Tolerance vs Godliness


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

I can certainly discern you haven't invested much time in Judeo-Christianity. But if you insist on being the mayor of pantheologyville, be my guest.

i only claimed to be a Panthologist, not any sort of politicians. Don't give me creadence i don't ask for.
*edit* almost forgot... There are so many thousands of religions and i have but one mind and one set of eyes. Don't get your ego in a bunch because i don't have as good of a hold on it as someone who is currently practicing it. :doh:

Let me guess:

Pan: all
Theology: study of the nature of God (god(s))

Very good a study of the nature behind Gods.
So where is your problem?

Making a statement you can't back up doesn't automatically make you right either.
wha t have i not backed up, and i will.



I think it's more along the lines of anami being a pantheist rather than "pantheologist" or "pantheologian". [/QUOTE]

anami is the very last person who will care what you title it, or what it believes.:jump:


New member
Originally posted by servent101


I also suspect that lighthouse and nineveh are addicted to adrenalin - a substance that is produced when one is outraged - their posts suggest that they are outraged at whatever does not agree with their view - they simply twist the facts so their brain chemistry is altered so their adrenalin is available to them. Adrenalin is a very addictive substance. Too bad all they can do is perceive reality in a way in which they trick their minds to think there is a crisis – and no matter how much we try to tell them it is they who are bringing a mockery to the Lord’s Ministry – they just perceive our behavior in a way which allows their body chemistry to provide the adrenalin to continue on with what they perceive as the good fight.

With Christ's Love


Servent 101,

Thank you for this note. It is always good to have verification, i keep having to check my posts to see if i'm the adrenalyn junkie. They keep telling me i am fiestier than i thought i was being. i agreed with what you are saying, but i wouldn't presume so without the reality check. Thanks for that!

With Christ's and every ripple of love he ever made,


p.s. i edited this so that i wouldn't be rude, forgot a capital C.


New member
Who said that tolerance is a virtue? To tolerate is to denigrate the dignity of a person. It is hardly acceptance - love. Tolerance can have and in most cases probably has limits - true love does not.


New member
Originally posted by temple 2000

Who said that tolerance is a virtue? To tolerate is to denigrate the dignity of a person. It is hardly acceptance - love. Tolerance can have and in most cases probably has limits - true love does not.

Jesus practiced tolerance. That is the argument for everything else around here.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Love means not tolerating damaging behaviors, and activities, as well as other things.


God in the Old Testament and in Revelation is intolerant; Fundamentalism at Bob Jones University is godliness.


New member
Who said that tolerance is a virtue? To tolerate is to denigrate the dignity of a person. It is hardly acceptance - love. Tolerance can have and in most cases probably has limits - true love does not.

Yes - what we are left with is faith, hope and Love - and the greatest of these is Love.

Seems that some people have the gift of bringing the lost back to the Lord - calling them to repentance - but when everyone tries this - and is told that the amount the "world" rejects you is a gage of how much one loves the Lord... well it just does not wash.

With Christ's Love



Merely Christian
Originally posted by anami

i only claimed to be a Panthologist, not any sort of politicians. Don't give me creadence i don't ask for.
*edit* almost forgot... There are so many thousands of religions and i have but one mind and one set of eyes. Don't get your ego in a bunch because i don't have as good of a hold on it as someone who is currently practicing it. :doh:

There ya go again, trying to assess people's moods....

According to firechyld that means you are "practicing" a "tool".

Very good a study of the nature behind Gods.
So where is your problem?

Judeo Christianity can't be part of your "all". Christ stands opposed to being part of "all".

wha t have i not backed up, and i will.

Then go reply to the post I called you attention to on the other thread.

anami is the very last person who will care what you title it, or what it believes.:jump:

You labled yourself. I simply think you are mistaken.

Jesus practiced tolerance. That is the argument for everything else around here.

mmhm. He was so tolerant of the money changers and pharisees. Maybe you haven't read that part yet.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101


Yes - what we are left with is faith, hope and Love - and the greatest of these is Love.

Seems that some people have the gift of bringing the lost back to the Lord - calling them to repentance - but when everyone tries this - and is told that the amount the "world" rejects you is a gage of how much one loves the Lord... well it just does not wash.

This coming from a "non salvationist"?

You might also want to remember it was Christ speaking to His disciples when he said, remember if the world hates you it hated Me first.

You aren't hated because of your witness to Christ, non-salvationist. I haven't seen your witness to Christ once on TOL. Even when asked.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

There ya go again, trying to assess people's moods....


According to firechyld that means you are "practicing" a "tool".

How and in what way am i practicing what kind of tool. And who says that someone i have never met from Austrailia can assess my spiritual life accuratly, through the medium of you?

In short, this is out of the blue, what de heck are you talkin about?

Judeo Christianity can't be part of your "all". Christ stands opposed to being part of "all".
No your interpretation of the bible stands opposed to being part of all. It's an ego thing. Pantheology is the study of all religions, so regardless of the beliefs of those who practice a picticular religion, it can not be left out in the study of all religions.

The go reply to the post I called you attention to on the other thread.

Ask me as many times as you want, i will not waste my time defending my typos, and trying to think of clever smilies to respond to your smilies. Get over it, i came here to debate not play i'm rubber you're glue.

You labled yourself. I simply think you are mistaken.


mmhm. He was so tolerant of the money changers and pharisees. Maybe you haven't read that part yet.

Why do you keep saying read that part yet?
Honey, i have read the bible more times than you are years old. i do not have much of it committed to memory, and have found that would only be helpful in life, here and here only. Just because he lost it and was being judgmental that does not mean that it was the point of his message.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by anami

Oh please, you've been inaccurate now 4 times.

How and in what way am i practicing what kind of tool. And who says that someone i have never met from Austrailia can assess my spiritual life accuratly, through the medium of you?

Pantheology is a tool used to compare religions. That was from someone taking comparitive religion in school (firechyld).

You are a "panteist - Judeo-Christianity".

In short, this is out of the blue, what de heck are you talkin about?

I'm sure you can follow along if you try.

No your interpretation of the bible stands opposed to being part of all. It's an ego thing. Pantheology is the study of all religions, so regardless of the beliefs of those who practice a picticular religion, it can not be left out in the study of all religions.

Only if you don't wanna be "pan" theological.

Ask me as many times as you want, i will not waste my time defending my typos, and trying to think of clever smilies to respond to your smilies. Get over it, i came here to debate not play i'm rubber you're glue.

I have no clue what you are talking about, but it's this post, I'm talking about.

You said you were "pantheological" I say you are a "pantheist".

Why do you keep saying read that part yet?

That was your excuse for butchering Jonah, that and you "forgot" how the story went.

Honey, i have read the bible more times than you are years old.

Sweetiepie, that doesn't stop you from forgetting most of it. Either that or you just haven't ever payed attention to what it says.

i do not have much of it committed to memory,


and have found that would only be helpful in life, here and here only.

Well, for you at least, here at TOL.

Just because he lost it and was being judgmental that does not mean that it was the point of his message.

Jesus Christ "lost it"? Do you even know what He said?


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

Pantheology is a tool used to compare religions. That was from someone taking comparitive religion in school (firechyld).
According only to her school, that is it's definition, don't believe everything you hear. one comparative religions course which is not even her main feild of study, does not make her an expert.

You are a "panteist - Judeo-Christianity".

Don't call me names!
Truth is you have no idea and couldn't know me well enough to title me, why are you trying.

If i am a panteist does that make me worship panties? Again, you are really coming from left field here.

oh and when i say something has no relevance to the conversation a good argument is not "if you tried you would understand."

I'm sure you can follow along if you try.
Only if you don't wanna be "pan" theological.

elemantary jibes are above. (i get harped at if i don't answer at all.)

I have no clue what you are talking about, but it's this post, I'm talking about.

ok, answered again.

You said you were "pantheological" I say you are a "pantheist".

whatever, it is a word no one knows the definition of anyway, so fling it around however you want, nothing changes in reality land, roses smelling as sweet and all that. i am definatly not a panthiest as i follow nothing.

That was your excuse for butchering Jonah, that and you "forgot" how the story went.

i did no such thing as butcher Jonah by interpreting "his book" differently than you.

Well, for you at least, here at TOL.

Jesus Christ "lost it"? Do you even know what He said?

i was just insinuating that he is human and makes mistakes.
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Merely Christian
Originally posted by anami

According only to her school, that is it's definition, don't believe everything you hear. one comparative religions course which is not even her main feild of study, does not make her an expert.

She was the only one to offer the definition. The only other places I could even locate the word were pagan websites. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Don't call me names!
Truth is you have no idea and couldn't know me well enough to title me, why are you trying.

From what you have said, what you actually know and how you use terms.

If i am a panteist does that make me worship panties? Again, you are really coming from left field here.

I deserved that, I mocked your typos...

But as a pantheist yes, "panties" would be part of your god too :)

oh and when i say something has no relevance to the conversation a good argument is not "if you tried you would understand."

So far, when something has "no relevence" to you it's because you can't recall the argument you are making.

elemantary jibes are above. (i get harped at if i don't answer at all.)

It seems to be the only thng you will reply to. When it comes to discussing your beliefs you cop out.

ok, answered again.

Again? You told me it was "too stupid" to reply to. But, that thread is on the list, so I'll see when I get there.

whatever, it is a word no one knows the definition of anyway, so fling it around however you want, nothing changes in reality land, roses smelling as sweet and all that. i am definatly not a panthiest as i follow nothing.

So you are an atheist studying pantheology? (and butchering Judeo-
Christianity as a hobby on the side?)

i did no such thing as butcher Jonah by interpreting "his book" differently than you.

It wasn't about a "spin" you could put to it, it was about ignoring the whole last half of the book.

i was just insinuating that he is human and makes mistakes.

You aren't very "pan" theological when it comes to Judeo-Christianity.