Matters That Need Clarification

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New member
You cannot command anyone to truly love anyone. They may put on a show of love that is hollow for fear of retribution, but commanding people to love just does not work. Any God of Love would know this for a fact.
mrsnacks responds :
Jason : God says "Love one another ." Love your enemies . Love your wives as Christ loves the church. Love God with all your .....etc.

They all sound like commands to me ! They are the ten COMMANDMENTS they are not the ten suggestions. He doesn't command us to do something because it will work. That's pragmatism. We do it because He tells us to. I don't like it any more than you do at times.

I can't tell you what to do ,but i know we are called to be fishers of men not to scare the men away . Yes if you face rude and obnoxious and stiff necked atheists than put them in their place but "don't answer a fool according to his folly ........"

We got to do it God's way. Yes honesty is right and pleasing to God, but so is faithfulness and obedience. He tells us how we should act and respond. Either he is God or we are.

What I say may make you upset . Hey I used to have a bad temper. I was a very impatient person. I was mad at the world and for the right reasons. But i was miserable because I was living in disobedience. God honors obedience. He honors that we are patient and gentle with one another. The ones that are nasty to me ( and i get a lot of them ) I deal with them biblically. I realize they are blind and in need of a Savior. I was blind at one time and God was patient with me and my rants at Him.It's hard but we have to work at it. So anyway take care -

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
To mrsnacks

To mrsnacks

"Jason : God says "Love one another ." Love your enemies . Love your wives as Christ loves the church. Love God with all your .....etc.

They all sound like commands to me ! They are the ten COMMANDMENTS they are not the ten suggestions."

Well, you see that’s the thing with you brainwashed book believers. If it says it in your supposed holy book then it must be true. If God COMMANDS something and it doesn’t happen then HE IS NOT GOD! If God COMMANDS and says “LET THERE BE LIGHT!” and there is not light then He is not God the Creator. About two-thousand years ago God supposedly commanded people to love one another. Now two-thousand years later the world is in a crazier state than it has ever been in. The Earth is being critically destroyed by these Christian nations leaving a raped and polluted environment for the next generation. Tell us of all the love between the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, eh?

Sure they sound like commands to you, but since you apparently have been brainwashed to believe that YOUR holy book is infallible and inerrant while all other holy books are of the devil your view doesn’t count for much. You are probably one of those people who can find nothing good in the Bhagavad-Gita or the teachings of the Buddha. You probably have been so thoroughly brainwashed into believing YOUR book has all the answers that you cannot see the supposed answers in your book are not solving the problems of the world.

How about you show us all how The Ten Commandments are stopping war in the Middle-East? Is it really working commanding people to do things they refuse to do? Really????????

Christianity has had over two-thousand years to prove it is the answer. HOW MANY MORE THOUSANDS OF YEARS DO YOU CHRISTIANS NEED????



Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
To mrsnacks

To mrsnacks

You may be blind to it, but you are essentially saying that I must do things YOUR way because your holy book is infallible and inerrant so that makes you more correct than I am. To me that reeks of egomania and attitudes like yours are the very seed of holy wars and tremendous bloodshed and countless tortures throughout the thousands of years of Christianity. You and your kind try to impose YOUR way on everyone for we MUST all be like you! WELL WAKE UP!!!! YOUR WAY IS NOT FIXING THE WORLD!!!!! If it were I might tend to see things YOUR way.

Remove the beam from thy country’s eye so that you can see clearly enough to remove the mote from other countries eyes, thou hypocrites! If your religion can’t even fix your country how the hell can you expect it to fix any other country??????????????

The blind leading the blind


Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Christian Charity

Christian Charity

Christianity would have us all believe that America is the greatest country on Earth because it was founded upon Christian principles. Really now! Trick people into believing that you can be trusted by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ then when they least expect it steal their land, kill all opposition then desecrate and pollute the land you have stolen. Heaven have mercy on your Freemason forefathers America! With their secret oaths and secret handshakes and secret ceremonies. As though what they do and plan in secret is hidden from the eyes of the All-Mighty.

Oh look how the Christians love their enemies! It was cold that winter and the Christians in their God inspired charity gave the Native Americans many warm blankets. Wasn’t that nice? Didn’t bother to tell the Native Americans that those blankets were infested with either small pox, or was it measles? Doesn’t matter for it still did the job of killing off the opposition by the hundreds and thousands. My how wonderful Christian charity is!

And just look how much better the former Soviet Union now is thanks to all the Christian missionaries who went charging over there when they were finally given the opportunity. My, my. How the list goes on and on!

Remove the beam from your eye so that you can see clearly and remove the mote from your brother’s eye, thou hypocrite!



New member
Jason, while I don't care for how the native americans were dispossessed, that's so utterly irrelevant to christianity that I can't see why you bring it up. If you were to argue that Manifest Destiny was a religious movement instead of a political philosophy, I think you'd be less indefensible.

Oh, and if you're trying to tell anybody else how awful they are while spewing hate, umm, how does that help your accusation of hypocrisy?

brother Willi

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
How have you guys put up with this “holier than thou” doofus for so long.

He is so full of his own inanity I would be amazed if he is not typing this stuff straight from some mental institution.

For some reason Jason himself seems privy to the secrets of the Universe.
Jason has traveled far.
As you can see

I wish you well Jason,Alex,Dave,Warrior,ETC>>>:thumb:

Do not take this to be :eek:
Nor callin :kookoo:
Dance on

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Face Reality

Face Reality

Excuse me, but are you trying to say that Christianity played no part in tricking the Native Americans, Hawaiians and the Alaskans out of their respective lands? If so you need to research the matter much more intently.

As for HillBillyWilli, do prove your accusation. You've made assumptions about me and I have allowed you to ramble on in your madness. Now the time has come for you to offer your proof. If you have no proof then how about stopping your accusations when you don't know what you are writing about. Show us all where I have ever posted in that forum.


New member
Well, you see that’s the thing with you brainwashed book believers. If it says it in your supposed holy book then it must be true.
mrsnacks responds :

Brainwashed believers ? I apologize - i thought you were a brother in the Lord obviously judging by your tone and response you aren't. You are a runaway train on the track of madness my friend.
Your supposed holy book ? I thought it was Holy with a capitol H. And yes it is true --basic Sunday school stuff.


If God COMMANDS something and it doesn’t happen then HE IS NOT GOD! If God COMMANDS and says “LET THERE BE LIGHT!” and there is not light then He is not God the Creator. About two-thousand years ago God supposedly commanded people to love one another. Now two-thousand years later the world is in a crazier state than it has ever been in. The Earth is being critically destroyed by these Christian nations leaving a raped and polluted environment for the next generation


mrsnacks says:

Well do something then.Better question -what are you doing ? Well don't sit there like a sore thumb. Bark at the moon not at me. You 're sounding bare-chested , gray bearded , and shoeless. I guess I am dealing with a skeptic. And before you were posing as a Christian. I'll bite the bullet though. I have a few minutes.

Your momma told you to clean your room. If you disobeyed , then that means your momma doesn't exist right ? Your statement doesn't follow and neither does mine. But that's your logic. So according to your worldview skeptic-- why is it wrong to destroy and pollute the environment ? I know you object , but on what grounds ? For the sake of argument my motto is " Go for all the gusto you can. Look out for number one. "Why should I be concerned about the next generation ?

You may be blind to it, but you are essentially saying that I must do things YOUR way because your holy book is infallible and inerrant so that makes you more correct than I am. To me that reeks of egomania and attitudes like yours are the very seed of holy wars and tremendous bloodshed and countless tortures throughout the thousands of years of Christianity. You and your kind try to impose YOUR way on everyone for we MUST all be like you! WELL WAKE UP!!!! YOUR WAY IS NOT FIXING THE WORLD!!!!! If it were I might tend to see things YOUR way.
mrsnacks responds:

I never said (go back and read ) do this because i said so. I was in a loving and patient manner using the Bible ( used for correction , reproof. ) in talking to you as a brother in the Lord. You have been a deceiver. Than smarty pants don't do it my way --- WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ? ANSWER THAT . is God your God? Jesus says ' If you love me , you'll obey me. Curious - what does that mean ?How does that apply to you ?

You are slinging mud and I don't appreciate
it. Sounds like you let bitterness inside your head and now it set up housekeeping there.
The Word says " Be ye imitators of Christ. " So Mr. Bible man --exegete that passage for us. I'm waiting !

You are probably one of those people who can find nothing good in the Bhagavad-Gita or the teachings of the Buddha. You probably have been so thoroughly brainwashed into believing YOUR book has all the answers that you cannot see the supposed answers in your book are not solving the problems of the world.
mrsnacks responds:

Hey hey .You're swimming in a pool of logical fallacies. What is good in your universe? Is it grounded in opinion, or are there absolute standards of morality?
I really don't have time for this. This is a foolish discussion. If you desire to keep your horses in the same drawer as your belly - button rings be my guest.

There are two common elements in the universe- pure hydrogen and stupidity.
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brother Willi

New member
Re: Face Reality

Re: Face Reality

Originally posted by Jason Thomas

As for HillBillyWilli, do prove your accusation. You've made assumptions about me and I have allowed you to ramble on in your madness. Now the time has come for you to offer your proof. If you have no proof then how about stopping your accusations when you don't know what you are writing about. Show us all where I have ever posted in that forum.
The words are yours.
I do not mean this in a bad way.

I have seen you change, a change it seams for the better.
So before I let folks call you :kookoo:
I just wanted to show them how you have changed.
In some ways anyway.
The "brainwashed" "Skull & Bones Illuminati " "aliens"and some other matters, you are still the same old Warrior.
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Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
To mrsnacks

To mrsnacks

Are you man enough for a challenge to your beliefs? PROVE IT! First lets establish what you believe:

Is the Bible The Infallible and Inerrant Word of God?

Berean Todd

New member
Re: To mrsnacks

Re: To mrsnacks

Originally posted by Jason Thomas
Are you man enough for a challenge to your beliefs? PROVE IT! First lets establish what you believe:

Is the Bible The Infallible and Inerrant Word of God?

The original autographs most certainly are, and the transmission of them through the years has been impecable.

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
A post worthy?

A post worthy?

"The original autographs most certainly are, and the transmission of them through the years has been impecable."

As impeccable as your spelling of the word ‘impeccable’? Before you go bragging that the Bible is impeccable how about learning how to spell the word, Saint Cantaspell

BTW: Don't remember seeing the Apostle Paul's original autograph on anything he supposedly wrote. Did he sign his name in Greek or Hebrew...or...Hebreek?

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Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod


"I have seen you change, a change it seams for the better.
So before I let folks call you I just wanted to show them how you have changed."

The reason you think I have changed so much is because I am not the person you think I am. Unless you become more intelligent and interesting I have no intention of responding to you anymore so don't bother posting to me unless you grow some more brains.

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
To mrsnacks

To mrsnacks

"Jason : Waiting for your response. I raised some questions earlier .
What do you believe by the way ?"

I’ve dealt with you brainwashed religious types who feel everyone must be ‘like you’ far too often and I’ve learned that the only way to make you face the truth is to focus upon only one point at a time until each and every controversial point is completely and thoroughly resolved.

So I ask you again: Is the Bible the Infallible and Inerrant Word of God?

If you want to know what I believe then prove it by answering the question, Mr Potato Chips


New member
I’ve dealt with you brainwashed religious types who feel everyone must be ‘like you’ far too often and I’ve learned that the only way to make you face the truth is to focus upon only one point at a time until each and every controversial point is completely and thoroughly resolved.

So I ask you again: Is the Bible the Infallible and Inerrant Word of God?

If you want to know what I believe then prove it by answering the question, Mr Potato Chips
Hey Jason Monkee- head Thomas -forget to pay your brain bill:

This is fun and I can play your stupid game and participate in this mental foreplay . I posted first and I am waiting for your reply then we'll move on .Sorry about the ad -hominem but I am getting tired of you brianwashed skeptic -types who feel that they don't have any right to be put on the spot .

The word of God corrected you and I've learned that the only way to make you face the truth is to focus on your weak presuppositions one point at a time until each and every controversial point is completely and thoroughly resolved . So I am asking you again : Are you going to respond to my former comments and questions or are you going to evade my earlier comments ?

If you want to know what I believe about your question on the Word of God then ask a glass of water banana head. :bannana:

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
To mrsnacks

To mrsnacks

Since you are too much of a coward to directly answer the simple question I will answer it for you using the sum of your posts as evidence.

You obviously think of the Bible as being Infallible and Inerrant. If God supposedly said something in the Bible you obviously take it as full on perfect and impeccable Gospel truth.

So the answer to my question is quite obvious: You believe the Bible to be the Infallible and Inerrant “Word of God!”

Okay then, here is the next question I was going to ask you once this was officially established. What exactly do I need to do to be saved in the Kingdom of God? Give me no more and no less. Just the exact requirements that apply to everyone. Thanks.

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
To mrsnacks

To mrsnacks

"Than smarty pants don't do it my way --- WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ? ANSWER THAT ."

You act as though I have not been directly addressing your counterpoint commentaries. This is a lie! I have been addressing your commentary and your answers to the recent questions I’ve been asking you will prove to address the rest. I sense that you are nervous because I am beginning to prove that you base your beliefs on blind assumptions about the infallible inerrancy of a book. Your book is your God whether you are willing to face this truth or not.
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