Totton Linnet
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  • Good morning Totsy, regarding your comment "God is protective"; absolutely so! When I pray and dialogue with God, His protection of me is clear. I am blessed.
    I'd say that's a good guess, Totten.

    Nevertheless one thing you may be certain of. . . I am Catholic American. :p
    Totton! Instant coffee is not good for you. I'm told it is hard on the kidneys. I'll have to Google it! If ever you visit America you must come and stay with me for a while. I will make you the best cup of coffee ever! If course I'll feed you too!
    Been better, to be honest. I don't plan to be here long, but I'm really glad I got a chance to say hi to you. :)
    :chuckle: Could be worse. I had a sad habit of unintentionally neg repping people for a while. No idea how I managed to do it without meaning to. :idunno:
    Good morning Totton, I never trust Muslims who begin posting on TOL with an apparent innocuous motive. They are always here to degrade Christianity and to proselytize. They are encouraged to use any means possible to win converts.
    Hi, Tots! :)

    Well, I idled around this morning on TOL and then finished facing a log skidder winch drum in the lathe that I started on last night.
    Then, I napped and read theology books.
    Now, I'm back on TOL.
    Oh! You knew that.

    Nice t' see ya', Sister! :)
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