toldailytopic: Are pro sports organizations liable for the longterm injuries that the

The Barbarian

The government (via the courts) will ultimately force the NFL to pay these athletes billions of dollars, yet wine and moan about paying a injured war veteran a small retirement.

For the last four years, the Bush Administration has been encouraging congressional Republicans to reduce veterans’ benefits and health care; most of the time they backed down in the face of strong Democratic opposition. Now the administration seems to have switched tactics: give today to take away even more tomorrow. The 2006 budget appears to be only the beginning of the administration’s drive to decrease the veterans’ budget...Last year the head of the Veterans of Foreign Wars called a similar Bush Administration budget “disgraceful” and “deplorable.” In the coming years, if Bush is relected, we can expect the VFW to use words like “even more disgraceful” and “even more deplorable.”

Liberals are jerks.

I don't think that's a liberal.


New member
Hall of Fame
So, anyway... :) I do feel sorry for the guys from the earlier years who didnt make an insane amount of money and now have problems. I dont think they should be awarded millions, but helping them with healthcare seems like the right thing to do. Do NFL teams have workmans comp insurance? I'm not totally sure how it works but I'm pretty sure if a guy working for me got hurt with permanent disabilities he going to get some sort of compensation.


New member
So... what do you think?

Should the NFL and other pro sports organizations be held liable for the injuries that may have a lasting effect on the athletes who played in their sport? Or is it the chance you take to play a contact sport? After all you are being paid a huge sum of money to play in the league.

It depends entirely on whether or not there was deception or negligence involved on the part of the teams or the league as a whole. If, for example, they pressured players to continue to play injured without properly informing them of the extent of their injuries and the possible long term effects, then there's going to be a degree of liability involved. On the other hand if the players were fully informed of these things and made the decision to play anyway, then the responsibility is entirely theirs.


New member
Hall of Fame
It depends entirely on whether or not there was deception or negligence involved on the part of the teams or the league as a whole. If, for example, they pressured players to continue to play injured without properly informing them of the extent of their injuries and the possible long term effects, then there's going to be a degree of liability involved. On the other hand if the players were fully informed of these things and made the decision to play anyway, then the responsibility is entirely theirs.

This pretty much sums it up. And yes, providing health coverage after they leave the game is the least the league can do (short, of course, of insulting stipends and pretty much doing nothing at all).


I notice liberals detested him, and conservatives and conservative organizations supported him. So yeah, reality does matter.

If you weren't so stupid I'd take a few minutes and explain to you the enormity of political power and the fierceness to which both parties will fight to control it.

But teaching my dog to read Shakespeare would take less time.


Liberals detest anyone that doesn't talk with a lisp.

This guy talks with a lisp:



Back to topic:

I heard an interview with John McClain today..

John_Mc.jpg, not that one. This guy is a football writer for the Houston Chronicle.


Yeah, that's him. Anyway, he said that Junior Seau was ripped off by an investor to the tune of $5 million dollars. He was speculating that was perhaps the catalyst that made Seau commit suicide.

The Barbarian

If you weren't so stupid I'd take a few minutes and explain to you the enormity of political power and the fierceness to which both parties will fight to control it.

You'd wet your pants if you face to face with what it's really like. The fact remains; conservatives loved Bush, and liberals detested him.

But teaching my dog to read Shakespeare would take less time.

And then he'd be smarter than you. Probably already is.