Who said it?


TOL Subscriber
Who said the following things? Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty or a member of the Islamic State? I am VEHEMENTLY opposed to ISIS and their actions, FTR. This is just food for thought....

1) “Here is a news flash for America. Fame cannot remove your sin. And all of the money you ever amass cannot raise you from the dead.”

2) “Victory is on our side because there is a difference between us and you: we are fighting for a noble cause.”

3) “Sexual sins are numerous and many.”

4) “I never leave home without my [religious book] and my woman.”

5) “We are fighting for God, and you are fighting for worldly gain.”

6) “Two groups of people, the children of [deity], and the whole world is under the control of the evil one.”

7) “Do you expect to transgress against others and yet be spared retribution?”

8) “There is a Satan out there, an evil one.”

9) “If they refuse [to convert], there is nothing for them but [death].”

10) “If you simply put your faith in [religious figure] … yours and mine and everybody else’s problems will be solved. And the next time we see you, we will say: ‘You are now a brother. Our brother.’ So then we look at you totally different then.”

11) “Soon, by [religious figure]’s permission, a day will come when the [member of a certain religious group] will walk everywhere as a master,”

12) “Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

These should be pretty easy due to style of speech, BUT, if someone were to edit them to show intent, and use the same writing/speaking style, I think it'd be a lot more difficult to discern

1) DD, 2) ISIS, 3) DD, 4) DD, 5) ISIS, 6) DD, 7) ISIS, 8) DD, 9) ISIS, 10) DD, 11) ISIS, 12) DD


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Haven't seen the Duck Dynasty crowd behead anything but, ducks so the difference between the two and what they believe is vastly different...

Incidentally, using snippets of what a person or group says to attempt to show some sort of similarity, and omitting the totality of the message that both groups speak is quite disingenuous, as well as being intellectually dishonest.
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TOL Subscriber
Haven't seen the Duck Dynasty crowd behead anything but, ducks so the difference between the two and what they believe is vastly different...

When it comes to doctrinal belief? Mildly different. Put in action? Vastly. BOTH do what they do for ratings...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
When it comes to doctrinal belief? Mildly different. Put in action? Vastly. BOTH do what they do for ratings...

Mildly different? Hardly the case, in fact quite different...polar opposites. The DD clan has taken a lot of heat for their Christian stance from A&E as well as atheist groups yet people love them & the message (wonder why :think:). ISIS on the other hand does not murder thousands for ratings, they actually believe what they are doing is what their god wants. You can attempt to find similarities between Christianity & Islam but, the correlation is just not there, and never has been, the differences are as vast night and day.


TOL Subscriber
Mildly different? Hardly the case, in fact quite different...polar opposites. The DD clan has taken a lot of heat for their Christian stance from A&E as well as atheist groups yet people love them & the message (wonder why :think:). ISIS on the other hand does not murder thousands for ratings, they actually believe what they are doing is what their god wants. You can attempt to find similarities between Christianity & Islam but, the correlation just is not there, and never has been, the differences are as vast night and day.

Polar opposite would imply one supports homosexuality while one condemns it. Polar opposite would imply one empowers women while one doesn't(1 Tim 2:12; 1 Tim 2:9). While I realize that not ALL christians use those verses to hold women down, they are part of the NT and are widely ignored by christians. Chuck Colson believed christians were commanded by god to bring ALL things into submission to God's order(How Now Shall We Live). Those things are not polar opposite the what ISIS believes.

I don't think the duck dynasty fellers DO any of these things, but they are biblical, and they are accepted by many christians. ISIS has just taken their doctrinal belief and put it into horrible action.

ISIS DOES murder for ratings.... why else would they post the videos? Yes, they're doing what they believe allah(god) has called them to do, but if ratings weren't involved, they wouldn't worry about posting videos. Instilling fear is a HUGE part of what they do, and more views equals more fear.


TOL Subscriber
I would like to say, as an addendum to this thread, that I don't know the best way to respond to ISIS, but indiscriminate bombing over Syria and possibly Iraq IS NOT THE ANSWER. ISIS is an awful group of folks following their religious convictions to extremes. These actions break my heart for the people who've lost family members to ISIS directly, for the innocents who will die in the bombing, and for the soldiers and their families who will, I'm sure, suffer because of ISIS's('s? :chuckle: ) actions. ISIS sucks. Islamic doctrine sucks. ANY doctrine which promotes one group of people over another(with or without the use of violence) sucks.

I supported the Duck Dynasty folks' right to speak their beliefs about God and homosexuality on their TV show, and I supported A&E's decision to remove them(and reinstate). I supported Truett Cathy's right to donate wherever he chose, and I supported the LGBTQ community and their protest of Chick Fil A. I think more than anything, I am a humanist. I am in NO way insinuating that Christians and ISIS are the same. I would be a fool if I did so, and regardless of what some of you may think about me, I am no fool.

Rocket, please forgive me if I wasn't clear enough in my earlier posts. I re read them, and they read like I was being smug. That was not my intent. I hope this clears some of that up.