not sure how the first nations folks might take that naz :chuckle:
The original 'invasion' of North America was as follows:
There were less than 2 million Natives in essentially all of North America,
most of which was uninhabited.
In fact, there were no 'Eskimo' (Innuit) at all in the Far North (e.g., Baffin Island)
until the Canadian governmnet forcibly transported them there so they could
lay claim to the Islands north of Hudson Bay.
Likewise with large expanses of Quebec, where humans hunted mostly on the coast.
The Rockies were also unihabited, as well as most of the vast muskeg and peet-bog
north of the Treeline (Arctic Circle). There were a few nomadic groups hunting there.
In the Eastern forests there were the Iroquois (Mohawk).
The plains were uninhabited until
the USA Natives took and bred horses apparently originally introduced by Europeans.
So while there were plenty of Indigenous Native peoples,
the ones that the Europeans ran into were essentially already warring and
marauding 'bike gangs' of thugs, who routinely tortured, raped and kidnapped
their own 'native brothers and sisters', as fiercely independent warrior tribes do.
Thus Europeans with the superior Gospel of Jesus Christ were in a position
with higher moral ground and quickly routed the native gangsters they fought with.
This is not the same situation as criminal gangs of Muslims invading Europe,
where the 'indigenous Europeans' have the moral higher ground and the gospel.