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Banned by Mod
Originally posted by billwald

Before WW2 there was very little race mixing and there was no advantage for a white person to pass as black. The book, "Black Like Me," was a best seller because of this. These days there is an economic advantge. When the City of Seattle decided to promote on the basis of race several previously white people turned into something else.

How can I discriminate against people that I can't visually identify unless they first invite discrimination?



Originally posted by billwald

Before WW2 there was very little race mixing and there was no advantage for a white person to pass as black. The book, "Black Like Me," was a best seller because of this. These days there is an economic advantge. When the City of Seattle decided to promote on the basis of race several previously white people turned into something else.

All the more reason for the government to stay out of the business of racism.


Well-known member
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll Here's a point i will start with, think about it, you go to the zoo, they put different monkeys, in different cages.
Different species? Of course.

They also often have to seperate the "adolescent" males from the rest of the group. In most primate groups there can be only one dominant male, and as the young males reach maturity, they are chased away by the dominant male. They might be killed if they are not removed from the enclosed environment. They live alone until they can eventually challenge another dominant male, successfully. Or until their human keepers give them a "family" of their own.

I don't really see how any of this relates to racism, though.


New member
Humanity is one specie but several breeds. Our origional ancestors camr from Africa and were probably black. Why else is black the dominant characteristic and white the recessive?


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Hall of Fame
I don't know about the dominant/recessive thing...I'm sure it's true, just don't know enough about it make an informed opinion.

There are differences; there's no two ways around that. I think people should make less of these differences and quit making mountains from molehills. Both sides are guilty of that.

People are just people and to suggest we need to separate blacks and whites (and presumably everybody else) is ignorant and absurd.


New member
Originally posted by Thia

I'm sorry, but that's our karma for bringing them over here as slaves in the first place! We made them dependent on us.

Maybe your family.

Part of my family was here before the whites or the blacks. Another part was Quaker, and didn't own slaves. And a few of those Friends overrode their profound distaste for war to fight to free them.

Nobody living today is a slave or owned one.


Yep, my family didn't come to the US until the turn of the 20th Century, no slave ownership in my family. :nono:


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by BillyBob

I imagine we all do.

Maybe yes, maybe no. For my part I don't think of them as the office "black guys." They're just a couple guys I work with.


Originally posted by granite1010

Maybe yes, maybe no. For my part I don't think of them as the office "black guys." They're just a couple guys I work with.

Sure, but if we are going to discuss racism, they will become the office 'black guys' for a time.


Banned by Mod
You say we should put differences ASIDE? give me a break, i think you should put more thought into the issue. It's not like there are only a few differences, there are multitudes of differences, and they have an ill effect in many areas. Do you even realize how much money goes out to them just to be able to allow them to SURVIVE!? Have you ever BEEN in a welfare office?!?!?! Have you ever even BEEN to the projects? Black people don't just look different than us you know, their bodies react diffrently than ours to diseases, males have differents hormones, they adapt differently to their surroundings and in social situations, tumors are found to be different, bones are different, left ventricular structure is different, they are less likely to leave a tip for services (yes they did a study on this), they have a higher infant mortality rate, crime, AIDS, welfare, did you know that they even do more poorly on IQ tests than white people? Now THINK ABOUT THIS....

An IQ of atleast 115 is considered necessary for a person to excel in college work or for top managerial and professional jobs in America, now...did you know that atleast 25% of blacks are below 75 in IQ..AND did you know...an IQ of 70-75 is considered borderline retarded by most psychologists..THINK...think about our children in the school system, it would make sense to group children in classrooms by ability right, that way the students that were more intelligent could reach their full potential by not being slowed down by students not as bright as them, if you grouped all students by IQ it would just about resegregate schools!!!!!! (once again statistics and studies ahow)But if you were to group children in schools by testing and it naturally segregated race you would have a million black people screaming that it was "unfair". That happens with jobs, and they scream about it being unfair, but it isn't, you do more poorly you are going to get paid less, but a black person that gets paid less than a white person is usually going to start screaming "racism". What about black college funds, are there any funds available to a person just becasue they are white???

If you think about some of this information as a whole you can see where it all points out that EQUAL RIGHTS is kind of ridicuous because we just aren't EQUAL, AND...as a matter of fact statistics show that not only are we not equal , but blacks do more poorly in most areas of evaluation. You can look this information up for yourself if you don't believe me. Statistics show it all.

And generally speaking black people are even animalistic in nature. Loud, traveling in "packs", you can even look up information about this!

Look at the fast food industry, you go to a fast food restaurant where the majority of people working in it are black, it is going to take FOREVER and when you finally do get your meal chances are it's gonna be wrong! I mean, how hard is the job really? But you know it's true. And half of the time you have to ask them to repeat themselves over and over because they don't even speak properly! I could go on and on about the differences, and the way that it all points to the fact that the black race, generally speaking is inferior to the white race.

NOW, don't go telling me that there are white people who fall into some of the same categories becasue i am well aware of this. I am speaking generally and statisticly. And yes, i have had many black friends. I am just a realist. And it is possible that PART of my opinion on the matter could be environmental in the fact that i live in a town where there are a lot of uneducated poor black people. But i have been other places, and i usually find the same scenerios. And i even have a friend who is black that will tell you many of the same things i have said here.

i just don't buy into the whole"my ancestors were slaves so everyone owes me something" bit. It's tired and it's absurd.


New member
Originally posted by Crow

Maybe your family.

Part of my family was here before the whites or the blacks. Another part was Quaker, and didn't own slaves. And a few of those Friends overrode their profound distaste for war to fight to free them.

Nobody living today is a slave or owned one.

That's not the point - the point is, America was into slave trading/owning at one time and that's how the Africans got here in the first place. England had the same odious practices.


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Hall of Fame
This latest freak sounds a LOT like crythvn. Anybody else with me on that?

Honey, here's a clue: racism's racism no matter how you sugar coat it.

I hafta ask, assuming everything you say is true, what's your solution? Your fix? What would you do about these issues if you had the power to do so?

Racists talk a good game about problems and usually don't own up to what they would LIKE to do about it, given a chance...
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