Trump finally fires James Comey


Hall of Fame
Had Trump fired Comey on day one I likely would have supported it. Comey mishandled the Clinton email investigation pretty badly. But after six months, it looks pretty bad, and at least part of the rationale is terrible.

Indeed ... this is "Saturday Night Massacre, Part II" ... and in the role of Richard Nixon is ... Donald Trump. He will definitely go down in the history book as the most corrupt President ... ever. :chuckle: :D


Hall of Fame
And I can accuse you of being tribalistic for supporting it. Big deal. :idunno:

A lot will depend on how the investigation is done going forward. It's a conflict of interest for Trump to now appoint someone who could continue an investigation involving him and his campaign. It would help a lot if an independent investigation is continued.

Trump's plan is that the investigation NOT be continued ... which is why he keeps firing those investigating him and his team.


New member
Indeed ... this is "Saturday Night Massacre, Part II" ... and in the role of Richard Nixon is ... Donald Trump. He will definitely go down in the history book as the most corrupt President ... ever. :chuckle: :D

Also, the FBI just today issued subpoenas for evidence in the Trump-Russia investigation.

The timing couldn't be more suspicious. Get mad, but not distracted.


New member
Prove it.

he alien is described in subclause (I), (II), (III), (IV), or (VI) of section 1182(a)(3)(B)(i) of this title or section 1227(a)(4)(B) of this title (relating to terrorist activity), unless, in the case only of an alien described in subclause (IV) of section 1182(a)(3)(B)(i) of this title, the Attorney General determines, in the Attorney General’s discretion, that there are not reasonable grounds for regarding the alien as a danger to the security of the United States; or​

The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Comey may have taken some missteps but it doesn't look good to fire Comey when there is an investigation going on.
It's called The Federal Bureau of Investigation.
There's always an Investigation going on.
The deciding factor may have been his recent inaccurate statements but the administration hasn't said that.
Which ones? the one where he said there were hundreds of thousands of e-mails on Weiner's laptop but there was only tens of thousands that she had forwarded to his e-mail but the rest were backups of her devices?
I'm not sure what that's all about.

And that statement about telling Trump that he's not under investigation sounds really snarky.
It's there for a reason, it was a very short letter so there must be some huge significance to it.

patrick jane

Indeed ... this is "Saturday Night Massacre, Part II" ... and in the role of Richard Nixon is ... Donald Trump. He will definitely go down in the history book as the most corrupt President ... ever. :chuckle: :D
But so far, Trump is the best President ever !!!



Trump finally fires James Comey

Beware of receiving praise from this President - apparently all it takes is a letter from a Deputy Attorney General, who has been in office for 13 days, to terminate your career!

By way of comparison - General Flynn lasted 17 days as the nation's Security Advisor after the White House had been informed that he had lied to the Vice President Pence!
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But so far, Trump is the best President ever !!!
Director Comey learned of his termination over network television - in the midst of addressing a group of agents in Los Angeles!

The FBI main office only learned that their Director was fired when the media started questioning them as to their response!

Even staunch conservatives are questioning the Trump Administration's rationale for firing Comey - apparently they too find it difficult to believe that this President would terminate him based on his treatment of Hillary Clinton 9 months ago!

patrick jane

Director Comey learned of his termination over network television - in the midst of addressing a group of agents in Los Angeles!

The FBI main office only learned that their Director was fired when the media started questioning them as to their response!

Even staunch conservatives are questioning the Trump Administration's rationale for firing Comey - apparently they too find it difficult to believe that this President would terminate him based on his treatment of Hillary Clinton 9 months ago!
Here's the demonrat narrative, Comey was getting close to having proof of collusion and had to be fired so Trump can protect himself from being "busted" - it's more pointless focus on a bogus investigation


Here's the demonrat narrative, Comey was getting close to having proof of collusion and had to be fired so Trump can protect himself from being "busted" - it's more pointless focus on a bogus investigation

Are we now expected to take Trump at his word - that he has totally reversed his position, for reasons unknown, and had Comey fired for his mean treatment of Hillary Clinton 9 months ago?

If the FBI, Senate and House investigations are all "bogus," that effectively eliminates many of the constitutional checks and balances designed to curb the abuse of presidential power.

Given Republican majorities in the House and Senate, who control both of the investigative committees, Trump has in effect declared war on his own party!
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IF by *best* you mean most corrupt, I would agree with you.
The House Republicans were having a difficult time finding the "intestinal fortitude" to explain the GOP healthcare bill to their constituents - how many will now be prepared to jeopardize their own political careers for an unpopular president to defend a crisis of his own making?


Lets Comey think he dodged a bullet and then.. drops a Moab on his azalea
Love it

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

patrick jane

Are we now expected to take Trump at his word - that he has totally reversed his position, for reasons unknown, and had Comey fired for his mean treatment of Hillary Clinton 9 months ago?

If the FBI, Senate and House investigations are all "bogus," that effectively eliminates many of the constitutional checks and balances designed to curb the abuse of presidential power.

Given Republican majorities in the House and Senate, who control both of the investigative committees, Trump has in effect declared war on his own party!
I have no problem with the investigations, even appoint a special investigation, no problem. The fact remains, there is NO EVIDENCE of collusion between Trump and Russia. I don't care if they investigate for the entire 8 years of Trump's Presidency


New member
Jeff Sessions was supposed to be recused from all matters related to Hillary Clinton's email investigation. His involvement here has to be investigated.