Welcome to the thread La,
I would remind you to 'relax' (free chill pills at the counter) and let your expectations go. Just BE

- also, you may want to go over the OP carefully again,....I lay out some general guidelines and a vision for the thread, from which anyone can respond to in a 'creative/fun' manner,...that's the point of the thread,....a 'cool retreat' for travelers who'd like to enjoy some spiritual refreshment.
If one wants to make it all about 'God', they are free to,...but don't think you've got a monopoly on 'God',
however you define the term,...after all, you're at the cosmic café,....our concept and worship of 'God' is 'universal'.
One of my caliber if quite cognizant of where I choose to place my thread.....did you read the OP? :think: - and yes,...I will indulge throwing a little 'ego' into the mix, recognizing that its part of the play of our dialogue here. What is eternally/infinitely of more interest and value will always be at the fore of course.
And please, as I've suggested before, you don't have to YELL (using all those exclamation points),....a calm delivery is sufficient without 'hyping' it up.
Just to remind you, I've taken you on fully as well in the Q&A thread you made addressed to me,...so my commentaries have addressed your concerns amply, - but if you insist on bringing up the propositions above,.....this isn't necessarily a thread on 'God' or 'absolute truth', but we will likely go there. We can get totally 'cosmic' ,...but lets just remember where we are at,...and as far as 'battles' go...remember the OP? Why not look at your own belief-system, opinions or assumptions and see if there is something you could 'contend' against or question there,..that is if these 'beliefs' or 'concepts' are not doing much for you. A little soul-searching at times is essential :sherlock:
Still ranting on that I see. I guess I'm about as 'religious' as I might define it,..but I don't recall anywhere harping on that point. Consciousness includes all facets of mind....physical, intellectual, spiritual. Its all-inclusive. Lets not get too picky or dualistic over pitting the 'spirit' against the 'flesh', like Paul got 'stuck' in. How bout getting 'unstuck'?
Well,...just had a brian implosion there. (giggles). 'God' is the one
universal reality always-being, Omni-present, Omni-radiant....in Him there is no darkness,...so as long as I abide in the free space of 'cosmic consciousness',...I'm ever abiding in the Light,....as Light. Light is what I AM (pure undifferentiated awareness). I am that.
One whose eye is single(simple) has pure vision, as the pure in heart see 'God'.
In that 'purity' there is no obstruction, division, difference or separation....there is only that. As I identify with that pure awareness, I am that.....all else is a superimposition of mind, an assumption of various false identities, temporary guises, concepts, rote, words, etc.
No need to dualize everything assuming the 'light' will triumph over the darkness...when 'God' as LIGHT is All There IS in truth,...so I abide in that all-pervading reality assuming its preeminence. When I identify wholly with 'God', there is no difference between my essence/consciousness and God's essence/consciousness for we are One, because there is no 'other' besides 'God'. God is all. The primordial One is prior to the play of duality so transcends over the seeming 'battle' of opposites (although includes them), yet we still contend and appear to have 'conflict' in the perceived world of dualities. But we must come back to the
primal oneness which is our origin and root, and inhere in it, allowing that unity to synthesize and swallow up all divisions. There's a
paradox there,..but the work of salvation or enlightenment is about re-turning to
original unity.
I respond as I feel the words come,....such is the nature of the
prophetic,...or as I just flow in 'creative dialogue'. That's the fun of it, which I hope you catch onto, so our discussions become enjoyable! (see there, I have just one 'exclamation point' in my whole post

) - hows that for thrifty?
With that,...as the conductor of the thread here enabled by the site owner to engage as such,...we can continue on a creative journey here, as mutual partners. This is our 'co-creation'.
Lets be careful on what we 'create',...because we experience that 'creation', and must deal with the consequences thereof, hence every 'word' we use has
creative power to affect our dialogue together. The Universe has given us space and time, what we do with it is our gift back to the Universe.