Luke 17:20-21 is the key that the inner Christ whispers to you, yet you judge by appearances that reflect you're thought process. .
Not Christianity. A 'oneness' comes from being 'in' Christ, alone. Spiritualists get it COMPLETELY backwards. This is New Age and Buddhism. You are simply learning to 'be at peace' with yourself, flaws and all and a denial they are flaws. It is a denial that sin is sin. Sorry, can't go down that road with you. I abhor my sins (and yours). In Him (John 15:5) -LonMany are weak and sick because of their religious programming, You can heal yourself and become a new personality/creature that reflects Divine Love the most powerful force in the universe that transcends this world's logic and egocentric beliefs.
Not Christianity. A 'oneness' comes from being 'in' Christ, alone. Spiritualists get it COMPLETELY backwards. This is New Age and Buddhism. You are simply learning to 'be at peace' with yourself, flaws and all and a denial they are flaws. It is a denial that sin is sin. Sorry, can't go down that road with you. I abhor my sins (and yours). In Him (John 15:5) -Lon
WALTER C LANYON, ALVIN BOYD KUHN, learn the proper way to interpret the word, then you won't spread condemnation every where you go, like most christian babes do.
Again, NOT Christianity.
It is a move toward universalism/spiritualism AWAY from God.
I don't care about men's opinions. I may look, just to be able to reach you a bit in your area of influence, but I'm fairly sure out of the gate, the problem is New Age philosophy which isn't at all Christian.
Briefly, that you don't need Jesus?
Er, NOT Christian.
These losers who couldn't even hold a job long simply said they thought Christianity was seated in pagan religions. Yeah, part of my degree, Zeke. It is worse than trash novels. Worth LESS than nothing. Dime-store rubbish. "IF" you'd ever look, there is next to no similarity between these. I see it as academically failed and spiritually terrible.
I hadn't realized how far you've chucked Jesus away from you until now. Sad days. You will stand before Him.
Sorry, there is NO possibility of that not happening. You and I will stand before our Maker.
There is no such thing as 'intelligence' or 'purpose' in your cosmic evolution-centered universe, devoid of deism of any kind but you. You are your own god.
Done deal, no? "IF" I were god, you can BET this world would be different than you are able or capable of doing. Nirvana wouldn't need me, if you were god. You'd be able to do it. You can't even pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. You drank the Koolaid![]()
Not only assuming. Your 'Christianity' isn't. It is Buddhism Eastern Mysticism. I've seen it before, many packages, same ol' thing.Maybe thats a good thing, depending on how we define 'Christianity' these days- it comes in many different forms, systems and packages, some not all that 'attractive'.
You're assuming universalism or spiritualism IS a move away from 'God'. 'God' is Spirit, and 'God' is universal...for starters, and this truth encompasses the whole of reality, as the grand CONTEXT of all that exists. Again, straight out the gate, your coming with a prefigured conclusion and presusmption about a form of religious interpretation or translation that not agreeing with your own 'version' is somehow 'satanic' or 'wrong'. We remind you again,...both universalism and spiritualism holds and encompasses particular truths about 'God', but perhaps without the 'dogmatism' of your religious belief structure.
Truth is truth wherever you find it, but where there is a difference? One of them, at least, is wrong. Your philosophy and religion embrace yin and yang. I don't. One of these is not supposed to be here. Universalism is evolution. It embraces the chaos. I detest it, am longing to get away from it. Romans 8 says all of creation (but for the Universalist, Eastern Mysticist) is groaning for redemption. Sorry, you lose that, it CANNOT be Christianity. It is Borg assimilation milquetoast blasé half life and half purpose. The bible says we were created for something else entirely. You cannot get there but one way. That is the denial and thus, cannot be Christianity. It is its opposite.The two teachers mentioned give spiritual teaching, mostly on the esoteric, allegorical and figurative symbols found within religious mythology and the Bible, since certain types, shadows and archetypes reveal spiritual truths and principles, which while particularized....are UNIVERSAL.
You are confusing mode with message. Your Mormon upbringing messed you up, confused you on how to find actual truth.A basic primer in New Thought Christianity and Theosophy is essential here. You may note that Paul got his personal gospel only from personal revelation from a celestial Jesus and allegorical interpretation of the scripture (not from the original apostles who actually knew the earthly Jesus), so if your going to reject universal esoteric teachings of the wisdom and mystery school religions, you might as well reject Paul too, also since he taught his own gospel quite different than what Jesus original apostles taught and lived, since they kept to their Jewish roots, culture and Torah observance....even temple attendance and activities, since the temple was still up and running for a few more decades after Jesus died.
True. Jesus said it. I believe it. I assume when He says He is the Only way. He is the Only way.You're assuming one does.
And here? Confusing messenger with message. You can't know a king simply off of which subject you happen to meet in the kingdom. Some are there if only physically, their hearts and minds somewhere else. Concentrate on the message. "Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me." It admits I'm a wretch. I AM less of a wretch than I used to be. I do believe He's still remaking me, that I'm a bit less, and more of Him today than yesterday. Still, you'll find Wretch, if such is the desire. The proof is in the message. Few find it because few want such. You speak so in clarity. What I want is beyond my ability to attain. Yours is a complete package. You are what your religion is or vice versa.'Christian' - just another label, which comes with some baggage, due to those who've negatively represented it.
Again, all you have to the table, no cards in reserve. That is your religion. There is no need of it. My 'nirvana' can be attained simply by my own pleasure, whatever kind of animal I am. It is the product of a godless, purposeless universe. In effect, you are a functional atheist/agnostic.Ad hominems do not defend your version or assumption of truth, since universal truths represented in religious symbols, analogies and mythologies, still hold...even if the Jesus story is pure religious fiction or can still draw certain truths, principles and analogies therefrom.
Bingo. "Himself." I completely agree. Matthew 10:39; 16:25 It is no longer I that live. Galatians 2:20Zeke has come to his insights and perspectives for daring to think for himself, and choose what his own heart and soul feels is spiritually true and intellectually honest, while keeping himself open to 'progressive revelation' and learning, as any student of truth would be committed.
:nono: Psalm 32:5 The ultimate Karma breaker is sacrifice and love of another. Love destroys your bubble.We stand in the presence of 'God' moment to moment, since we live move and have our being in 'God'. Judgment day is every day, while karma is taking care of all actions, since their consequences are already resident in those motives and actions, as fruit comes from the seeds. Again, universal law.
:nono: "My" perceptions would be more like your own. These are God's assumptions, conceptions, conclusions. I had to move up, not stay the same. HUGE difference. You are just discovering yourself and what you like, a very self-interested selfish religion.More assumptions based on your own preconceptions/conclusions.
You denied, then admitted in the rest of the paragraph, that which you don't want to espouse.While similar perhaps, my own views and metaphysical insights may differ in nuance or understanding than zekes, but I think we agree on some particulars and universals. You continue to assume we mystics or students of Theosophy or New Thought are 'new age' and making ourselves our own 'gods', however, that is not true on the whole, but we recognize that a part of 'God' indwells us, we have freedom of choice (the creative, determining power of free will), and all the divine possibilities and potential that inheres within us by 'God', we being His offspring, made/created in his own image and likeness, which also grants the creative power, as a co-creator of our own life experience and destiny. Recognizing that the spirit-spark-light-consciousness of 'God' indwells us, and/or we are individual expressions of the One God, extensions thereof...does not make us 'God Almighty', since we are sons and daughters of That Infinite ONE, even though as a body, we are both individually and collectively God's BODY. 'God' experiences and potentializes/actualizes himself thru all his creation.
Of course I did. Matthew 10:25 Luke 6:40. Don't confuse hatred of what is false with hatred for men. I despise neither of you. I despise GREATLY what the enemy has been allowed (by you) to abuse. Abused women often love their abusers. I still despise the abuse and I might yell a little at the abus-ee to wake up (but as gently as I'm able). He is the Only way, truth and life. I am a slave to Him and His written word. You cannot divorce Christianity from the Christian book. They are one and the same.You apparently had too much to drink of one popular traditional brand of 'Christianity' (dogmatized with its own conclusions) and its particular 'theology' with its own nuance, flavour and trappings. Maybe you could research and question the validity, meaning or value of such, before deeming it better or more 'orthodox' than another interpretation, approach or perspective.
Not only assuming. Your 'Christianity' isn't. It is Buddhism Eastern Mysticism. I've seen it before, many packages, same ol' thing.
If you are looking for 'attractive' you are just following what you desire. Hedonism is whatever feels good, no? If all you are is what you've always been dressed up, its still the same ol' same ol' Johnathan Livingston Seagull was, after all, just, only, still a seagull. His epiphanies? Not really much more than the rest of the seagulls always saw.
Truth is truth wherever you find it, but where there is a difference? One of them, at least, is wrong. Your philosophy and religion embrace yin and yang. I don't. One of these is not supposed to be here. Universalism is evolution. It embraces the chaos. I detest it, am longing to get away from it. Romans 8 says all of creation (but for the Universalist, Eastern Mysticist) is groaning for redemption. Sorry, you lose that, it CANNOT be Christianity. It is Borg assimilation milquetoast blasé half life and half purpose. The bible says we were created for something else entirely. You cannot get there but one way. That is the denial and thus, cannot be Christianity. It is its opposite.
You are confusing mode with message. Your Mormon upbringing messed you up, confused you on how to find actual truth.
True. Jesus said it. I believe it. I assume when He says He is the Only way. He is the Only way.
You've said that's a lie. :nono: No longer Christianity. We who follow him, own that label. A difference must show a difference. Simply trying to adopt the label recreates your religion as milquetoast blasé again. You need to embrace your own label, else its just assimilation. Borg is a good term. Use it.
And here? Confusing messenger with message. You can't know a king simply off of which subject you happen to meet in the kingdom. Some are there if only physically, their hearts and minds somewhere else. Concentrate on the message. "Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me." It admits I'm a wretch. I AM less of a wretch than I used to be. I do believe He's still remaking me, that I'm a bit less, and more of Him today than yesterday. Still, you'll find Wretch, if such is the desire. The proof is in the message. Few find it because few want such. You speak so in clarity. What I want is beyond my ability to attain. Yours is a complete package. You are what your religion is or vice versa.
Again, all you have to the table, no cards in reserve. That is your religion. There is no need of it. My 'nirvana' can be attained simply by my own pleasure, whatever kind of animal I am. It is the product of a godless, purposeless universe. In effect, you are a functional atheist/agnostic.
There are no ad hominins. These are assessments of the material produced in connection with the obscure men.
Bingo. "Himself." I completely agree. Matthew 10:39; 16:25 It is no longer I that live. Galatians 2:20
Every man will make god in his/her own image. A very few of us want to be clay in the potter's hands, not potters.
Christianity is truly "not my will but thine." Zeke found he could not die to self and so, looking within, found an answer he preferred to that of subjugation to a Potter. For me Job 13:15
:nono: Psalm 32:5 The ultimate Karma breaker is sacrifice and love of another. Love destroys your bubble.
:nono: "My" perceptions would be more like your own. These are God's assumptions, conceptions, conclusions. I had to move up, not stay the same. HUGE difference. You are just discovering yourself and what you like, a very self-interested selfish religion.
You denied, then admitted in the rest of the paragraph, that which you don't want to espouse.![]()
Of course I did. Matthew 10:25 Luke 6:40. Don't confuse hatred of what is false with hatred for men. I despise neither of you. I despise GREATLY what the enemy has been allowed (by you) to abuse. Abused women often love their abusers. I still despise the abuse and I might yell a little at the abus-ee to wake up (but as gently as I'm able). He is the Only way, truth and life. I am a slave to Him and His written word. You cannot divorce Christianity from the Christian book. They are one and the same.
You don't 'get' to say what stands or holds. This crud certainly doesn't. Sorry, it is all in your head. It was all in their head. It is made-up stuff. Worth-less, than the paper its written upon. Junk leftovers. Sorry, these 'epiphanies' aren't. The answer to my dilemma is outside of myself: John 15:5 Sorry. Fact. I'm not magic. The Lord of the Universe incredibly answers my prayers. That alone is beyond your comprehension as well as is one authentication of scripture.My former response to your typical reactions and assumptions holds
2 Corinthians 10:5 You guys have never read a scripture and understood in your life. You are making it up as you go like Dungeon's and Dragon's and you are the grand wizard. Sad you cannot divine make-believe for reality. 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to shut the door on nonsense.You would have to discredit or disprove the reality of metaphysical and allegorical insight here, which includes denying the truth and postulates of all the ancient wisdom schools combined, which would be a monumental task on your part, of which in reality cant be done beyond a dismissal based on ignorance, bias and bigotry.
My former response to your typical reactions and assumptions holds, per my last post, written especially for those reading along, for their own enlightenment, so they can THINK FOR THEMSELVES.
Whatever is 'divine' or of 'God' in Man, is that by nature, image, essence, likeness, pattern and archetype, both 'essence' and 'form' derive from 'God' our SOURCE, so hidden within religious writings and mythology are keys to recognize those features and elements that mirror 'God' in the soul. In the way our creation is in God's OWN image and likeness, so we recognize 'God' in us, and expressing thru US, as that which is 'divine'.
Modern pop evangelical Christianity or its various dogmas and creeds DO NOT have a monopoly on truth, and are only one religious school, denomiation, mythologu and tradition among many other world religous schools and traditions. There is a golden thread of truth in all, since it is the Universal Soul of the cosmos that is being engaged and related to, by the various human cultures, and the deeper truth of man's purpose, existence, divine potential destiny is therefore intuited thru his own 'religious experience' of that which is beyond space or time.
This is a universal science that you are failing to recognize by choosing your own narrow exclusive dogmatic view of 'God' loaded with so many preconcpetions and presumptions, and this has nothing to do with Jonathan Livingston Seagull or Mormonism, so those are your own presumed 'correlations'.
The reality of 'God' and 'Truth' by nature and context, of 'God' being at the Heart and circumfrence of all that exists, as well as encompassing the totality of all that was, is and yet to come (as THE INFINITE)....shows 'God' to be the sole infinite reality, thru-out. Our own consciousness recognizes the images, forms, concepts and ideals within the MIND of 'God' (which is omnipresent) so we can relate, correlate and figure the value and meaning of those concepts, as described, explored and studied in universal and esoteric science, which is really basic metaphysics for those so informed.
You would have to discredit or disprove the reality of metaphysical and allegorical insight here, which includes denying the truth and postulates of all the ancient wisdom schools combined, which would be a monumental task on your part, of which in reality cant be done beyond a dismissal based on ignorance, bias and bigotry.
You don't 'get' to say what stands or holds. This crud certainly doesn't. Sorry, it is all in your head. It was all in their head. It is made-up stuff. Worth-less, than the paper its written upon. Junk leftovers. Sorry, these 'epiphanies' aren't. The answer to my dilemma is outside of myself: John 15:5 Sorry. Fact. I'm not magic. The Lord of the Universe incredibly answers my prayers. That alone is beyond your comprehension as well as is one authentication of scripture.
2 Corinthians 10:5 You guys have never read a scripture and understood in your life. You are making it up as you go like Dungeon's and Dragon's and you are the grand wizard. Sad you cannot divine make-believe for reality. 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to shut the door on nonsense.
What else can come from the accuser but condemnation? a religious hypnosis that speaks like a man but is just a parasitical persona gasping for Eternal Breath in the good and evil storm, holding on to the letter he also learned from men, who idolize biblical characters, that he tries to use as a weapon against others who try and get past the persona that veils his Christ within that is fast asleep in that storm of fake righteousness and concern, that flooded the world from the mouth of Rome, one hell of a deal for some.
Well there you go, the difference between you and I is that only that which is true is worthy of my time...What is shared does hold, and each reader using their own discernment can choose what is right, logical, rational and consonant with spiritual truth![]()
The truth that is universal is available for all, since it is ever omnipresent, all-pervading and all-encompassing. You cant put 'God' in a box.
Interesting what you call 'knowledge.'Using such a verse above does not apply, since nothing being share here is exalting anything above the knowledge of 'God', but merely enhancing and expanding that knowledge![]()
Yet, the same Paul warns of others carrying alternative messages. Worse? He says they are damned. You'd be 'wise' to listen a bit more, theorize less. Not doing so? That of a fool. 2 Corinthians 10:5Dont forget,...the celestial Jesus Paul preaches is a life-giving spirit, and to be 'spiritually minded' IS life and peace![]()
The problem: Your god is contained 'in' the universe which isn't infinite nor timeless. It, you, me, are a product, a creation by something someone incredibly beyond. Your god and universe are the same-size-too-small. That's the problem. Romans 8:20 Your religion doesn't groan. It accepts and embraces yang.Reality is all that it is, here and NOW. It is timeless. Remember, you can put a cap on infinity, neither can you cram the infinite in a bottle or a little package and then worship that little 'package' as if it were 'God'.
's'pirit small 's.' there is nothing but you and what you make up. Worse? Your books are clearly the myths, fables, and mistruths AND you ARE following them. I truly am following a book. I love the bondage to it/Him. Romans 1:1 Conversely you too serve a master. You just cannot serve two. You WILL love the one and hate the other. You and Zeke hate mine. You are under the impression that 'freedom' is doing what you want. No, that is what Satan broke. That desire IS the satanic lie and influence. Those men you and Zeke quote? ALL for the other master.We enjoy freedom in the Spirit, not dogmatic bondage to written words, myths or fables. These are used to communicate ideals, concepts, principles and archetypal truths, meanings and values. But only the Spirit is life.
"As though...."Spoiler4And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept. 5And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and said, Who are those with thee? And he said, The children which God hath graciously given thy servant. 6Then the handmaidens came near, they and their children, and they bowed themselves. 7And Leah also with her children came near, and bowed themselves: and after came Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves. 8And he said, What meanest thou by all this drove which I met? And he said, These are to find grace in the sight of my lord. 9And Esau said, I have enough, my brother; keep that thou hast unto thyself. 10And Jacob said, Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found grace in thy sight, then receive my present at my hand: for therefore I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me. 11Take, I pray thee, my blessing that is brought to thee; because God hath dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough. And he urged him, and he took it.
So Lon when will you see the face of God in others? like Our Divine Father does seeing that reconciliation is done and over before you ask for it because there is only one POWER the rest is given life by you, in, unbelief/fear a spirit known by all on the "WAY" of Christ through vanities mist, seeking the immortal mind of peace and rest from a dual minded adolescents perspective won't free you from that shell/veil you have erected between us, I try and awake the fearful and those teaching mortal lies because I wallowed in it for years believing in two powers.