justify war

brother Willi

New member
Re: Re: Re: justify war

Re: Re: Re: justify war

Originally posted by Chileice

Following Jesus is hard. We might get killed for it. I think Brother Willi may be the only one disciple enough to face the truth. Jesus wanted us to trust him. If HE wants to kill someone, that's up to him and he can rot the king's guts out without my help. But if I try to save my life I lose it. If I lose it for His sake and the gospel's, I gain it. It's not what we like to hear so we make up baloney like the gospels are only for Jews. That negates all of Jesus' teaching. That is a bunch of hog hooey. Jesus' words are just as valid today as the day he spoke them. Maybe we ought to listen!
and thats my POTD

Chileice, do you feel the sword?
the one that cuts you in half while you said it?

sword has many meanings.

thank you for understanding

brother Willi

New member
Originally posted by Shadowx

Would you also agree we might have to blind people for it?
Like say...Paul...who blinded a man, because he was seeking to turn someone from the faith. Would it be an act of unfaithfulness to the Lord if a Christian cop had to kill a criminal? (see scenario in my first post) Or would you quote to Him, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? Or in this case bullet..
should Shadowxians follow your followers words, if those words do not agree with your words, and the example your life leaves?

i do not knock Paul.
i ask folks to be Christ like.
not Paul like

Yes, provided he confines God to a few verses..and puts words into Jesus' mouth like, "Love your enemy" Wilber's addition- WHILE he is raping your family.
you wanna explain this?
"If he is hungry feed him, if he is thirsty give him drink" Wilber's addition-"WHILE he is raping your 5 yearold daughter.." So I guess you and he would condemn Paul for blinding God's enemy...I don't recall Paul giving him any thing to eat or drink at that moment..
so you are Paul like?

Yeah..except for the ones where he supports violence...
And I guess if you mean to say ALL his teachings are for us today, then you need to be circumcised and keep *all* the law of mosses.

if i support the law of the old west, am i saying it is good today?


Proverbs 31:10
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Re: Re: Re: justify war

Re: Re: Re: justify war

Originally posted by brother Willi

YEP, he sure did.

tell me, what did he mean by "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."

He was (IMHO, mind I'm not a Bible scholar) saying that anyone who denies that He is the Christ (says, "Jesus was a good teacher, but that's all." Or "Jesus was not the Messiah.") will be denied before the Father.

how could one deny him?
by not taking his message as important maybe?
whjat is the message?

How is one not taking His message as important when they spread the gospel and try to prepare the field for harvest? If Jesus was a pacifist, he wouldn't have overturned the tables in the temple. He also wouldn't have spoken the words in the scripture I cited.

then Jesus said"34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."

to understand this, just look at this thread.
but to reallty experience it.
go back in time.
bring home this message of a Messiah.

I've gone over the thread several times. You have to look at the entire message of Christ. When he told us to turn the other cheek, do you think he was telling us to let someone kill our children? I don't. There is a difference between self defense (and protecting one's family) and vengence. If someone were to try to kill my daughter or me, I would try to stop them any way I could. But, if someone were to kill my daughter, I would not be allowed to kill him/her according to scripture. That's the difference I see there.

remember, the high priest wants you to yell Barrabas

so does your family.

I know that. :chuckle: And, I cannot see myself among those yelling Barrabas. But, I didn't live then. I don't know. :)

now is not Revelation .
now is the time that the wheat and tares grow together

You're right. But, I was telling you that Jesus is not going to be coming in peace. He will bring peace after evil has been crushed under His feet. :)

remember how the abortion issue got Gearge elected?

I know. But, that's not why I voted for him. I voted for him because I saw Algore for what he is. I know that one day, openly worshipping God will be outlawed in the world. I pray that it's after my daughter and I are dead. But, I don't know when it's going to be.

I know that we believe differently on this issue, bro Willi. But, that doesn't make you less of a Christian than I am or make me less of one than you are. :)

brother Willi

New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: justify war

Re: Re: Re: Re: justify war

Originally posted by ebenz47037

He was (IMHO, mind I'm not a Bible scholar) saying that anyone who denies that He is the Christ (says, "Jesus was a good teacher, but that's all." Or "Jesus was not the Messiah.") will be denied before the Father.
can you say he was the Messiah, without knowing what he wanted?

How is one not taking His message as important when they spread the gospel and try to prepare the field for harvest? If Jesus was a pacifist, he wouldn't have overturned the tables in the temple. He also wouldn't have spoken the words in the scripture I cited.
yes he overturned tables
how many did he hit?

I've gone over the thread several times. You have to look at the entire message of Christ. When he told us to turn the other cheek, do you think he was telling us to let someone kill our children? I don't. There is a difference between self defense (and protecting one's family) and vengence. If someone were to try to kill my daughter or me, I would try to stop them any way I could. But, if someone were to kill my daughter, I would not be allowed to kill him/her according to scripture. That's the difference I see there.
i agree, we do need to look at the
entire message of Christ
and how he lived his life.

I know that. :chuckle: And, I cannot see myself among those yelling Barrabas. But, I didn't live then. I don't know. :)
and thats the only true answer.
to yell "Barrabas" would mean a vote for a murder

You're right. But, I was telling you that Jesus is not going to be coming in peace. He will bring peace after evil has been crushed under His feet. :)
YEP, but for now, are we not the wheat and tares growing together?

I know. But, that's not why I voted for him. I voted for him because I saw Algore for what he is. I know that one day, openly worshipping God will be outlawed in the world. I pray that it's after my daughter and I are dead. But, I don't know when it's going to be.
i completely agree with you.
Bush was the correct vote.
but i think we been duped.

I know that we believe differently on this issue, bro Willi. But, that doesn't make you less of a Christian than I am or make me less of one than you are. :)


New member
My original post to Wilber was intended to see how consistent he was willing to be..with his definition of "Christian"
I ask him basically if it was Christ like to use physical force, since Jesus at times did use force against his enemies, both personally and through the apostle Paul.
So he can't say, even if he wants to confine God to the 4 gospels, it's not Christ like to ever use physical force against the enemies of God.

Although I hate to dissect Crow's POTD, I think a further examination is in order.
O come now, you don't hate it at all :)
You might "hate" my responce though..

I fully believe that with prayer, instead of guns, Sadaam Hussein could have dropped dead of a heart attack, eaten rotten meat or whatever and died if that were God's plan.
No, you do NOT fully believe that, IF you believe in self defense.
You said: " I do not think Jesus has excluded legitimate self-defence from his ethic." This contradicts your idea that if it's God's will to destroy a genocidal raping murderer,we wouldn't have to lift a finger.., just pray..You are not consistant..If it's God's will that you be defended from such a person, why would he need YOUR help?

If It's God's will for the attack to stop, you won't have to lift a finger to do anything to assist God.., Right?

Or if your child is being gang raped...You can just pray to God while it's happening..and if nothing happens you will then know it was his will for you and your child..And hey, to prove it to your child, when he asked you why all you did was pray, you can give him an answer by confining God to a few verses in the 4 gospels.

"Maybe God wanted to kill Sadaam but instead he is alive to serve as some sort of inspiration to those who followed him".
Yes, Saddam is an inspiration to all other potential child raping, genocidal lunatics that Christians will come to your defense, with, "It's all God's will", don't worry, carry on...

"Without the EXPLICIT command of God... YES. It would be a sin. Pagans and others have always tried to turn us from the faith. But the beauty of Christianity, real Christianity is we can stand in the face of persecution, ridicule and abuse because we stand with the Christ who was likewise ridiculed and abused. SATAN himself tried to turn Jesus from His faith. Maybe some pagan peon would be just the challenge we need to grow in our faith... not to put his eyes out."
You admit that Jesus didn't exclude self defense, can you show me where he specifically says it's ok for YOU to defend yourself and your family?
Did he come and personally tell you it was ok, did he tell you specificaly in any verses self defense is ok? And if not is it wrong?

You say below that it's a SIN to use physical violence, unless Jesus gives you SPECIFIC commands..
If you can't show me a specific teaching or command by Jesus that allows for YOU to defend yourself.., then by your own words you are sinning..

Of course since Jesus in the 4 gospels didn't say, "America, go kill off nazis", we were wrong to destroy hitler's regime also. That was un Christlike..to the nazis..,right? But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't tell the Jews it was unChrist like..to them would you?
"We should have allowed nazis to rape, murder and torture you.."
"It was unGodly of us to stop that..." "We should have just prayed..about it"

Do you think the good samaritine would have been labled a bad samaritine by Jesus, if he had come along while the attack was under way and used physical force to stop it, even if he had to kill..?

Actually, I would have a problem with that unless I had invited you over. I do not think Jesus has excluded legitimate self-defense from his ethic. But I think it should be a last resort. And personal self-defense is a FAR different matter than nations taking up arms against nations... especially in some kind of pre-emptory war. That is what Vietnam was sold to us as. It was the was to keep America safe, because if Vietnam fell we were going to be fighting the commies on our soil. Well we lost some 50,000 fine young men, lost Vietnam and the commies never arrived on our doorstep. Premptory violence just breed contempt and more violence.
Interesting..You would have a problem with me if I saw someone break into your house and then heard cries coming from inside, if I came in univited by you and tried to stop him?
Who would you run off, me or the person trying to murder you?

"Preemptory violence just breed contempt and more violence."
How do YOU define preemptory violence? Saddem murdered around a million people. His regime tortured, raped and murdered school kids..both in his country and Kuwait.

Was Israel wrong to preemptively take out Saddems nuke program?

I guarantee that cop doesn't want to pull the trigger. If he does he is a bad cop.
And I would say if he hesitates, he is a bad cop..I would say if while a criminal is gunning down a play ground full of kids and he hesitates to stop him, because you or Wilber were his adviser, I would say he, you and Wilber have done a bad thing..

"But, in the line of duty he has to do it sometimes. But he is the rightfully selected arm of the authorities we are to obey and he is acting to stop abhorrent criminal behavior."
I don't think Wilber allows for this.. and you really can't allow for it in terms of personal self defense, unless Jesus tells you it's ok..

"Should that same cop go into a neighborhood where drugs are being sold and kill all of the 15-20 year lod boys because they are the ones most likely to use drugs?! Of course not, but that is the kind of mentality it takes to drop into other countries and kill "suspected terrorists" without any evidence or right to trial. That is evil. All of these children who have been killed who couldn't have possibly been terrorists".
You say it's evil for a cop to do such a thing, but you try to argue by using king Herod's example, that God wanted saddem's regime to stay in power for the very reason you claim would be evil...
Saddem's regime murdered, tortured and raped innocent teens. Was HIS preemptive rape and torture strikes wrong?
According to your Christian views, if God doesn't want that cop to murder innocent teens...He will DIRECTLY stop him...we are free from any responsiblities..

"Christians suffered and died by the hundreds and thousands in the first three centuries and the Gospel spread like wildfire."
Then how dare you support self defense in the name of Jesus Christ and hinder the Gospel..

How does anyone KNOW that God wants the U.S. to remain a superpower.
How do you know he doesn't?

A few final questions..
Why did Paul mock those in the body of Christ at Corinth for being of the mind that they would let someone smack them in the face?
Who would you want present with you if someone was trying to torture and rape your family, someone who believes what Wilber believers, or me....? And if you say Wilber, go tell that to your family. ..


New member
Originally posted by brother Willi

should Shadowxians follow your followers words, if those words do not agree with your words, and the example your life leaves?

i do not knock Paul.
i ask folks to be Christ like.
not Paul like
So Paul wasn't being Christ like when he blinded a man? :chuckle:
No...I think ..you are asking people to be like you..
I think Brother Willi may be the only one disciple enough to face the truth."
Yes, provided he confines God to a few verses..and puts words into Jesus' mouth like, "Love your enemy" Wilber's addition- WHILE he is raping your family.
you wanna explain this?
Yeah see above.
If he is hungry feed him, if he is thirsty give him drink. Wilber's addition-"WHILE he is raping your 5 yearold daughter.." So I guess you and he would condemn Paul for blinding God's enemy...I don't recall Paul giving him any thing to eat or drink at that moment..
so you are Paul like?
Paul said, "Be ye followers of me, even as I have followed Christ"
Was he not following Christ when he used violence? I suspect that you would only agree that he was following Christ, when he was following you...


New member
Originally posted by Shadowx

No, you do NOT fully believe that, IF you believe in self defense.
You said: " I do not think Jesus has excluded legitimate self-defence from his ethic." This contradicts your idea that if it's God's will to destroy a genocidal raping murderer,we wouldn't have to lift a finger.., just pray..You are not consistant..If it's God's will that you be defended from such a person, why would he need YOUR help?

If It's God's will for the attack to stop, you won't have to lift a finger to do anything to assist God.., Right?

First off, I don't think it is your place to tell me what I believe, even if you perceive the belief to be inconsistent. Certainly you may question my beliefs and probe to find out why I believe them but you are not in my mind, just as I am not in yours.

Second, Yes, I do believe with all my heart that had we as Christians joined in concerted prayer before running to the gun closet, God would have done something divine to bring Sadaam's reign to an end or to a new conclusion. In fact, I think Sadaam nay have been changing his heart. Not that he was an angel, but under pressure, much of what he had been doing before, he was no longer doing. Perhaps God was at work in his heart. It is hard to convince me that LESS people have been killed since the entry into Iraq than would have been killed without it.

Originally posted by Shadowx

Or if your child is being gang raped...You can just pray to God while it's happening..and if nothing happens you will then know it was his will for you and your child..And hey, to prove it to your child, when he asked you why all you did was pray, you can give him an answer by confining God to a few verses in the 4 gospels.

Yes, Saddam is an inspiration to all other potential child raping, genocidal lunatics that Christians will come to your defense, with, "It's all God's will", don't worry, carry on...

Oh yes, the proverbial gang rape your children question. How often does that happen? Of course as a concerned father I would do all I could to stop them and probably would die in the intent if I couldn't kill them first. And if they were armed, they would likely kill me or you for that matter. So what will we have gained? Our raped children will also have a dead father. I'm not saying I would just stand there, I know I wouldn't but Brother Willi's idea of talking to them is at least as likely to be more effective than my attempt to beat them up.

Originally posted by Shadowx
You admit that Jesus didn't exclude self defense, can you show me where he specifically says it's ok for YOU to defend yourself and your family?
Did he come and personally tell you it was ok, did he tell you specificaly in any verses self defense is ok? And if not is it wrong?

You say below that it's a SIN to use physical violence, unless Jesus gives you SPECIFIC commands..
If you can't show me a specific teaching or command by Jesus that allows for YOU to defend yourself.., then by your own words you are sinning..

I believe the following verses show that Jesus wanted his disciples to be prepared to defend themselves:
Originally posted by Luke
Luke 22
35 And He said to them, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?"
So they said, "Nothing."
36 Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. 37 For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: "And He was numbered with the transgressors.' For the things concerning Me have an end."
38 So they said, "Lord, look, here are two swords."
And He said to them, "It is enough."

But I am also aware of this verse and ones like it where Jeus roundly condemns the wanton use of the sword (violence).
Originally posted by Matthew
Matthew 26
52 But Jesus said to him, "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.

So I do believe self-defence is a position one can Biblically hold while yet being pacific in nature and conduct.

Originally posted by Shadowx
Of course since Jesus in the 4 gospels didn't say, "America, go kill off nazis", we were wrong to destroy hitler's regime also. That was un Christlike..to the nazis..,right? But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't tell the Jews it was unChrist like..to them would you?
"We should have allowed nazis to rape, murder and torture you.."
"It was unGodly of us to stop that..." "We should have just prayed..about it"

"Preemptory violence just breed contempt and more violence."
How do YOU define preemptory violence? Saddem murdered around a million people. His regime tortured, raped and murdered school kids..both in his country and Kuwait.

Was Israel wrong to preemptively take out Saddems nuke program?

I think that a country also has a right to defend itself and even to come to the aid of its friends. But again as a last resort. I think America did do the right thing in Europe in WWII and again in the first Gulf War. But I think what She is doing now is not helping bring peace and stability. Russia has now declared that it will make preemptory strikes anywhere it feels it has the need to to protect itself. Do you see where this is leading??!! You cannot deny that Russia has just as much need to do so as the US or Israel. Egypt could easily claim it has reason to start a preemptive strike on Israel as does Syria or Lebanon. The list could end up being endless... Greece attacking Turkey, Turkey attacking Iran and Iraq to be spared from the Kurdish terrorists. Spain attacking France to be spared from the ETA groups that hide out there. Preemptory violence BREEDS violence. I stand by that statement and hope I have made the point clear enough to be understood.


New member
First off, I don't think it is your place to tell me what I believe, even if you perceive the belief to be inconsistent. Certainly you may question my beliefs and probe to find out why I believe them but you are not in my mind, just as I am not in yours.
I don't need to be in your mind, you are displaying your mind here and now..I'm commenting on what's coming out.
I don't think you and wil agree on a whole lot..
He doesn't agree with the idea of self defense as being Christ like, as far as I can tell.
I'm happy for your family that you believe it IS Christ like to love them enough to try to protect them..and that you do agree some wars are Godly.

I'm not saying I would just stand there, I know I wouldn't but Brother Willi's idea of talking to them is at least as likely to be more effective than my attempt to beat them up.
I never said talking couldn't be effective before hand, you have to size up the situation. Use wisdom. As for what is worse, "A dead father or a raped child" "No greater love does a man have then to lay down his life for a friend..." How much more your daughter?However, Most gun owning homes don't have to deal with this dilemma.

I believe the following verses show that Jesus wanted his disciples to be prepared to defend themselves
Luke 22
35 And He said to them, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?"
So they said, "Nothing."
36 Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. 37 For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: "And He was numbered with the transgressors.' For the things concerning Me have an end."
38 So they said, "Lord, look, here are two swords."
And He said to them, "It is enough." But I am also aware of this verse and ones like it where Jesus roundly condemns the wanton use of the sword (violence).Matthew 26
52 But Jesus said to him, "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.
Yes, I use the same verses as part of an overview to show that self defense is Christ like. But that when Jesus rebukes peter it's because his self defense was out of place. Jesus was on a mission. It wasn't the first time He rebuked peter for being contrary to it...( "This shall never happen to you!!" Jesus said, "Get behind me Satan thou saverest not the things of God")
Violence can be both Godly and ungodly...Unfortunately people like Wili take these verses and apply them in every situation: "See Jesus condemns the use of weapons!!"
"Can't use a gun/sword to protect your family!!" "It's a sin!, Jesus said so in the Bible!!"

Originally posted by Shadowx
Of course since Jesus in the 4 gospels didn't say, "America, go kill off nazis", we were wrong to destroy Hitler's regime also. That was un Christlike..to the nazis..,right? But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't tell the Jews it was unChrist like..to them would you?
"We should have allowed nazis to rape, murder and torture you.."
"It was ungodly of us to stop that..." "We should have just prayed..about it

"Preemptory violence just breed contempt and more violence."
How do YOU define preemptory violence? Saddem murdered around a million people. His regime tortured, raped and murdered school kids..both in his country and Kuwait.

Was Israel wrong to preemptively take out Saddems nuke program? "[/qoute]

I think that a country also has a right to defend itself and even to come to the aid of its friends. But again as a last resort. I think America did do the right thing in Europe in WWII and again in the first Gulf War. But I think what She is doing now is not helping bring peace and stability. Russia has now declared that it will make preemptory strikes anywhere it feels it has the need to protect itself. Do you see where this is leading??!! You cannot deny that Russia has just as much need to do so as the US or Israel. Egypt could easily claim it has reason to start a preemptive strike on Israel as does Syria or Lebanon. The list could end up being endless... Greece attacking Turkey, Turkey attacking Iran and Iraq to be spared from the Kurdish terrorists. Spain attacking France to be spared from the ETA groups that hide out there. Preemptory violence BREEDS violence. I stand by that statement and hope I have made the point clear enough to be understood.

Wily, do you think Chileice post here should be post of the day? :)
He says it's not always a sin to kill, that in some situations it's ok to kill other people. He says it's not a sin to invade other nations under certain circumstances..(help a friend etc etc)

"Russia has now declared that it will make preemptory strikes anywhere it feels it has the need to protect itself. Do you see where this is leading??!! You cannot deny that Russia has just as much need to do so as the US or Israel."
Preemption, like violence, can be moral or immoral. If Russia wants to preempt some radical groups, or nations that are *actively* seeking to murder off it's population, I support them. Would it be ungodly/immoral for them to go after the remnants of the group that just murderer hundreds of their people? I would be very happy if Russia and any other nation joined our efforts to kill off Islamic murdering, raping, torturing fanatics.

" Egypt could easily claim it has reason to start a preemptive strike on Israel as does Syria or Lebanon."

Yeah, nations can *claim* a lot of things, but that doesn't mean there preemptive attack is justifiable. I would guess you are using the same measuring stick for that as I am...
If Egypt wants to attack Israel again, what is stopping them?
The Pacifism of the Israelis?? :) Or maybe it's the fact that they have tasted of Israelis wrath before and have also seen them preempt saddems nuke program..Is that remotely possible?

Would you compare Israelis preemptive strike on saddems nukes as morally equivalent with Al-Qaeda preemptive attack on us?
Or as morally equivalent as the Arab nations (Including Egypt's) attack on them in 1948, just for being Jewish?

I don't think you and Wily see eye to eye on these issues....Like I said above..I am thankful for that much and I bet so is your family...
If I haven't answered all your points, please feel free to bring them back up..

Wily, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR...If he is being attacked or raped, it's not ungodly for you to show him some love and help him out..
You might condemn me for it, but if one of your family members was being raped, I would do what I could, including physical violence to stop it..

I will just take my chances that Jesus won't condemn me to hell for it..


brother Willi

New member
Originally posted by Shadowx

So Paul wasn't being Christ like when he blinded a man? :chuckle:
No...I think ..you are asking people to be like you..

Yeah see above.

Paul said, "Be ye followers of me, even as I have followed Christ"
Was he not following Christ when he used violence? I suspect that you would only agree that he was following Christ, when he was following you...

follow me and i will have to turn around and beat you silly.

follow Jesus

brother Willi

New member
Originally posted by Shadowx

I don't think you and wil agree on a whole lot..
He doesn't agree with the idea of self defense as being Christ like, as far as I can tell.
I'm happy for your family that you believe it IS Christ like to love them enough to try to protect them..and that you do agree some wars are Godly.
God wants us to use our brains.
if you see danger, walk the other way.
would you jump of a building and think "God will save me"

will you play with fire?

I never said talking couldn't be effective before hand, you have to size up the situation. Use wisdom. As for what is worse, "A dead father or a raped child" "No greater love does a man have then to lay down his life for a friend..." How much more your daughter?However, Most gun owning homes don't have to deal with this dilemma.
i have no guns, i sold them all right before 1/1/2000.
all those nuts wantin guns, it made me sick.
i should have distroyed those guns, not sold them.
do not think oi would sit by and do nothing.
but violence is not an option.
i would rather offer my life.

Yes, I use the same verses as part of an overview to show that self defense is Christ like. But that when Jesus rebukes peter it's because his self defense was out of place. Jesus was on a mission. It wasn't the first time He rebuked peter for being contrary to it...( "This shall never happen to you!!" Jesus said, "Get behind me Satan thou saverest not the things of God")
Violence can be both Godly and ungodly...Unfortunately people like Wili take these verses and apply them in every situation: "See Jesus condemns the use of weapons!!"
"Can't use a gun/sword to protect your family!!" "It's a sin!, Jesus said so in the Bible!!"
WHEN, that is the question.
if you steal?
if you hit me?
let me tell you all something.
when i was young, a drunk neighbor came over one thanksgiving day.
he came up, grabbed my wife, and kissed her.
i didnt like it, and she most deffinitely didnt.

then he wanted a kiss from my sister in law.

i got his attention
i ask him why hes actin like a nut.

he wanted to party
he had no car
so i drove him to a party

later i got the hear (NOT FROM MY WIFE)
"why didnt you beat the crap out of him"

was peace not brought back to my home by my actions?

what if i did smack him?

would i have peace in my home?

would i have peace with my neighbor?

Wily, do you think Chileice post here should be post of the day? :)
He says it's not always a sin to kill, that in some situations it's ok to kill other people. He says it's not a sin to invade other nations under certain circumstances..(help a friend etc etc)

Chileice got my POTD for understanding my opinion.

we are now talkin bout things arent we?

did i once study matial arts, YEP.

i was not always who i am today.

judging from some here, i would have been stoned to death many years ago.

judgeing from some today, would result in the same fate.

think about that.

Preemption, like violence, can be moral or immoral. If Russia wants to preempt some radical groups, or nations that are *actively* seeking to murder off it's population, I support them. Would it be ungodly/immoral for them to go after the remnants of the group that just murderer hundreds of their people? I would be very happy if Russia and any other nation joined our efforts to kill off Islamic murdering, raping, torturing fanatics.

then what?
kill all that dont agree with you?

Would you compare Israelis preemptive strike on saddems nukes as morally equivalent with Al-Qaeda preemptive attack on us?
Or as morally equivalent as the Arab nations (Including Egypt's) attack on them in 1948, just for being Jewish?
Israel chose Barrabas

you can , or you can choose Jesus.

Wily, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR...If he is being attacked or raped, it's not ungodly for you to show him some love and help him out..
You might condemn me for it, but if one of your family members was being raped, I would do what I could, including physical violence to stop it..

I will just take my chances that Jesus won't condemn me to hell for it..

dont kill for me


New member
Brother Wil, more spiritual then God...

Brother Wil, more spiritual then God...

Last attempt...
Wilber, was Paul being unchristian like when he blinded a man?
Yes or no.

I would imagine you allow for honesty in your spiritual realm..
So please just answer yes or no..

"so i drove him to a party"

That was very "loving" of you towards him..
..I think maybe you got a contact high..that is still with you..

"then what?
kill all that dont agree with you?"

Stop attacking some absurd argument I never made.
It's not me killing, it's you.., with your more spiritual then God doctrines..In not supporting the death penalty for filthy murderers, by default you support it for their victims..You can't oppose the death penalty you can only misappropriate it. I want murderers put to death, you want their victims put to death..

I think you should stop trying to be more "spiritual" then God.
I hope no one ever reaches the spiritual plain you are on..


New member
"Wily, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR...If he is being attacked or raped, it's not ungodly for you to show him some love and help him out..
You might condemn me for it, but if one of your family members was being raped, I would do what I could, including physical violence to stop it.."

I will just take my chances that Jesus won't condemn me to hell for it..

"dont kill for me"

If you let your family be raped and murdererd before your eyes and rebuked the person trying to stop it with physical force, it wouldn't be the person trying to stop it who was the killer, it would be you.

brother Willi

New member
Originally posted by Shadowx

"Wily, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR...If he is being attacked or raped, it's not ungodly for you to show him some love and help him out..
You might condemn me for it, but if one of your family members was being raped, I would do what I could, including physical violence to stop it.."

I will just take my chances that Jesus won't condemn me to hell for it..

"dont kill for me"

If you let your family be raped and murdererd before your eyes and rebuked the person trying to stop it with physical force, it wouldn't be the person trying to stop it who was the killer, it would be you.
i understand your point.
to stop a killing is good.

just as to break the sabbath is justified, if you save your dog.

shall i kill?

trust me, i have questioned all this for many years.

if i stop a fist with my hand, that is a matter of skill, shall i practice and make ready for that day?
i did for many years.

at what point shall i kill?
at what point do i kick the neighbors rear?
do not both of these options provoke futher fighting?
the only way to win a war, is to deny it.

shall you stop the fist with your hand?
shall you strike back?

brother Willi

New member
Re: Brother Wil, more spiritual then God...

Re: Brother Wil, more spiritual then God...

Originally posted by Shadowx

Last attempt...
Wilber, was Paul being unchristian like when he blinded a man?
Yes or no.

I would imagine you allow for honesty in your spiritual realm..
So please just answer yes or no..

"so i drove him to a party"

That was very "loving" of you towards him..
..I think maybe you got a contact high..that is still with you..

"then what?
kill all that dont agree with you?"

Stop attacking some absurd argument I never made.
It's not me killing, it's you.., with your more spiritual then God doctrines..In not supporting the death penalty for filthy murderers, by default you support it for their victims..You can't oppose the death penalty you can only misappropriate it. I want murderers put to death, you want their victims put to death..

I think you should stop trying to be more "spiritual" then God.
I hope no one ever reaches the spiritual plain you are on..
heres a new idea for you

Matthew 6:14
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

Matthew 6:15
But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.


New member
Foolish Christians..

Foolish Christians..

Wilis Idea of punishment for someone sexually assaulting his wife..

Quick, take the drunken bum to a party..where he can get smashed, put other peoples lives at risk and brag to all his drunken bum friends on where they can go for free sexual activities..

That should scare the hell out of anyone and secure his wife from any future assaults...

Thanks to wily and his kind, more crimes will take place..
The only people wily wants punished are the innocent...



New member
Re: Foolish Christians..

Re: Foolish Christians..

Originally posted by Shadowx

Wilis Idea of punishment for someone sexually assaulting his wife..

Quick, take the drunken bum to a party..where he can get smashed, put other peoples lives at risk and brag to all his drunken bum friends on where they can go for free sexual activities..

That should scare the hell out of anyone and secure his wife from any future assaults...

Thanks to wily and his kind, more crimes will take place..
The only people wily wants punished are the innocent...


Come on! You are pretty heavy on his case. I think the original point of this thread was that you can't justify war using Jesus' words and up to now I think Willi has won the battle. I have heard no credible arguments to justify war... especially a preemptive one with Jesus' words.


New member


Then why do you support war? If Jesus doesn't?
lol..How about if I use your OWN arguments to justify war...

You 2 crack me up...


Jesus has nothing to do with the war against terrorism. If Jesus wants to get involved, I suggest he go talk to the Muslims and convince them to stop blowing up our stuff, because if they don't stop, we will kill them.