☞ Is evangelism a duty for all believers or is an evangelist a church office role to be guided by the local church?
☞ Does your church practice any form of church discipline? If so, what were the general issues (no specifics please!) that were being dealt with and what was the ruling of the church?
☞ How do you witness to {insert group here-, e.g., Mormons, JWs, Non-belivers, Muslims, Catholics, etc.}?
☞ Should pastors attend seminary? Why? Why not?
☞ Is belief in a young-earth age more biblical than an old-earth age view?
☞ Does your church have a published statement of faith or statement afforming one of the historical creeds or confessions?
☞ Does Hell exist?
☞ Is belief in the diety of Christ an essential belief if one claims to be Christian?
☞ Does Romans 7:15-24 describe the experience of one who is saved, not saved, or is it theoretical?
☞ What does "free will" mean?
☞ Do Christians sin?
☞ What are the essentials/non-essentials of the Christian faith?
☞ Is sanctification monergistic or synergistic?
☞ Other than our Lord and the writers of Scripture, who would you say was the best theologian from history (dead guys)? Who do you think is the best living theologian?
☞ Is membership in a church required by the Bible?
☞ Does God know the future?
☞ Are you a
creationist or a traducianist?
☞ For apologetical methods do you prefer
evidentialism or presuppositionalism?
☞ Do you believe in a rapture of believers and then a period of tribulation before the Second Coming of our Lord?
☞ Should women be ordained as pastors (teaching elders)?
☞ What is the most significant thread to the visible church today?
☞ Should a convicted pedophile who has served his sentence, evidenced true repentance, professes the faith, been baptised, and is a fruitful, active church member who claims to be called to preach be ordained?
☞ You have the thirty-minute opportunity to influence and speak one-on-one privately with the President of the United States. What would you discuss?
☞ Does meaningless evil exist?
☞ If you could teach one course to future pastors in a seminary, what would that course be?
☞ Should a believer marry a non-believer or someone who does not share their particular faith-based views?
☞ Did our Lord atone for a particular group of persons or for each and every person who ever lived, is living, or will live before the Second Coming?
☞ When the Divine
Logos (God the Son) assumed a human nature, was this human nature individuated? In other words, could this human nature have independently existed without the Divine
☞ Will there be "free will" in heaven?
☞ Are images of any member of the Trinity seen in paintings, books, etc., a violation of the Second Commandment?
☞ Should infants be baptised?
☞ Who do you think is the writer of Hebrews?
☞ Did the Divine
Logos (God the Son) set aside any of his divine attributes when assuming a human nature at the Incarnation? In other words, was God the Son still omnipotent, omnipresent, etc?
☞ What authority do you believe pastor's possess?
☞ Is man dichotomous (body, soul) or trichotomous (body, soul, spirit)?
☞ Who are the Two Witnesses in Revelation?
☞ Is the church the true Israel?
☞ Should we consult Bible commentaries and other man-made documents to increase our knowledge of the teachings of Scripture? Why? Why not?
☞ Are you big-T "Theonomist" (e.g., Rushdoony, Bahnsen, wherein the OT moral law not only is binding in the NT era, but the OT judicial law is binding,
mutatis mutandis, in the NT era.)?
☞ Is the wrath of God eternal?
☞ How do you discern God's will?
☞ Should there be lawsuits among Christians?
☞ Is faith itself righteous?
☞ How should we understand the Imprecatory Psalms?
☞ Why is Adam's sin more important than Eve's?
☞ What does it mean to say the Bible is self-authenticating?
☞ Can a person be 100% assured that he or she is saved?
☞ Must we always forgive another?
☞ Faith first, then regeneration or regeneration, then faith?
☞ Do you believe in original sin?