in the people Jesus was talking too. Many people are forced out of the church by the orthodox mindset - they take over the whole church building, and anyone who does not conform to the same energy feed is psychologically attacked by the likes of such as Aimiel.

If you are blind to this in the church - well when your compensation comes - it will be the just Wrath of God - take warning - while you still can.

How is the polite way to say what you believe about hell is absolutely insane? – and as well causes a neurosis that effects your mental stability?

With Christ's Love



Well-known member
Originally posted by servent101

I do have a life apart from this board - and there are a lot of people with similar beliefs - people who are fed up with the dogma of the church, the separation of clergy and laity etc.
Yes, for instance: Wickwoman, Beanieboy, etc..
The actual church in the Bible in no way resembles the church today - in code, mindset or framework. Your concepts and apologetics would be just as out of sorts with what the people believed and did back then - 100 A.D. as what you think mine are. Most of what you consider the church believes is white washed elevated saintly talk - that is Greek to most common people - and it quickly elevates people to their level of incompetence. - Food for thought I hope.
No, its gobbledey-gook. You're just dodging the issue, again. You've said nothing.
I was not rude to Aimeil first - and I do struggle with posting as I do - but it is Aimiel who posts like that to me first, so I answer according to Scripture - answer a fool according to his folly.
Where, after you said, so graciously, "...thanks for asking - appreciate your thoughtfulness," did I get 'rude' to you? I think that you're having flashbacks.
As well the example of Jesus - to the professing leaders and teachers - Jesus rebukes them quite harshly - self professed guides - who are blind.
I'm not 'self-professed,' I've been called, anointed and appointed by the Lord, with the confirmation by the laying on of hands by the presbetry.
If you take Jesus literally on hell - you are blind, and the truth is severely hampered in your life.
No, if you don't understand that Jesus described hell, literally, you are literally in danger of that fate, because you call Him a liar. You also demonstrate your own inability to endure sound doctrine.
The doctrine of literalism is what people are teaching - to take the words literally - and there was no such instilled orthodox mindset in the people Jesus was talking too.
No, they had been led astray, by blind fools, not unlike yourself, who professed to know The Lord, and who had only studied 'about' Him.
Many people are forced out of the church by the orthodox mindset - they take over the whole church building, and anyone who does not conform to the same energy feed is psychologically attacked by the likes of such as Aimiel.
Only in your mind.
If you are blind to this in the church - well when your compensation comes - it will be the just Wrath of God - take warning - while you still can.
Spoken like a true self-proclaimed 'prophet' who speaks for his god, Baal.
How is the polite way to say what you believe about hell is absolutely insane? – and as well causes a neurosis that effects your mental stability?
Your lack of credentials and poor responses to inquiries about your faith in The Lord mark your judgements as mere sideshows, designed to give you credability, and make others feel inferior. Wish you could see how poorly your 'show' isn't working, but, what with that blindness that plagues your spirit, I don't see how that should ever occur. You seem to be turning into what Mr. Smaller used to be, a repetitive, non-sensical broken record. Maybe we should buy you a smiley: :kookoo:


excellent post, Aimiel. Thorough, articulate, and right on point with the truth, as always.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by servent101
If you take Jesus literally on hell - you are blind, and the truth is severely hampered in your life.

What makes your opinion more valid than mine?


New member
Where, after you said, so graciously, "...thanks for asking - appreciate your thoughtfulness," did I get 'rude' to you?

I was sincere when I thanked you – but when you pressed – after being aware of the comments by the peanut gallery posters – to think you would still think it a good idea to post – and even to post to you – when you simply take the opposite view – if I say this – you say that – if I say that – you say this – you are just looking for a contentious issue to stir up.

But the point – why do you only condemn those who are outside of the so called church? – those who try to understand what the words say that make up the apologetics of the Christian faith – a person is safe from the likes of you as l ong as they just mindlessly say the jargon of your creeds, and don’t try to understand what exactly it is they are talking about. As for you – you would disagree with anyone who tries to understand what is being said, and from you posts , and your actions – you are quite willing to attempt to pull someone out onto the floor to have your fellow wolves try to tear to shreds their beliefs.

I'm not 'self-professed,' I've been called, anointed and appointed by the Lord, with the confirmation by the laying on of hands by the presbetry.

So what – every madman in religious history has been thus ordained – the same as you – in fact if you listed all the people who are thus as you are – they are ten times worse than those who have no such ordination – no one but an idiot would accept your self professed dictations as any proof of anything- except the ramblings of misguided soul in need of instruction and insight. By your own logic – how many people claim what you claim – and yet are in no way able to teach or preach?

What use is it to post such:
No, if you don't understand that Jesus described hell, literally, you are literally in danger of that fate, because you call Him a liar. You also demonstrate your own inability to endure sound doctrine.
You know what I am saying - No, if you understand that Jesus described hell, literally, you are currently in danger of that fate, because you call the Spirit of Truth a liar. You also demonstrate your own inability to understand sound doctrine.

Anyways I give up on you again for a while – I will not respond to you for a time.

Learn to reason and produce some reasonable discourse – for intelligent discussion of the Scripture. You have wshown great improvement – and hopefully there will be a time, when you actually turn you ability to teach the truth to the people to whom it is useful – to the lost in your own church.

With Christ’s Love



New member
A.S. You do no thave an opinion - you just have a mindless energy feed that is a result of a pysical adiction to adrenalin.

Think about it if you still can

With Christ's Love


Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by servent101

A.S. You do no thave an opinion - you just have a mindless energy feed that is a result of a pysical adiction to adrenalin.

Think about it if you still can

With Christ's Love

And here I was being civil towards you. What a shame you have to be so rude all the time.


Well-known member
Originally posted by servent101

I was sincere when I thanked you – but when you pressed – after being aware of the comments by the peanut gallery posters – to think you would still think it a good idea to post – and even to post to you – when you simply take the opposite view – if I say this – you say that – if I say that – you say this – you are just looking for a contentious issue to stir up.
If you're so poorly rooted and grounded in your faith, then why mention that you have any at all? If you are a believer, then why not defend your faith in The Word, and give some basis for people to perhaps understand you better, if you are able to take a stand at all, other than to simply dismiss everyone who has faith in The Word of God and decides that the faith, once delivered unto the saints, is enough for them? You make yourself an enemy of The Gospel, otherwise.
But the point – why do you only condemn those who are outside of the so called church?
Because The Body of Christ truly exists, but you can't quite come to grips with that, being outside of it. The preaching of The Cross is foolishness to you.
– those who try to understand what the words say that make up the apologetics of the Christian faith – a person is safe from the likes of you as l ong as they just mindlessly say the jargon of your creeds, and don’t try to understand what exactly it is they are talking about.
What, exactly, if anything, do you think that I (or anyone else, for that matter) don't understand? You seem to be, once again, simply dismissing people right and left, without any basis. Please be specific.
As for you – you would disagree with anyone who tries to understand what is being said, and from you(r) posts , and your actions – you are quite willing to attempt to pull someone out onto the floor to have your fellow wolves try to tear to shreds their beliefs.
Sorry about your 'symbols' being confused, but this is a matter of you (servant101) being a wolf, and parading around in sheep's clothing. It is evident to everyone but yourself.
So what – every madman in religious history has been thus ordained – the same as you – in fact if you listed all the people who are thus as you are – they are ten times worse than those who have no such ordination – no one but an idiot would accept your self professed dictations as any proof of anything- except the ramblings of misguided soul in need of instruction and insight.
I'm not asking you to accept anything that you're not able to. Obviously you don't even believe me when I tell you that I am a Christian. Where's your proof? You are a blind guide, and can't see much at all, since you're stranded in your little ditch.
By your own logic – how many people claim what you claim – and yet are in no way able to teach or preach?
Did you have someone specific in mind, or were you trying to dismiss all of Christendom?
What use is it to post such:
You know what I am saying - No, if you understand that Jesus described hell, literally, you are currently in danger of that fate, because you call the Spirit of Truth a liar.
I would never presume to do such a thing. He is The One who confirms His Word, and that Word says that hell is a real place.
You also demonstrate your own inability to understand sound doctrine.
Where do you find such foolishness (there is no hell) other than Universalism, paganism and every limp-wristed false religion on this earth? That's not sound doctrine, it's simple lies.
Anyways I give up on you again for a while – I will not respond to you for a time.
That's very mature, and won't promote your growth, but, rather, tend to make you fester in your own judgementalism.
Learn to reason and produce some reasonable discourse – for intelligent discussion of the Scripture.
Where do you believe I have been un-reasonable or not responded to reason, or lacked reasoning abilities? Please be specific. You're using blind accusations, once again, to cloud your own judgement. It has you by the nose.
You have wshown great improvement – and hopefully there will be a time, when you actually turn you ability to teach the truth to the people to whom it is useful – to the lost in your own church.
Were you to come to my church, I believe that thing would leave you, you'd come to a knowledge of The Truth, and come to know Him, so that when that thing comes back to you with ten of his friends, you'd be able to stand against him, instead of being in agreement with him, as you obviously are today. :devil:
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:


Well-known member
Originally posted by cattyfan

excellent post, Aimiel. Thorough, articulate, and right on point with the truth, as always.
My fan club now has a new President: CattyFan!!! :aimiel:


Well-known member

Obviously you need to keep 'church-shopping,' since you haven't joined one yet, that is able to deliver you from your current dilemma.

the Sibbie

New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

Have you ever tried Scientology?

Originally posted by 4 A.M. Prayer

Did you actually read his original post? The 'Hubbard' crapola is garbage gandalf, I will give you that but....

Servent wants a church, a loving Christian fellowship, not your Enyart horse-poo.

Where's your Popeye icon?

Perhaps I shouldn't have gone after the Enyart way of thinking but his request seemed to be sincere...
WHAT??!!!! :confused:



Well-known member
Originally posted by cattyfan

Hey! Is this by any chance a paid position?
It's a Fan Club, not a publicity gimmick. :aimiel:

Any and all opinions expressed by the fans of Aimiel do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Aimiel. See The Word of God for details. Now available in all states. Most especially valid where prohibited by law.
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