Pastor brags about punching kid in the chest


The discussion here has nothing whatsoever to do with the capital punishment of formal heretics by the State during the Middle Ages. Try again.

I think it has everything to do with it, because a punch to the chest is not like having one's soul quickened to redeem oneself from heresy- which is what you are sort of acting like.

I'm not being anti-Catholic, I'm just putting forth a comparison. The pastor was not being some high inquisitor.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Well Peter did cut somebody's ear off. So there's that.

I'm not sure that would have been wrong if it wasn't for the specific circumstances in question (Jesus being about to die, Peter missing the fact that Jesus said that was going to happen and being so oblivious to it that his first instinct is to reach for his sword.) Not sure cutting off a soldier's ear to stop him from arresting an innocent man is equivalent to decking a kid for "disrespect."