Roman Catholic


Please look at the first post of this thread.

Can you help me with learn about 'Roman Catholic' belief systems.

Why did/do they consider themselves separate from other Christians when they ALSO follow Jesus?

How much effect does 'Roman' have on the religion and is it ancient 'Roman' as in part of the way the 'Roman Empire' thought?

there are some Catholics here. ask them.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why did/do they consider themselves separate from other Christians when they ALSO follow Jesus?

I believe that they believe that they are the true defenders of the faith, the unbroken line of popes since Christ gave Peter the keys to the kingdom

to them, everybody else is an apostate, to some degree

but i'm not a catholic

sacks and humour said:
How much effect does 'Roman' have on the religion and is it ancient 'Roman' as in part of the way the 'Roman Empire' thought?

i believe it's just 'cause the pope lives in rome :idunno:


New member
I believe that they believe that they are the true defenders of the faith, the unbroken line of popes since Christ gave Peter the keys to the kingdom

to them, everybody else is an apostate, to some degree

but i'm not a catholic

i believe it's just 'cause the pope lives in rome :idunno:

This answer is pretty accurate.

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Active member
Because of the Pope's speech on TED Talks

Roman - Is obviously in reference to the location of the Vatican but does it mean more than that?

No not really. Its called the Roman church because Constantine made it the state religion of the Roman Empire. Entirely for political reasons mind you.

Does it mean that the religion is tied to ancient Rome of Constantine?

Yes. Which is why the Catholic Church is head quarted in Rome. Rome was the seat and capital of the ancient Roman Empire.

The word ‘Catholic’ comes from the Greek phrase καθολου (kath’holou ), meaning ‘concerning the whole’. The word ‘Catholic’ can also be understood in English to mean ‘universal’.

It was a surprise to me that Catholic translated to these English phrases.

Another surprise is/was that Roman Catholic is separate from Christianity HOWEVER is generally viewed as part of Christianity?

Can any one help with my learning please?

The Roman Church as its correctly known believes ALL other religions to be heretical. It believes according to its dogma that it alone has a sole monopoly on the truth as they claim their lineage to the Apostle Peter whom they alledge was the first Bishop of Rome. Apart from this claim being entirely untrue, a claim which underpins the entire Roman Church faith and dogma the Roman Church functions as a secular organisation that is only nominally religious. The Russian Orthodox Church is the same. This is largely because both Churches are and were tied up in the secular governance of the nations they supported politically.

Saxon Hammer

New member
I believe that they believe that they are the true defenders of the faith, the unbroken line of popes since Christ gave Peter the keys to the kingdom

to them, everybody else is an apostate, to some degree

but i'm not a catholic

Quote Originally Posted by sacks and humour
How much effect does 'Roman' have on the religion and is it ancient 'Roman' as in part of the way the 'Roman Empire' thought?

i believe it's just 'cause the pope lives in rome :idunno:

Thanks that made sense of why they have/had that view.

I loved sacks and humour rofl - However the comment was serious and you probably answered with the 'unbroken line of Popes'.

Saxon Hammer

New member
No not really. Its called the Roman church because Constantine made it the state religion of the Roman Empire. Entirely for political reasons mind you.

Yes. Which is why the Catholic Church is head quarted in Rome. Rome was the seat and capital of the ancient Roman Empire.

The Roman Church as its correctly known believes ALL other religions to be heretical. It believes according to its dogma that it alone has a sole monopoly on the truth as they claim their lineage to the Apostle Peter whom they alledge was the first Bishop of Rome. Apart from this claim being entirely untrue, a claim which underpins the entire Roman Church faith and dogma the Roman Church functions as a secular organisation that is only nominally religious. The Russian Orthodox Church is the same. This is largely because both Churches are and were tied up in the secular governance of the nations they supported politically.

'The Roman Church as its correctly known' - Where is Catholic? Why is it added if it is not the correct name?

I can see that they claim the best position to have evaluated the 'evidence' of the time. However it is the 'direct line' thing which is borne out by the fact that Constantine the Roman Emperor of the time of the bible's creation provided for the foundations of the 'vatican city'. I would assume that they have an extensive library of writings by a vast array of people over history.

To say that RC is secular is GROSS as they have the most 'ritualist' of masses (if that is a correct word).

Most religions get involved with government and that should be a good thing as they provide 'moral' direction. However this again is through the hands of fallible man and we all know how power corrupts. Additionally there is the conflict that exists between Government and Church that caused many churches to need political support to survive.


New member
I was a devout Baptist. Now I am a devout Catholic. I have studied extensively on multiple faiths am theologies. If you have questions, I am open for discussion.

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Please don't misunderstand. I am in no way endorsing the perverted Catholic gospel of faith plus works, Mary and Pope veneration or the abomination of the mass. Catholics have so much baggage but luckily for them that Christ upholds the universe by the Word of his power so nothing is impossible for him.


New member
Please don't misunderstand. I am in no way endorsing the perverted Catholic gospel of faith plus works, Mary and Pope veneration or the abomination of the mass. Catholics have so much baggage but luckily for them that Christ upholds the universe by the Word of his power so nothing is impossible for him.

I respect such a statement (and you as a consequence) because it demonstrates a lack of hypocrisy, which is admirable and logical.

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New member
I respect such a statement (and you as a consequence) because it demonstrates a lack of hypocrisy, which is admirable and logical.

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Vampires are Protestant males who preach grace. Witches are Protestant females who preach grace. Werewolves are Catholic priests who actively preach grace. This is how the world views the conversion experience of the Christian. When the gospel penetrates the hardened heart of man it is akin to the bite of the Vampire but in God's view the gospel minister is the good guy and in the world's view he is a bad guy. Also the relationship between Vampires and Werewolves is sometimes good but more often they are mortal enemies. Which exactly aligns with the relationship between Protestants and Catholics over the centuries. We're all just Vampires, Witches and Werewolves in the eyes of the world.


New member

Vampires are Protestant males who preach grace. Witches are Protestant females who preach grace. Werewolves are Catholic priests who actively preach grace. This is how the world views the conversion experience of the Christian. When the gospel penetrates the hardened heart of man it is akin to the bite of the Vampire but in God's view the gospel minister is the good guy and in the world's view he is a bad guy. Also the relationship between Vampires and Werewolves is sometimes good but more often they are mortal enemies. Which exactly aligns with the relationship between Protestants and Catholics over the centuries. We're all just Vampires, Witches and Werewolves in the eyes of the world.

That is a very interesting analogy. It honestly fits very well with modern (worldly) culture; always portraying Christianity as conniving creatures bent to do evil to the world. I really like this. Excellent analogy, friend. And well worded.

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Patrick Cronin

New member
The Church Jesus founded was not discriminatory, but for all; "Go therefore teach all nations..." so a Church that does not both claim to be worldwide and is not actually worldwide cannot be the one Church which Jesus founded.
That is why the Church has been called catholic since the earliest centuries. Even the Apostles' creed makes 'catholic' a part of Christian faith.
The "Roman" bit,comes merely from the fact that both Sts. Peter and St. Paul were martyred in Rome. Paul went there in chains, but Peter went there intentionally to set up his headquarters in the centre of the current empire, so that the message of Christ could be more easily spread throughout the world. The successors of Peter are still bishops of Rome. Hence "Roman" and "Catholic" are the signs of the genuine Church of Jesus Christ.