to talk football to, but I've rarely found anyone more willfully obtuse when it comes to managing plain facts and clear logic. I don't know how many times he kept repeating that not voting for Trump was de facto voting for Hillary, seemingly incapable of recognizing how easily that could be turned on its ear, even after I did that.

lain: :idunno:
And I always know when a right winger is out of gas. They bring out the "you liberal" crap, which gives my wife, an actual liberal, a good deal of amusement.
The last time she read an exchange she said, "You know, a monkey with head trauma would make more sense and fling less poo [okay, she didn't actually say poo]. Why are you still trying to teach them to use a fork?"
To which I responded, "Because everyone needs to learn how, if only to keep them from poking their eyes out with it...or someone else's."