What is the all time worse marriage listed in the Bible?

patrick jane

This sounds like Epic Rap Battles of History.

I'm going to say... Adam and Eve. Talk about limited options.

i can't argue with that Cal. I wish God started both of them out older and wiser. how old were they, like 18 ? they made some very poor choices and now look at us !!!!!!!!!!!! - :patrol:


Pretty good stuff.

Was thinking along the lines of Jehovah. Can you imagine being married to someone like that? Poor Isreal. She didn't have a chance. Any little thing she did or said or thought that didn't suit hubby and she was going to be worse off then that burnt toast she was trying to serve.


i can't argue with that Cal. I wish God started both of them out older and wiser. how old were they, like 18 ? they made some very poor choices and now look at us !!!!!!!!!!!! - :patrol:
I don't understand where you get the idea of their ages? The text doesn't say anything about that--or if it does I completely missed it.


David had a hell of a mess with his wives and affairs. And then there was the curious "bro-mance" he had going on with Jonathan. It always resonated on the "gay side" as far as I could tell.


New member
I don't understand where you get the idea of their ages? The text doesn't say anything about that--or if it does I completely missed it.

Seriously. If you just go with the 6-day creation reading, they might have been just a few days old when they ate the fruit. Even if it took them a couple of years to do the animal-naming and all that, it still turns out to be a pretty harsh punishment for a snacking infraction by a couple of overgrown toddlers. :chuckle: