what is the ultimate treasure

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New member
So far, nothing. If all my stuff was destroyed, I wouldn't have too much of a hard time with it. Sorry if this answer bores you :)


New member
Carver said:
So far, nothing. If all my stuff was destroyed, I wouldn't have too much of a hard time with it. Sorry if this answer bores you :)

My ability to reason! Without it, there is nothing I care about. I read constantly, question everything, not carring about my apparent irreverence :p I leave nothing to faith... Which can suck, but hey, what can you do?


New member
Hmm, and here I thought we were talking only about material possesions. Computers, cars, books, really sweet reclining chairs with cupholders....that sort of thing.


New member
In order of importance:
My Salvation
My Bible
My ability to see (because if I lose my sight, I have lost everything that is important to me except for the above two treasures.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
First overal would be God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then my salvation through the Son. That comes first, as the rest won't matter in eternity.

Materialistically, my wife ,and our new daughter that the Lord has blessed us with.

After that, yeah, my car. No doubt. :car:
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