Trump Conspiracy Theory


New member
Donald Trump is not running for president, but is in fact a plant by the Hillary campaign to get middle-to-left-wing voters to despise the GOP enough to vote for any Democrat, even Hillary, and to prevent whoever ends up being her Republican opponent from having a strong, dedicated base after Trump is done stirring the pot.

Prediction: His soundbites will get increasingly absurd, sending his supporters (30% of Republicans?) into disarray, until just the dumbest among them are clinging on to his vapid platitudes ("Make America Great Again") and xenophobic trolling (Muslim ID badges, banning Muslim entry into the US, Mexicans are rapists etc.). The ones that leave his camp will scatter to other candidates, leaving nobody with a large base going into nomination time. It doesn't matter who gets the nomination; their support will be smaller and weaker than it would have been without Trump's meddling. This will make it that much easier for Hillary to win the general election, assuming she is the Democratic nominee. And if Trump ends up being the nominee, all the better for Hillary. Trump would put up a weak fight and/or purposefully alienate/radicalize more Republicans with crazy policy proposals and soundbites. An independent run by Trump would split the Republican vote.

His motive: Trump does not have a political career in the balance, and does not have a reputation to maintain, so he doesn't need to watch what he says like other candidates. In fact, the more outlandish he becomes, the more headlines he steals. He becomes a larger celebrity and anticipates increased income from reality TV and other entertainment as he gets older and decreases his involvement in his real estate and other business ventures.

Evidence: Basically everything Trump has done so far in this race. He has brought to the fore of the national debate issues that were previously not in the spotlight, but are ones Democrats can pull in swing voters, especially when they compare their stance to a radicalized GOP: see especially immigration and freedom of religion. Trump is also good friends with the Clintons, having donated to her senate and presidential campaigns. They attended his 2005 wedding. Bill plays golf with Trump.

I am not alone in this guess:

National Review: "But what if beating Hillary Clinton isn’t a priority for Donald Trump? After all, this is a man who was a registered Democrat until 2009 and who gave a clear majority of his political contributions to Democrats until 2012 — including Democrats like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton. I have no doubt that should Hillary Clinton become president Donald Trump will praise her once again, and he would, in his own words, 'do very well doing it.'" ...earlier... "The mischievous Bill Clinton also no doubt loves playing political footsie with Trump. It will be a political gift for Hillary’s chances to become president if a Donald Trump who was spurned by Republicans were to wind up making a third-party bid in 2016 — a move which would probably allow Hillary to repeat Bill’s feat of winning the presidency with only 43 percent of the vote in 1992 (thanks to the 19 percent won by Ross Perot’s independent candidacy). Late last month, Trump told The Hill newspaper that the odds of him mounting a third-party bid will “absolutely” increase if he views the Republican National Committee as being unfair to him. 'The RNC has not been supportive,' he said. 'The RNC has been, I think, very foolish.' He noted that 'so many people want me to [run third-party], if I don’t win' the Republican nomination."

Gawker: "It would, of course, be incredible—and virtually unprecedented in modern American politics—if a major party’s top candidate were to run a campaign for the purpose of electing that party’s most imposing political opponent. So what exactly supports the theory that Trump is such a candidate? Though he has recently rebranded himself as the only Republican brave enough to speak the truth about undocumented immigrants, his past associations and political positions suggest the theory is, if not entirely believable, not exactly implausible, either.

There are three main lines of argument supporting the assertion that Donald Trump is running a false flag campaign:

(1) Trump cannot possibly be considered either a Republican or a conservative, once you account for his apparent political beliefs (many of which are remarkably liberal) and concrete policy proposals (or lack thereof).
(2) Trump has close ties to both Hillary and Bill Clinton, and has in fact donated to her and other Democrats’ campaigns in the past.
(3) Trump’s apparent intent to run on an independent ticket—should he lose the Republican nomination—indicates he cares more about splitting the Republican vote (essentially ensuring the election of a Democratic president) than he does about actually electing Republicans. He also lacks the wherewithal and/or long-term funding to mount a legitimate presidential campaign were he to become the actual Republican nominee." ...
"Trump has focused his campaign on an issue that exposes the Republican Party to attacks from both its base (who want the party to move to the right) and Democrats (who have an obvious interest in portraying opponents of immigration reform—that is, most Republicans—as racist lunatics). If you were Hillary Clinton, it would be hard not to appreciate the strategic advantage of Trump’s campaign, which is doing the work of discrediting the Republican Party among its own voters, and the general public, for free."

Justin Raimondo: "[Trump’s] ties to the Clintons, his past pronouncements which are in such blatant contradiction to his current fulminations, and the cries of joy from the Clintonian gallery and the media (or do I repeat myself) all point to a single conclusion: the Trump campaign is a Democratic wrecking operation aimed straight at the GOP’s base.
Donald Trump is a false-flag candidate. It’s all an act, one that benefits his good friend Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party that, until recently, counted the reality show star among its adherents. Indeed, Trump’s pronouncements—the open racism, the demagogic appeals, the faux-populist rhetoric—sound like something out of a Democratic political consultant’s imagination, a caricature of conservatism as performed by a master actor."

Of course, none of this really angers me, and it's not a position I take seriously, because I don't take politics seriously. If anything, I would appreciate the work Trump and Clinton are doing to reveal how silly this whole process is, how corrupt both political parties are, and how gullible voters are.

I'm also breaking my own No Conspiracy Theory Rule (oops!).


New member
Alex Jones called and wants his conspiracy theory back.

Seriously, Donald Trump is a liberal. Dumocrat or Republican are the same these days. The media is pretending to be all worried about him. They don't care. The country goes down the toilet either way.


Well-known member
Donald Trump is not running for president, but is in fact a plant by the Hillary campaign to get middle-to-left-wing voters to despise the GOP enough to vote for any Democrat, even Hillary, and to prevent whoever ends up being her Republican opponent from having a strong, dedicated base after Trump is done stirring the pot.

Prediction: His soundbites will get increasingly absurd, sending his supporters (30% of Republicans?) into disarray, until just the dumbest among them are clinging on to his vapid platitudes ("Make America Great Again") and xenophobic trolling (Muslim ID badges, banning Muslim entry into the US, Mexicans are rapists etc.). The ones that leave his camp will scatter to other candidates, leaving nobody with a large base going into nomination time. It doesn't matter who gets the nomination; their support will be smaller and weaker than it would have been without Trump's meddling. This will make it that much easier for Hillary to win the general election, assuming she is the Democratic nominee. And if Trump ends up being the nominee, all the better for Hillary. Trump would put up a weak fight and/or purposefully alienate/radicalize more Republicans with crazy policy proposals and soundbites. An independent run by Trump would split the Republican vote.

His motive: Trump does not have a political career in the balance, and does not have a reputation to maintain, so he doesn't need to watch what he says like other candidates. In fact, the more outlandish he becomes, the more headlines he steals. He becomes a larger celebrity and anticipates increased income from reality TV and other entertainment as he gets older and decreases his involvement in his real estate and other business ventures.

Evidence: Basically everything Trump has done so far in this race. He has brought to the fore of the national debate issues that were previously not in the spotlight, but are ones Democrats can pull in swing voters, especially when they compare their stance to a radicalized GOP: see especially immigration and freedom of religion. Trump is also good friends with the Clintons, having donated to her senate and presidential campaigns. They attended his 2005 wedding. Bill plays golf with Trump.

I am not alone in this guess:

National Review: "But what if beating Hillary Clinton isn’t a priority for Donald Trump? After all, this is a man who was a registered Democrat until 2009 and who gave a clear majority of his political contributions to Democrats until 2012 — including Democrats like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton. I have no doubt that should Hillary Clinton become president Donald Trump will praise her once again, and he would, in his own words, 'do very well doing it.'" ...earlier... "The mischievous Bill Clinton also no doubt loves playing political footsie with Trump. It will be a political gift for Hillary’s chances to become president if a Donald Trump who was spurned by Republicans were to wind up making a third-party bid in 2016 — a move which would probably allow Hillary to repeat Bill’s feat of winning the presidency with only 43 percent of the vote in 1992 (thanks to the 19 percent won by Ross Perot’s independent candidacy). Late last month, Trump told The Hill newspaper that the odds of him mounting a third-party bid will “absolutely” increase if he views the Republican National Committee as being unfair to him. 'The RNC has not been supportive,' he said. 'The RNC has been, I think, very foolish.' He noted that 'so many people want me to [run third-party], if I don’t win' the Republican nomination."

Gawker: "It would, of course, be incredible—and virtually unprecedented in modern American politics—if a major party’s top candidate were to run a campaign for the purpose of electing that party’s most imposing political opponent. So what exactly supports the theory that Trump is such a candidate? Though he has recently rebranded himself as the only Republican brave enough to speak the truth about undocumented immigrants, his past associations and political positions suggest the theory is, if not entirely believable, not exactly implausible, either.

There are three main lines of argument supporting the assertion that Donald Trump is running a false flag campaign:

(1) Trump cannot possibly be considered either a Republican or a conservative, once you account for his apparent political beliefs (many of which are remarkably liberal) and concrete policy proposals (or lack thereof).
(2) Trump has close ties to both Hillary and Bill Clinton, and has in fact donated to her and other Democrats’ campaigns in the past.
(3) Trump’s apparent intent to run on an independent ticket—should he lose the Republican nomination—indicates he cares more about splitting the Republican vote (essentially ensuring the election of a Democratic president) than he does about actually electing Republicans. He also lacks the wherewithal and/or long-term funding to mount a legitimate presidential campaign were he to become the actual Republican nominee." ...
"Trump has focused his campaign on an issue that exposes the Republican Party to attacks from both its base (who want the party to move to the right) and Democrats (who have an obvious interest in portraying opponents of immigration reform—that is, most Republicans—as racist lunatics). If you were Hillary Clinton, it would be hard not to appreciate the strategic advantage of Trump’s campaign, which is doing the work of discrediting the Republican Party among its own voters, and the general public, for free."

Justin Raimondo: "[Trump’s] ties to the Clintons, his past pronouncements which are in such blatant contradiction to his current fulminations, and the cries of joy from the Clintonian gallery and the media (or do I repeat myself) all point to a single conclusion: the Trump campaign is a Democratic wrecking operation aimed straight at the GOP’s base.
Donald Trump is a false-flag candidate. It’s all an act, one that benefits his good friend Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party that, until recently, counted the reality show star among its adherents. Indeed, Trump’s pronouncements—the open racism, the demagogic appeals, the faux-populist rhetoric—sound like something out of a Democratic political consultant’s imagination, a caricature of conservatism as performed by a master actor."

Of course, none of this really angers me, and it's not a position I take seriously, because I don't take politics seriously. If anything, I would appreciate the work Trump and Clinton are doing to reveal how silly this whole process is, how corrupt both political parties are, and how gullible voters are.

I'm also breaking my own No Conspiracy Theory Rule (oops!).

mmmm ... are you old enough to remember a little guy named Ross Perot?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I dont know what worries more about trump.

That he is that stupid he belives what he says

or he that is that deceitful that he doesn't care that he lies


New member
Donald Trump is not running for president, but is in fact a plant by the Hillary campaign to get middle-to-left-wing voters to despise the GOP enough to vote for any Democrat, even Hillary, and to prevent whoever ends up being her Republican opponent from having a strong, dedicated base after Trump is done stirring the pot.

I was hoping this thread would be about the Donald Trump is a Reptilian Shapeshifter youtube video.


New member

Article VI: The Constitution is the supreme law of the land

 Constitution: Article VI: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall
be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the
Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every
State shall be bound thereby”

 Shariah: “The source of legal rulings for all acts of those who are morally responsible is
--“There is only one law which ought to be followed, and that is the
-- “Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the
face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam regardless of the
country or the nation which rules it.
--The purpose of Islam is to set up a State on the basis of
its own ideology and program.”
First Amendment: Freedom of religion
 Constitution: First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion

 Shariah: "Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take hold of them and kill them wherever you find them." Quran 4:89

-- "Whoever changed his [Islamic] religion, then kill him" Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:84:57.

Shariah law enforces dhimmi status on non-Muslims,
prohibiting them from observing their religious practices


First Amendment: Freedom of speech

 Constitution: First Amendment: Congress shall not abridge "the freedom of speech.”

 Shariah: Speech defaming Islam or Muhammad is considered “blasphemy” and is punishable by death or imprisonment.
First Amendment: Freedom to dissent

 Constitution: First Amendment: “Congress cannot take away the right of the people "to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

 Shariah: Non-Muslims are not to harbor any hostility toward the Islamic state or give
comfort to those who disagree with Islamic government.


People are so taken hostage by bias and political correctness that they can't see that what they say about Trump is almost entirely a lie.

He's not racist, he's not sexist, he didn't lie about Muslims applauding in New Jersey. But he has: told the truth on many issues, calls out the PC nonsense, and has the ability to lead.

The Left is embarrassing themselves with needing exhaustive proofs for simple claims because they are too obsessed with protecting Islam than the interests of the country.
Or calling him every dumb, overly espoused derogatory statement in the liberal handbook every time he says something that isn't quote 'polite'. Or trying to doubt every single thing even if it is very possible and easy..

Liberals just want problems to remain problems, as it's what the party excels on. Issues are their wheels, solutions are their vice. It's why they don't want to do anything about voter ID fraud or illegal immigration, or fixing internal problems so that we are better suited to fix those that are external.
There's always a jacked up direction they will go in no matter what.

And what is the Right doing with Trump? The candidates are just tapping from the nonsense of the Left to get a vote above him. They are acting childish.

This country has gotten to a point where it doesn't really know what's good for them.
Trump is good for this country.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Trump is a publicity addict and he will continue to damage the GOP.

I don't think so. Nobody equates him with the GOP establishment. Which not coincidentally, is the reason he has a commanding lead in the polls.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump is not running for president, but is in fact a plant by the Hillary campaign to get middle-to-left-wing voters to despise the GOP enough to vote for any Democrat, even Hillary, and to prevent whoever ends up being her Republican opponent from having a strong, dedicated base after Trump is done stirring the pot.

great post

I saw this as soon as he was in the race