I've converted


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Look what I just bought on eBay!

A year-old 1.04 GHz iMac G4
17" display
512 MB RAM
80 GB Hard Drive
DVD-R/CD-RW Superdrive
Airport wireless 802.11g card
Mac OS X Panther

price: $1056 including shipping. That's almost exactly half of what I was ready to pay for a 20" iMac G5.

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Blessed beyond measure
Staff member
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Hall of Fame
So, Knight triumphs.

We kept trying to tell you to "use the force, Turbo, use the force!!!"



Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Here's what it will be replacing:

  • A seven-year-old 266 MHz Pentium II Gateway2000
  • 17" (15.9 viewable) Vivitron CRT that has been on it's last leg for at least a couple years.
  • 64 MB RAM
  • 6 GB Hard Drive partitioned into three 2-GB drives (remember those days?) plus a 20 GB that I added later. They're all full.
  • CD-Rom Drive that doesn't always work. Sometime punching it helps, though. :boxing:
  • Windows98

One Eyed Jack

New member
Say, Turbo -- I have an old 68030-based Mac laptop. I think it's running OS version 6 or thereabouts. The screen is black and white, and it's roughly the speed of an old 386. Do you know of any decent software I can run on this thing?

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Abandon hope, Jack. Upgrade!

It's not my main computer by any means -- I have about seven others that work, but it's one of only two laptops. I just think it would be nifty to put it to some good use. Right now all it's really good for is taking notes.


New member
Hall of Fame
I know I'm not Turbo, but...

I know I'm not Turbo, but...

Originally posted by One Eyed Jack

Say, Turbo -- I have an old 68030-based Mac laptop. I think it's running OS version 6 or thereabouts. The screen is black and white, and it's roughly the speed of an old 386. Do you know of any decent software I can run on this thing?
Click the penguin and win a free OS. -->
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Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack

Say, Turbo -- I have an old 68030-based Mac laptop. I think it's running OS version 6 or thereabouts. The screen is black and white, and it's roughly the speed of an old 386. Do you know of any decent software I can run on this thing?
Didn't you see my link to Scarab of Ra?

Seriously, I haven't used a Mac since high school. We got a Macintosh Plus in 1988. It had a tiny black and white screen, but it looked a lot better than the amber or green on black displays that were common at the time. And it was a lot easier to use.

Then in 1996 I got a Gateway2000 when I went off to college. I looked into getting a Mac, but they seemed more expensive at that time. A year later I got another Gateway2000 and my parents took the year-old tower with the new monitor. And as of today I'm still using that 7-year-old tower with the 8-year-old monitor.

So I was raised in a Mac home, but when I went off to college I fell away for several years. But now I see the error of my ways.


Blessed beyond measure
Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Turbo

....but it looked a lot better than the amber or green on black displays that were common at the time. And it was a lot easier to use.

I remember taking computer in High School. Man I thought we were "Big Time". :eek:

the Sibbie

New member
Originally posted by Poly


I remember taking computer in High School. Man I thought we were "Big Time". :eek:
I came out of high school with very little computer skills. I barely knew what computer programming was and it didn't cross my mind to take a programming course. Majoring in EE in college, I had to keep up or choke on the dust! :eek:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by the Sibbie

I came out of high school with very little computer skills.
Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. You know, like numchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills...