Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!


If I was held captive by ISIS, tortured, threatened with execution and had the opportunity to escape with the assistance of a brutal psychopath, a man with no socially redeemable qualities- I would take that opportunity

Similarly, lawyers

Nah, I suggest that if you get in legal trouble you see a dentist.


New member
Our Great President Trump has already returned / given the legal rights back to business owners and public schools to decide if men can enter into a woman’s restroom. Barak Oboma tried to destroy the rights of Americans to make their own decisions. But Trump has Rescinded HIS PERSONAL PERVERTED and DISTORTED Rules on Bathrooms for Transgender Students.

Which is what The Liberal Socialist Democrat Party is only about.
The Justice Department and the Education Department rejected the Obama administration’s position that nondiscrimination laws require schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice.
And transgendered people are never allowed to be any part of the Military. Whatsoever - - They may leave their sexuality and sexual fantasies at sex at the door and conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner as the rest of the troops.

Remember - The problem that The President and voters have concerning the Trans Gendered Military people was { Only } that they wanted to have the Pro Choice Right - to obtain sex change operations at the tax payer expense. The Operations are costly and there is in many cases a lifetime supply of needed medication, chemical hormones and testosterones, estrogens needed for a lifetime throughout the Trans Sexual Persons sexual adventures, sexual joys and raptures and desired pleasures.

And the decision made by the Trans Person - is all depending on if the Trans Gendered person is feeling sensual { sexy today or sexy tomorrow } Sensual this way Or Attractive that way.

Do I need more shots of chemical hormones and testosterones, estrogens are needed to feel satisfied my sexual adventures, explorations and experiences. This is a personal feeling or desired sexual modification at that particular season, in whatever field of operations the Trans happens to be in wherever they happen to be stationed.

For example - I am overseas, I need more hair here. Or I am stationed in France, I have to have a smaller chest. Or I am back in the USA and I need to increase the size of my package.

The Fact is that, their desired sensuality method of arousing themselves and others by modifications of their sexual and reproductive organs. Breasts, Pubic Organs and so forth enlisted and present there is not the Tax Payers burden and responsibility. Just as the topic of Abortions, Birth Control, Condoms and having misbegotten children out of the Pro Choice Crowds demands that tax payers Pay for their Sexual Adventures. It is not my responsibility to pay for the sexual adventures of others. If the Transgendered or Non Trans person wants to have sex. { and sex is very expensive } - - They can save their money, wait for 5 -15 years buy themselves condoms, birth control, abortions or have a larger package placed or breast removal or a female part placed or whatever they wish to do. People are NOT responsible to pay from their own hard-earned money, for the sexual adventures and pleasures of others.

There are cases of birth defects and there are Trans Gendered people who truly have been born with a body that needs some medical attention and I would be happy to participate in helping these genuine Trans Gendered individuals. They are special needs and deserve the help. But I see a political movement of people taking advantage of others in expecting others to financially support their sexual adventures and pleasures - at no limits and no self-control.

Many transgendered people cannot be fixed without a lifetime of continual surgeries and chemical modifications. This is a sexy, sensual, self-desire to make themselves presentable and attractive. This has nothing to do with the military. - And when the military does perform the operations - The Taxpayer will be responsible for paying the bills for the Transgendered treatments for their entire lifetime of sexuality and sexual stimulation and pleasures that are sought. The Trans Gendered Military Personnel , whomever they happen to feel inclined to transform themselves for in order to attract sexual affection and pleasures from and admiration and or stimulation is not the taxpayers responsibility.

Outside of the military, Donald Trump and the American people want to help and lift up and make the lives better for the Transgendered People who were born with genetic reproductive deformities that make their lives a hardship. - - But without the surgery and lifetime of medial analysis and chemical treatment and continually going back over the years and performing Re operations to sustain the sexuality, sensuality, and sexy gratifications and desired outcome and sexual status of the person. /B] The Cases of Transgendered people being operated on by the US Military will forever be pulling at the purse strings of the American People.

The REAL Question is - Do Transgendered People ( BORN WITH BIRTH DEFECTS ) - that require thousands of dollars of surgery to FIX the deformity - and whatever CREATES a Transgendered person at birth - Do They want to bear a child into the world that will carry on the same genetic deformities or worse deformities that require much more medical costs to satisfy the sexual expectations of the child when it reaches maturity. Should people be more focused on what drugs, what immoral sexual behaviors, what lifestyles are causing this deformity to occur. And Broadcast the FACTS - instead of ripping money out of Americans Bank Accounts to gratify the sexual wants, needs and quivers of people who are born with sexual inadequacies and feelings of sexual imperfection. Lets locate the exact source and reason of the ORIGIN of the problem. Dealing with - what drugs, what chemicals, what sexual practices and exposures to what and who. { Parents } - what combinations of those things are causing the transgendered malformations at birth - and do people who know the outcome of their behaviors and continue onward to create children with transgendered deformities and birth defects and mutations, want to be - themselves - responsible for paying the bills of the seeds they have sown - after they have knowledge and the facts- that things like marijuana, cocaine or other chemicals and drugs and risky mixed seeded sexual behavior - directly is contributing to the birthing of children who are not normal and need thousands upon thousands of dollars to satisfy their sexual needs and longings to feel sexy and attractive to their other fellow human. It is completely absurd, foolish and only another Democrat, Liberal, Socialist attempt to create an intentional, deliberate POLITICAL distraction, confusion, foolishness and a purposeful breakdown of society and the family.
Thank You Donald Trump.