Is disliking someone a sign of no faith?

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
In another thread, the subject of superiority was raised or to be exact, does defending another member make you superior to others who choose not to tolerate?

I received this pos rep comment:

Jesus' Law, Teachings. October 16th, 2014 07:13 AM IMJerusha

"I have never stated you can not dislike (fellow TOLer). She isn't my favorite person either but I'm not going to trash Yeshua so I can trash her. Superiority or Faith?"

To me, this post is a statement of superiority.

Having no tolerance for another does not mean I "trash Yeshua", nor does it mean I have less faith than another ("Superiority or Faith?").

To even suggest you have more faith than I, simply because I choose not to tolerate bad behaviour, IS a statement of superiority but then to add "trashing Yeshua" to the mix is just inexcusable.

So, does defending another TOLer make you superior? Does it show you have faith where another does not?

Your thoughts?


Well-known member
The apostle Paul made his dislike for Alexander the idolmaker very clear. There's a bunch on TOL who would negrep him for that if they could. "Superiority or faith"? A false choice, and stupid. Ignore them.


TOL Subscriber
"Like" is a human emotion. We aren't commanded to "like" anyone. There are many people I don't like, but I can still love them. And there are many who need a love that is very direct with truth they don't know/have.

Don't get too caught up in psychobabble analysis of the humanity part. Just walk in the Spirit.


New member
In another thread, the subject of superiority was raised or to be exact, does defending another member make you superior to others who choose not to tolerate?

I received this pos rep comment:

Jesus' Law, Teachings. October 16th, 2014 07:13 AM IMJerusha

"I have never stated you can not dislike (fellow TOLer). She isn't my favorite person either but I'm not going to trash Yeshua so I can trash her. Superiority or Faith?"

To me, this post is a statement of superiority.

Having no tolerance for another does not mean I "trash Yeshua", nor does it mean I have less faith than another ("Superiority or Faith?").

To even suggest you have more faith than I, simply because I choose not to tolerate bad behaviour, IS a statement of superiority but then to add "trashing Yeshua" to the mix is just inexcusable.

So, does defending another TOLer make you superior? Does it show you have faith where another does not?

Your thoughts?

It happens that there are people who regularly post on TOL that I find grievously offensive. In no way shall I let them get away with it.
Some are too dingy to warrant a response. ACW comes to mind.
Some are kind of pathetic like lets argue. I am very careful of him and others like him.
But those who deliberately trash other posters do warrant a response.
It is not for me to judge the faith of another. We are equals here.
I do not turn the other cheek. :up:

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
"Like" is a human emotion. We aren't commanded to "like" anyone. There are many people I don't like, but I can still love them. And there are many who need a love that is very direct with truth they don't know/have.

Don't get too caught up in psychobabble analysis of the humanity part. Just walk in the Spirit.

Thank You :)

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
It happens that there are people who regularly post on TOL that I find grievously offensive. In no way shall I let them get away with it.
Some are too dingy to warrant a response. ACW comes to mind.
Some are kind of pathetic like lets argue. I am very careful of him and others like him.
But those who deliberately trash other posters do warrant a response.
It is not for me to judge the faith of another. We are equals here.
I do not turn the other cheek. :up:

Wisdom, as always :)


Well-known member
In another thread, the subject of superiority was raised or to be exact, does defending another member make you superior to others who choose not to tolerate?

I received this pos rep comment:

Jesus' Law, Teachings. October 16th, 2014 07:13 AM IMJerusha

"I have never stated you can not dislike (fellow TOLer). She isn't my favorite person either but I'm not going to trash Yeshua so I can trash her. Superiority or Faith?"

To me, this post is a statement of superiority.

Having no tolerance for another does not mean I "trash Yeshua", nor does it mean I have less faith than another ("Superiority or Faith?").

To even suggest you have more faith than I, simply because I choose not to tolerate bad behaviour, IS a statement of superiority but then to add "trashing Yeshua" to the mix is just inexcusable.

So, does defending another TOLer make you superior? Does it show you have faith where another does not?

Your thoughts?

My thoughts are that you have expressed very well what is plain old common sense. Liberals have none which is why they fall for their own false fronts. :chuckle:

A false front is nothing but a lie personified, and the Lord's strongest condemnation was leveled against hypocrites. When those hypocrites stick out their chest and insist others are "trashing Yeshua" when they are simply stating the facts as they see them is the most shameful conduct of all. False brethren, false teachers, and hypocrites are NOT Yeshua....they are trash. Someone needs to go back to school and learn how to construct proper sentences containing some semblance of common sense. ;)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So, does defending another TOLer make you superior? Does it show you have faith where another does not?

Your thoughts?
Superiority...there is only one truely superior being. The rest of us spend too much time arguing over who deserves to sit next to him, don't you think? :)


Well-known member
Superiority...there is only one truely superior being. The rest of us spend too much time arguing over who deserves to sit next to him, don't you think? :)

Well, I don't know about that. I have to climb at least 40 feet to get up to the top of the altar I sit upon....I doubt very much you can even count that high, Mr. Smarty Pants (who can't even spell "truly"). If you were as smart as I am, you'd know all about spell check....or, it would just magically appear like it did for me. ;)

This is supposed to be funny...a joke post (for those who don't have a sense of humor).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well, I don't know about that. I have to climb at least 40 feet to get up to the top of the altar I sit upon....I doubt very much you can even count that high, Mr. Smarty Pants (who can't even spell "truly").
I can. To quote the admiral, "It's a trap!" :eek:


Well-known member
This is why I love matter how silly my questions, there are always members to offer wisdom and reassurance :)

We really do have some wonderful people posting here, don't we? Even some of the annoying ones tug at my heart strings. I sure hope my computer doesn't freeze up....I'd go into a state of depression for sure. :sigh: