Pat Robertson Shows His Ignorance About Global Warming

The Horn

Yesterday, I was watching Pat Robertson's "700 Club", which I frequently watch for laughs .
The senile old coot was commenting on the recent snowstorm which covered much of America with snow ,
and laughingly said " This is global warming for you ", idiotically implying that the existence of snow disproves global warming . Like a typical ignorant American right-winger, he can't tell the difference between weather and climate .
The two are not the same a all . Global warming is an established scientific fact , and it is extremely dangerous to the world . Snow happens anyway . Climate change is a very gradual thing .
Weather is what is currently happening in the atmosphere . Climate is something which is observable over a very long period .
Don't blather about the supposed non-existence of of Global warming until to get a doctorate from a prestigious university in climatology and can disprove it . Apparently, Robertson got his from the University of Ignorance and Stupidity in the boondocks .
Robertson is a product of the toxic climate of anti-intellectualism in America which threatens all progress and reform in this country .


New member
Why don't you prove that carbon dioxide is responsible for the temperature difference between a earth without an atmosphere and a world with an atmosphere.?


Yesterday, I was watching Pat Robertson's "700 Club", which I frequently watch for laughs .

I'm sure that's how you spend you're time.

I'm not a big fan of it, but it's saved a lot of anonymous people from suicide and alcoholism. Those as yourself are just the vain, obnoxious part of society that wants to be more respected than they deserve to be :rolleyes:

Global warming is entirely perpetuated by the liberal agenda, for liberal interests. When it comes down to it, the platitudes you all shout on about with globa warming simply aren't evident- you've all recycled the same arguments for the past decade with nothing to show for it but 'trust the scientists'. And all the scientists have are speculation, wanting to believe that what they are looking at is an emerging crisis and not simply part of Earth's natural change.

Mocking You

New member
Is Pat Robertson the guy that can leg press 800 lbs.?

Anyway, climate change is occurring. The earth is getting warmer. The question is whether or not man is causing it to happen or if it is a naturally occurring event. One thing for sure--the proper response is not create a new tax and to invent a fake currency, carbon credits, and then compel governments to trade them amongst themselves so some nations may pollute while others must clean up their industry. The US leads the world in clean technologies and shouldn't have to be forced to restrict economic growth so another country can "catch up" by polluting with impunity.