PROFITING from TERRORISM: Mother of Terrorist gets $15,000 to look after baby


New member
Thats right:

months or years of planning went into Terrorist attack.

Including financial arrangements, in which the terrorist secured a $28,000 loan
to 'consolidate' his credit card debts.

While some of this may have gone toward buying assault rifles and supplies
for at least one terrorist attack,

the couple also PLANNED for their child to continue to live in the USA,
handing over $15,000 dollars in $5,000 dollar increments to avoid detection,
to the grandmother.

This money was acquired under false premises,
and given away in order to profit from the proceeds of their crime.

This baby and the grandparents need to be deported back to Pakistan,
and the money confiscated and used to pay for damages done to victims,
including medical bills.

If KENT HOVIND had to serve 8 years for merely not paying his taxes,
why should these sleazy creeps serve less than 10 years for fraud
and profiting from Terrorism?



stole money from American lenders,
to finance a terrorist crime,
after running up massive debts living beyond their means in the USA.

But worse, they actually think its morally viable to have their child (who admittedly is innocent),
continue to profit from fraudulent banking scams,
and continue to live in the USA as a citizen and beneficiary of Western Democracy.

They obviously didn't take this loan to consolidate their debt,
but rather to defraud lenders of an additional $30,000
to finance a terrorist attack and with amazing GALL,
provide for their child after their death in a hail of bullets driven by HATE for the USA.

Time to be less generous America,
and seize those bank accounts,
demand repayment of all loans,
and put these Pakistanis with no loyalty to the USA back on a plane to
a Pakistani Jail.