Redfin's SPOTD 6/7/2007

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:first: Way to go Bob!

pleasedtomeetme said:
Bad news for Intelligent Design advocates. Science keeps increasing our knowledge of the world in which we live.

It's great to be alive when new DISCOVERIES are made.

I can't wait for the ID/creationist response to this.

Wow, imagine that, a news article from Newsweek blowing Intelligent Design off the map!

"it is clear that evolution was able to take this entire structure and, with small modifications, direct its use toward a new function,” said Kosik. “Evolution can take these ‘off the shelf’ components and put them together in new and interesting ways.”

In case nobody noticed this is the same old party line that goes back many years in the evolutionary community.

That "old blind watchmaker" is certainly clever.

Random mutations indeed.

Have any of you gullible retards ever thought about how big genomes really are and calculated how many failures would be generated before a feasible pathway (if any exist) between a pile of miscellaneous components and a fully functional new capability would "appear"?

Try fitting piles of lumber waiting for assembly into a house into various random combinations and see how far that gets you in your building project.

And that would be a snap compared to what is going on in even the simplist cell around.


Classic truth + smack! :thumb:
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