Matters That Need Clarification

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Jason Thomas

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I can hardly believe that after reading my above post you can ask such a question. Read it again. Your answer is there. The most I can do is restate it in a simplified form and that would be an insult to your intelligence, Billy Bob.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by BillyBob
What's wrong with just 'evolution'?
It's inconsistent with a plain interpretation of the Bible, and the words of Jesus Christ.

Oh, and it also would violate the laws of nature, is not supported by evidence, and is a dogmatic false religion in and of itself.

That's just for starters.:D

I was an evolutionist until about 6 years ago. Discovering it was false was my first step toward believing the Bible and accepting Christ.
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brother Willi

New member
Originally posted by Turbo

Oh, and it also would violate the laws of nature, is not supported by evidence, and is a dogmatic false religion in and of itself.

Ever try getting an evolutionist to admit they have faith?:help:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by HillbillyWilli
Ever try getting an evolutionist to admit they have faith?:help:
Oh yeah. To which they usually reply: :nono: or :mad: or maybe :madmad:

brother Willi

New member
Fossil Gaps

Birds have many unique features that are difficult to explain from any evolutionary perspective. Just a few include feathers, tongue, and egg shell designs.

“When and where the first Primates made their appearance is also conjectural. ... It is clear, therefore, that the earliest Primates are not yet known ...” William Charles Osman Hill, Primates (New York: Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1953), Vol. 1, pp. 25–26.

“The transition from insectivore to primate is not clearly documented in the fossil record.” A. J. Kelso, Physical Anthropology, 2nd edition (New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1974), p. 141.

“Modern apes, for instance, seem to have sprung out of nowhere. They have no yesterday, no fossil record. And the true origin of modern humans—of upright, naked, toolmaking, big-brained beings—is, if we are to be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter.” Lyall Watson, “The Water People,” Science Digest, May 1982, p. 44.

“At any rate, modern gorillas, orangs and chimpanzees spring out of nowhere, as it were. They are here today; they have no yesterday, unless one is able to find faint foreshadowings of it in the dryopithecids.” Donald Johanson and Maitland Edey, Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981; reprint edition, New York: Warner Books, 1982), p. 363.

“It may, therefore, be firmly maintained that it is not even possible to make a caricature of an evolution out of palaeobiological facts. The fossil material is now so complete that it has been possible to construct new classes and the lack of transitional series cannot be explained as due to the scarcity of the material. The deficiencies are real, they will never be filled.” Nilsson, p. 1212.

“... experience shows that the gaps which separate the highest categories may never be bridged in the fossil record. Many of the discontinuities tend to be more and more emphasized with increased collecting.” Norman D. Newell (former Curator of Historical Geology at the American Museum of Natural History), “The Nature of the Fossil Record,” Adventures in Earth History, editor Preston Cloud (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co., 1970), pp. 644–645.

“A person may choose any group of animals or plants, large or small, or pick one at random. He may then go to a library and with some patience he will be able to find a qualified author who says that the evolutionary origin of that form is not known.” Bolton Davidheiser, Evolution and Christian Faith (Phillipsburg, New Jersey: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1969), p. 302.

Davidheiser, a Ph.D. zoologist and a creationist, goes on to list more than 75 additional examples to illustrate his point.

Jason Thomas

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Post Created in an Atheist Forum

Post Created in an Atheist Forum

"One has to make a distinction between 'sense-experience' and our ability to evaluate sense experience and reason over it as human beings - this is what our brain does (sometimes)."

First of all, thank you for your intelligent reply. I will strive to offer you a response worthy of your intellect:

As far as I can see “one” does not have to make any such distinction. There is not a single one of the five human senses responsible for understanding concepts such as logic and reason. Therefore there are either other senses not officially recognized or the understating of logic and reason cannot possibly exist.

What we perceive is largely determined by our particularly influenced reasoning. What one person may describe as small another may describe as large while both being correct, from their respective points of view. Your sense of sight is responsible for your seeing what is written on this computer screen, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with understanding what you are reading. The sense of understating is obviously more pronounced in some than in others. The sense of understanding concepts is a true sense in itself. I feel any intelligent person should be able to agree with this. The sense of understanding concepts is not usually as developed in people who are mentally retarded. So there is more than enough evidence that the sense of understanding concepts is indeed a sense unto itself.

You write that I am mistaken so please do share with us things atheists believe can be perceived as “real” without using our five-senses.

BTW: You may call me a theist, but that is your opinion. I would consider myself always ready revamp my current views. I have never encountered any label that would sufficiently describe my fluid point of view. So just because you may attempt to label me does not mean that I accept your appellation. I do not necessarily believe there is a God. I expect that at any moment a new truth will change my current point of view.

Jason Thomas

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Post Created in an Atheist Forum

"This means that the average cell contains at most about 10(5), or 100,000 atoms.

Now I don’t know what to what the good doctor is referring with the term “microscopic organic machines”, but since they’re presumably made up of atoms, 1 trillion of them could scarcely fit into an entire human body, let alone single cell.

So, the initial premise of this “complexity” argument is clearly erroneous, as are any conclusions drawn from it. I suggest you get a better doctor."


I waited for a response from Coral Ridge Ministries about Dr James Kennedy’s sermon and tried to find substantiating evidence of what he said till I got to the point of disgust for the entire Presbyterian religious cult. I asked for validating evidence in a Christian forum frequented by the intelligent Bob Enyart and he did not respond.

Still, like I stated, there is more than enough evidence that life is not “simple” on any level. Still, like I stated, those who will not believe in God will refuse to do so no matter what evidence is presented.

brother Willi

New member

Life Sciences
Shown in the circular inset at the bottom of Figure 2 is the double helix representing DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Duplicate copies of this long tape of coded information are coiled up in each of the 100,000,000,000,000 (one hundred trillion) cells in your body. You have 46 segments of DNA in almost all of your cells. You received 23 segments from your mother and 23 from your father. DNA contains the unique information that determines what you look like, much of your personality, and how every cell in your body is to function throughout your life.

If the DNA (46 segments) in one of your cells were uncoiled, connected, and stretched out, it would be about 7 feet long. It would be so thin its details could not be seen, even under an electron microscope. If all this very densely coded information from one cell of one person were written in books, it would fill a library of about 4,000 books. If all the DNA in your body were placed end-to-end, it would stretch from here to the Moon more than 500,000 times! In book form, that information would completely fill the Grand Canyon more than 75 times. If one set of DNA (one cell’s worth) from every person who ever lived were placed in a pile, the final pile would weigh less than an aspirin! Understanding DNA is just one small reason for believing you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Ps 139:14) See “Genetic Information” on page 66 for the above calculations.

33. Genetic Information
. Carl Sagan showed, using straight-forward calculations, why one cell’s worth of genetic information is the equivalent of 4,000 books of printed information. Each of Sagan’s 4,000 books had 500 pages with 300 words per page. [See Carl Sagan, The Dragons of Eden (New York: Random House, 1977), p. 25.]

Each book would have a volume of about 50 cubic inches. An adult human’s body contains about 10E14 cells. Somewhat less than 1,000 cubic miles have been eroded from the Grand Canyon. Therefore, we can say that if every cell in one person’s body were reduced to its 4,000 books, it would fill the Grand Canyon 78 times.

The Moon is 240,000 miles from Earth. If the DNA in a human cell were stretched out and connected, it would be more than 7 feet long. If all this DNA in one person’s body were placed end-to-end, it would extend to the Moon 552,000 times.

The DNA in a human cell weighs 6.4 x 10-12 grams. [See Monroe W. Strickberger, Genetics, 2nd edition (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1976), p. 54.] Probably less than 50 billion people have lived on earth. If so, one copy of the DNA of every human who ever lived—enough to define the physical characteristics of all those people in excruciating and microscopic detail—would weigh only

This is less than the weight of one aspirin.

u “... there is enough information capacity in a single human cell to store the Encyclopaedia Britannica, all 30 volumes of it, three or four times over. ... There is enough storage capacity in the DNA of a single lily seed or a single salamander sperm to store the Encyclopaedia Britannica 60 times over. Some species of the unjustly called ‘primitive’ amoebas have as much information in their DNA as 1,000 Encyclopaedia Britannicas.” Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, pp. 116–117.

. “Biochemical systems are exceedingly complex, so much so that the chance of their being formed through random shufflings of simple organic molecules is exceedingly minute, to a point indeed where it is insensibly different from zero.” Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, p. 3.

“No matter how large the environment one considers, life cannot have had a random beginning. Troops of monkeys thundering away at random on typewriters could not produce the works of Shakespeare, for the practical reason that the whole observable universe is not large enough to contain the necessary monkey hordes, the necessary typewriters, and certainly the waste paper baskets required for the deposition of wrong attempts. The same is true for living material.” Ibid., p. 148.

“From the beginning of this book we have emphasized the enormous information content of even the simplest living systems. The information cannot in our view be generated by what are often called ‘natural’ processes, as for instance through meteorological and chemical processes occurring at the surface of a lifeless planet. As well as a suitable physical and chemical environment, a large initial store of information was also needed. We have argued that the requisite information came from an ‘intelligence’, the beckoning spectre.” Ibid., p. 150.

“Once we see, however, that the probability of life originating at random is so utterly minuscule as to make the random concept absurd, it becomes sensible to think that the favourable properties of physics on which life depends are in every respect deliberate.” Ibid., p. 141.

Hoyle and Wickramasinghe go on to say that our own intelligences must reflect some sort of vastly superior intelligence, “even to the extreme idealized limit of God.” They believe life was created by some intelligence somewhere in outer space and later was transported to Earth. [emphasis in original] Ibid., p. 144.

u “All point mutations that have been studied on the molecular level turn out to reduce the genetic information and not to increase it.” Lee Spetner, Not by Chance (Brooklyn, New York: The Judaica Press, Inc., 1996), p. 138.

. Murray Eden, as reported in “Heresy in the Halls of Biology: Mathematicians Question Darwinism,” Scientific Research, November 1967, p. 64.

u “It is our contention that if ‘random’ is given a serious and crucial interpretation from a probabilistic point of view, the randomness postulate is highly implausible and that an adequate scientific theory of evolution must await the discovery and elucidation of new natural laws—physical, physico-chemical, and biological.” Murray Eden, “Inadequacies of Neo-Darwinian Evolution as a Scientific Theory,” Mathematical Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution, editors Paul S. Moorhead and Martin M. Kaplan, June 1967, p. 109.

. “But scientists have discovered many riches hidden in the junk, and as the [genome] project nears completion, several researchers predict that some of the most intriguing discoveries may come from areas once written off as genetic wastelands. Included among the noncoding DNA, for example, are the crucial promoter sequences, which control when a gene is turned on or off. ... The term ‘junk DNA’ is a reflection of our ignorance.” Gretchen Vogel, “Why Sequence the Junk?” Science, Vol. 291, 16 February 2001, p. 1184.

. “The trouble is that there are about two thousand enzymes, and the chance of obtaining them all in a random trial is only one part in (10 20) 2,000 = 10 40,000, an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup. If one is not prejudiced either by social beliefs or by a scientific training into the conviction that life originated on the Earth [by chance or natural processes], this simple calculation wipes the idea entirely out of court.” Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, p. 24.

“Any theory with a probability of being correct that is larger than one part in 10 40,000 must be judged superior to random shuffling [of evolution]. The theory that life was assembled by an intelligence has, we believe, a probability vastly higher than one part in 10 40,000 of being the correct explanation of the many curious facts discussed in preceding chapters. Indeed, such a theory is so obvious that one wonders why it is not widely accepted as being self-evident. The reasons are psychological rather than scientific.” Ibid., p. 130.

u After explaining the above to a scientific symposium, Hoyle said that evolution was comparable with the chance that “a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.” Fred Hoyle, “Hoyle on Evolution,” Nature, Vol. 294, 12 November 1981, p. 105.
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brother Willi

New member
8. Complex Molecules and Organs
Many molecules necessary for life, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins, are so complex that claims concerning their evolution are questionable. Furthermore, such claims lack experimental support.a

There is no reason to believe that mutations or any natural process could ever produce any new organs—especially those as complex as the eye,b the ear, or the brain.c For example, an adult human brain contains over 10E14 (a hundred thousand billion) electrical connections,d more than all the electrical connections in all the electrical appliances in the world. The human heart, a ten-ounce pump that will operate without maintenance or lubrication for about 75 years, is another engineering marvel.e

15. Codes and Programs
In our experience, codes are produced only by intelligence, not by natural processes or chance. A code is a set of rules for converting information from one useful form to another. Examples include Morse code and braille. The genetic material that controls the physical processes of life is coded information. It also is accompanied by elaborate transmission, translation, and duplication systems, without which the genetic material would be useless, and life would cease. Therefore, it seems most reasonable to conclude that the genetic code, the accompanying transmission, translation, and duplication systems, and all living organisms were produced simultaneously by an extremely high level of intelligence using nonnatural (or supernatural) processes.

Likewise, no natural process has ever been observed to produce a program. A program is a planned sequence of steps to accomplish some goal. Computer programs are common examples. The information stored in the genetic material of all life is a complex program. Because programs are not produced by chance or natural processes, it seems most likely that an intelligent, supernatural source developed these programs.


Table of Contents
Part I: The Scientific Case for Creation

Life Sciences

Astronomical and Physical Sciences

Earth Sciences

Life Sciences

The Theory of Organic Evolution Is Invalid.

Organic Evolution Has Never Been Observed.

The Law of Biogenesis

Acquired Characteristics

Mendel’s Laws

Bounded Variations

Natural Selection


Fruit Flies

Complex Molecules and Organs

Fully-Developed Organs

Distinct Types


Extraterrestrial Life?



Codes and Programs


The Arguments for Evolution Are Outdated and Often Illogical.

A Common Designer

Vestigial Organs

Two-Celled Life?


Rapid Burial

Parallel Strata

Fossil Gaps

Missing Trunk

Out-of-Place Fossils


Fossil Man

Life Is So Complex That Chance Processes, Even over Billions of Years, Cannot Explain Its Origin.

Chemical Elements of Life


The First Cell

Barriers, Buffers, and Chemical Pathways

Genetic Distances

Genetic Information

DNA Production

Handedness: Left and Right

The Elephant in the Living Room



Symbiotic Relationships

Sexual Reproduction

Immune Systems

Living Technology

The Validity of Thought

Life Science Conclusions

Astronomical and Physical Sciences

The Universe, the Solar System, the Earth, and Life Were Recently Created.

Theories for the Evolution of the Solar System and Universe Are Unscientific and Hopelessly Inadequate.

Strange Planets

Earth: The Water Planet

Molten Earth?

Evolving Planets?

Planetary Rings

Origin of the Moon

Evolution of the Solar System?

Faint Young Sun

Mountains of Venus

Space, Time, and Matter

A Beginning

First Law of Thermodynamics

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Big Bang?

Dark Thoughts

Stellar Nursery, or Is the Emperor Naked?

Missing Mass

Heavy Elements

Interstellar Gas

Fast Binaries

Star Births?

Stellar Evolution?

O Stars


Techniques That Argue for an Old Earth Are Either Illogical or Are Based on Unreasonable Assumptions.

Hidden Assumptions

Corals and Caves

Constant Decay?

Radiometric Contradictions

Index Fossils

Geologic Column

Old DNA, Bacteria, and Proteins?

Human Artifacts

Humanlike Footprints

Parallel Layers

Most Scientific Dating Techniques Indicate the Earth, Solar System, and Universe Are Young.


Lead and Helium Diffusion

Excess Fluid Pressure

Volcanic Debris

River Sediments

Continental Erosion

Dissolved Metals

Shallow Meteorites

Meteoritic Dust

Magnetic Decay

Rapid Cooling

Moon Recession

Moon Dust and Debris

Crater Creep

Hot Moon

Young Comets

Small Comets

Hot Planets

Solar Wind

Poynting-Robertson Effect

Connected Galaxies

Unstable Galaxies

Galaxy Clusters


Earth Sciences

The Earth Has Experienced a Worldwide Flood.

Archaeological Evidence Indicates Noah’s Ark Probably Exists.a

Ancient Historians

British Scientists

James Bryce

Turkish Commissioners

George Hagopian

Russian Pilot

Turkish Soldiers

Ed Davis

George Greene

The CIA’s “Ararat Anomaly”

Gregor Schwinghammer

Many of the Earth’s Previously Unexplainable Features Can Be Explained by a Cataclysmic Flood.

The Seemingly Impossible Events of a Worldwide Flood Are Credible, If Examined Closely.

Water above Mountains?

Shells on Mountains

Flood Legends

Was There Room?

References and Notes

Part II: Fountains of the Great Deep
The Hydroplate Theory: An Overview

A Few of the Mysteries

How to Evaluate Theories

The Hydroplate Theory: Assumptions

Phases of the Hydroplate Theory: Rupture, Flood, Drift, and Recovery

A Picture with a Story

What’s Ahead

Lake Kashmir

References and Notes

The Origin of Oceanic Trenches

Drifting vs. Shifting

Theories Attempting to Explain the Origin of Trenches

Evaluation of Evidence vs. Theories

Evidence Requiring an Explanation

A Volume Check

Final Thoughts

References and Notes

Liquefaction: The Origin of Strata and Layered Fossils

Examples of Liquefaction

Liquefaction During the Flood

A Closer Look at Liquefaction

Testing the Theories

Liquefaction During the Compression Event

References and Notes

The Origin of Limestone

Nine observations explained by this scenario:

Final Thoughts

References and Notes

Frozen Mammoths

General Description

Some Specifics

Evidence Requiring an Explanation

Theories Attempting to Explain Frozen Mammoths

What Happened?

Evaluation of Evidence vs. Theories

Details Relating to the Hydroplate Theory

Details Relating to the Lake Drowning Theory

Details Relating to the Crevasse Theory

Details Relating to the Mud Burial Theory

Details Relating to the River Transport Theory

Details Relating to the Extinction-by-Man Theory

Details Relating to the Bering Barrier Theory

Details Relating to the Shifting Crust Theory

Details Relating to the Meteorite Theory

Were Mammoths Frozen after the Flood?

Final Thoughts

References and Notes

The Origin of Comets

Gravity: How and Why Most Things Move

How Comets Move

Comet Composition

Small Comets

Details Requiring an Explanation

Theories Attempting to Explain the Origin of Comets

Questions Precede Advances

Evaluation of Evidence vs. Theories

Details Relating to the Hydroplate Theory

Detecting the Hidden Mass That Comets Feel

Details Relating to Exploded Planet Theory

Details Relating to the Volcanic Eruption Theory

Details Relating to the Original Oort Cloud Theory

Details Relating to the Revised Oort Cloud Theory

Details Relating to Meteor Stream Theory

Details Relating to Interstellar Capture Theory

Another Possibility: Creation

Final Thoughts

References and Notes

The Origin of Asteroids and Meteoroids

Meteorites, Meteors, and Meteoroids

Two Interpretations


Meteorites Return Home

Water on Mars

Are Some Meteorites from Mars?

Final Thoughts

References and Notes

Part III: Frequently Asked Questions
How Can the Study of Creation Be Scientific?

Have New Scientific and Mathematical Tools Detected Adam and Eve?

Because We See Galaxies Billions of Light-Years Away, Isn’t the Universe Billions of Years Old?

How Old Do Evolutionists Say the Universe Is?

What Was Archaeopteryx?

How Accurate Is Radiocarbon Dating?

What about the Dinosaurs?

Is There Life in Outer Space?

Have Planets Been Discovered Outside the Solar System?

Did the Flood Last 40 Days and 40 Nights?

Is the Hydroplate Theory Consistent with the Bible?

How Was the Earth Divided in Peleg’s Day?

How Could Saltwater and Freshwater Fish Survive the Flood?

Did It Rain before the Flood?

What Triggered the Flood?

Did a Water Canopy Surround Earth and Contribute to the Flood?

Arguments for a Canopy—and Brief Responses

Scientific Arguments Opposing a Canopy

An Alternate Interpretation

A Study of Some Key Hebrew Words

Questions Raised by Genesis 1: 8a

What Does “Raqia” Mean?

Mythology and Canopies


If God Made Everything, Who Made God?

How Did Human “Races” Develop?

According to the Bible, When Was Adam Created?

Is There a Large Gap of Time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?

Is Evolution Compatible with the Bible?

Does the New Testament Support Genesis 1–11?

How Can Origins Be Taught in High School or College?

The Origins Research Project

Resource Materials

Questions and Answers

What Are the Social Consequences of Evolution?

How Can I Become Involved in This Issue?

Why Does the Universe Seem To Be Expanding?

How Do Evolutionists Respond to What You Say?

How Do You Respond to Common Claims of Evolutionists?

Why Don’t Creationists Publish in Leading Science Journals?


Written Debate Offer

Debate Procedures

Technical Notes
How Long Would It Take the Moon to Recede from Earth to Its Present Position?

References and Notes

How Much Dust and Meteoritic Debris Should the Moon Have If It Is 4,600,000,000 Years Old?

The Data




References and Notes

Does Subduction Really Occur?

Can Overthrusts Occur? Can Mountains Buckle?

Energy in Subterranean Water

Melting the Inner Earth

References and Notes

Illustration Credits

Jason Thomas

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Post Created in an Atheist Forum

Post Created in an Atheist Forum

Well, taking an overall assessment of your current responses I have no choice except to conclude that only a fool disturbs his peace of mind caring about the eternal fate of the obviously damned. I asked why I should care and the bulk of your responses have led me to this inexorable conclusion: I SHOULD NOT CARE unless I want to play the stupid fool. Congratulations! You atheists obviously deserve no spiritual hero of any kind and I strongly doubt you will get any.

My whole life is geared towards being as prepared as possible for whatever may come. What exactly this involves you shall never know. Why? Because I no longer care about what happens to you skeptics. It’s really none of my business whether or not you are prepared for anything.

To the person who had a near-death experience and was given no indication that there is a God: I believe this is a sign that you have no invitation to victoriously enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You are obviously rejected. Still, just because you were given no indication there is a God doesn’t mean that all other near-death experiences, where encounters with God are reported, are all false. You just so happen to be one of those who are cast off and have no place in the Kingdom of Heaven. Not my problem.

I wouldn’t call myself a “theist” because I’m still not certain just exactly what is going on with me. Since my near-death experience over twenty-years ago it has gotten to the point where I have no choice except to see the growing number of outrageous supposed “coincidences” in my life as being more than meaningless random occurrences. Still, I now see the possible options as:

God is real and is making His loving presence and guidance known in my life through the circumstances surrounding me


I am in contact with extra-terrestrials who are pretending to be God for some reason I do not currently understand

The signs and wonders of the power of Divine protection in my life are of a growing physical nature thus ruling out figments of my imagination. It used to be that the “coincidences” were done in ways that could easily be written off as mere random occurrences. Lately they are growing in powerful physical manifestations to the point where it is getting more than obvious that some invisible force is guiding and protecting and having loving, jovial fun with me.

I’ve ruled out being tricked by any sort of devil because of the way my life has been moving towards greater strength, health, virtue, and overall general goodness. After over twenty-years since my near-death experience I strongly doubt that any demon would be leading me towards a more wholesome and wonderfully virtuous life. Demons may pretend to be angels for short periods, but I do not believe they can sustain pretended goodness for over twenty-years without blowing their cover and revealing their true natures.

Until I am certain just exactly what is going on with me I refuse to accept the appellation of a “theist”. I wouldn’t be too surprised if aliens suddenly appear and reveal to me why they have been pretending to be God.

It has become physically obvious to me over and over again that something incredible is going on in my life. The signs and wonders of the guidance and intervention of invisible protective and often jovial forces in my life are beyond writing off as figments of my imagination.

There are outrageous aspects to my life that you do not know of and will most probably never know of. Just this weekend I have encountered so much sacred power flowing through my being that I’ve been forced to take a day off from the special exercises of power that are being entrusted to me. I am constrained to give you no clue as to what exactly I am referring to. You are in the dark and, as far as I am concerned, you shall stay in the dark.

So it comes as a great relief to me to know that since there is nothing whatsoever I can do to change your skeptic minds it is sign enough that it is a waste of my time and energy to even try.

Let the chosen of God be led by God to Salvation and let the damned and cast off be cast into whatever fiery hell the Master of Creation may see fit to cast them. Not my problem and I have no intention of making it my problem.

It’s a wonderful solution…for me, and that is more than wonderful enough. Amen.

Jason Thomas

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Post Created in an Atheist Forum

Post Created in an Atheist Forum

Jesus heard the voice of God and claimed to be The Way and The Truth and The Life. Plus He said no one could come to God except by Him. Millions upon millions believe Him to be the sanest man who ever walked the face of the Earth. Keeping this in mind, you know as well as I do that your “professionals” would label such a person as insane and lock Him away, if they could.

These “professionals” you speak of have only proven that they are able to cure the lack of funds in their bank accounts. Their answer to most every psychological problem is drugs, drugs and even more DRUGS!!! Then the hypocrite government has the nerve to try to convince the young that drugs are not the answer when they want to legally drug disruptive school children. Ridiculous.

How about YOU tell me why, if I could, should I perform a miraculous Internet miracle to convince you that God is real? So easy to cop out and write a few lines insinuating that I am crazy. Is that a sign of atheist bravery? I come here with no one of you people backing me up. You atheists have an entourage of atheists to back you up. I am not afraid to take all of you on at once. What are you afraid of? Little old me? Let’s have at it, hotshots!

Jason Thomas

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Post Created in an Atheist Forum

I’ll be quite frank in that I am not certain just who the atheists are in this forum. That is not a compliment to you theists because it should be rather obvious to me by now just who you theists and atheists actually are. I’ve posted in many forums throughout the years and this is the first forum I’ve ever encountered where it is this difficult to know just who the theists and the atheists actually are.

My first concern in posting here was to see if any of you had heard of the outrageous claim by pastor Dr James Kennedy that there are a trillion microscopic organic machines in each human cell. None of my Internet research could confirm this and after your commentaries I now tend to believe that there are not even a trillion atoms in each human cell so how in hell could there be a trillion organic microscopic machines? This really ticks me off as I didn’t really trust Dr James Kennedy before and now I REALLY DON’T TRUST ANYTHING HE MAY SAY THAT I CANNOT PERSONALLY VERIFY. I’m left with the feeling that Christians are mostly gullible idiots who blindly believe whatever their pastors may say. I now feel that without blind belief there cannot be a bindingly successful religion. So unless more evidence presents itself the case is closed on the first matter that brought me to this forum.

Next I brought up the concept of standard scientific atheist beliefs in that there is nothing in the universe that cannot be perceived by the five-human senses. Thus the concept of there being a ‘sixth-sense’ that can perceive spiritual realms is preposterous. Science, from what I’ve been led to believe, does not believe in any ‘sixth-sense’ for it cannot be proven scientifically as the five human senses can. To shatter this standard belief the premise was presented that the logic used to come to such a conclusion cannot be perceived by any one of the five human senses. Thus there must at least be a ‘sixth-sense’ in order to perceive and make sense of concepts such as logic, reason, love, happiness and other sensations that cannot be perceived by the five human senses. Face reality: If logic cannot be perceived by any of the five human senses then there must be at least a sixth-sense to perceive concepts such as logic and reason. This at least stands to reason.

Now if there is a sixth-sense, which must exist, then there may be even more senses yet to be officially recognized and presented as real by the scientific world. Since science does not officially recognize the existence of a ‘sixth-sense’ they officially say there is no such thing as a spiritual body in human. A spiritual body that is linked with the human body cannot be perceived by the five human senses thus it cannot be proven to be real thus IT IS NOT REAL! So the official stand of the atheist scientific world is that the spiritual body is not real and only wishful thinking, ignorant, gullible weirdos believe that there is a spiritual body.

I’ve presented a challenge to you atheists to tape the show Crossing Over with John Edward and study it in a way that cannot be done seeing the show once and committing it to memory. Study the reactions of the people getting the readings and decide for yourselves if it is all fake. This you would not do because you obviously do not want any evidence to throw your ‘set-in-stone’ views into doubt. All you cared about was Internet evidence debunking the man. THAT IS ALL YOU WOULD GIVE YOUR ATTENTION TO because you obviously refuse to believe no matter what evidence may be presented. I state again that there is a body of Biblical evidence that God does indeed harden the hearts of whoever He may choose to and if He calls the act “good” then it is good! He who created both good and evil has every right to call any act good whether you or I like it or not.

So I stated that you refuse to believe. Why? Because you cannot believe. Why? Because God has obviously hardened your heart and you do not realize this. Since you do not realize that you refuse to believe because you cannot believe it doesn’t make any sense to you. God has obviously hardened your hearts so you cannot believe no matter how much you may want to. Any evidence that may cause you to believe is automatically dismissed by you. The only attention you will properly give is to information debunking the evidence that may cause you to believe. Why is it that you are more than willing to give extensive attention to the debunking information? Because your hearts have obviously been hardened by the Almighty. I’ve learned that there are plenty of vacancies in hell that must be filled and you are more than invited to fill those vacancies. That is why it is written that the way to damnation is wide and many there be who find it. Straight and narrow is the way to Salvation and FEW there be who find it. God is the One who made the roads of eternity. It is to God that the responsibility must fall as to the fate of those who He has created.

So I presented that since my near-death experience over twenty-years ago my life is being led towards greater expressions of Love, Health, Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity and all manner of good and wholesome things. What used to seem like coincidences are now becoming so physically apparent that I HAD been left with two possible scenarios:

Either there is a God watching over me and guiding my life


I am having interactions with alien beings pretending to be God for some reason that I currently do not understand

It was at this point that you began to label me as insane. WHAT?? Is it so insane that beings more advanced than us can visit Earth from either different parts of the universe or possibly different dimensions? It is so foolish to think that mankind may one day advance to the point of visiting other worlds? The possibility exists that there may be civilizations millions of years more ancient than humanity out in the infinite universe. Still, you pompous secretly Illuminati brainwashed automatically label someone as crazy if he believes in the possibility of extra-terrestrials pretending to be God for some secret reason. Quite a number of white people invaded lands and allowed themselves to thought of as gods so that they could conquer the lands they were invading. Cortez was indeed just one of those scrupulous invaders who conquered Mexico and the Aztec culture allowing himself to be thought of as the return of the Mesoamerican god Quetzalcoatl.

SO WHAT if James Doohan was hired to host a special program about UFOs called UFOs Above and Beyond. Does that automatically mean everything presented in the video is fake. GET A GRIP ON REALITY! That video is jam-packed with information and incredible photographic evidence of the existence of UFOs and the government’s knowledge of their existence. So how do you react? In accordance with your secret Illuminati brainwash programming. You once again refuse to give the evidence the examination it deserves and embrace whatever debunking information you may have come across on the subject. You really are a pathetic bunch.

So now you keep trying to make your crazy label stick and I refute this by presenting you with some of the essence of what Jesus taught. I asked you if I came into this forum stating that I was ‘The Way The Truth and The Life and no one could know God except through me’ and that ‘God and I are One’ would you say that I was insane and needed professional help. The answer is obvious yet you refuse to come right out and say it because it would prove that the professionals you would have me see would have drugged and committed Jesus Christ to an insane asylum if they could AND YOU KNOW IT! Your “professionals” are best at making psychological drug junkies!

Still, you keep harping on the ‘crazy’ tag you are trying to make stick on me so that you don’t have to answer up to the discrepancies in your brainwashed thinking patterns.


Jason Thomas

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No Inspiration

No Inspiration

I have no inspiration whatsoever to give any of you any indication where I am debating the atheists. As a matter of fact I have no inspiration from you people to do anything except share posts I create in a more interesting forum.
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