STP, re your post # 68, consider that when Paul was saved in Acts 9, the Spirit had already concluded Israel "UNcircumcised in heart and ears," Acts 7:51, and Paul with them, Acts 7:58, 1 Tim. 1:13.
This, in light of Matt. 12:30-32; John 5:46; Acts 7:53; 1 Thess. 2: 16; Rom. 2: 25, 28, 29; and so on.
In short, Israel was now Uncircumcision, no better off then a Gentile, Rom. 3:9; Rom. 11:11; Rom. 11: 32.
Per Romans 15:20-21, it was not Paul's place to preach to, or build upon another man's foundation.
Meaning, in Acts 13, those Paul preaches to were not only not part of the Little Flock; Acts 3: 24-26, but were both now all without hope and without God in the world with - "them that were nigh" Eph. 2:17.
Both now without hope, but for Paul's gospel; Israel's Promise having been shut down (let me know if I communicated that clearly or not), Rom. 11:23-29.
Paul was a Jew but lost in UNcircumcision, spiritually, for he had blasphemed the Spirit (see above passages).
He could now be saved only by - the very same gospel - "of the Uncircumcision" - he was then sent out to "preach among the Gentiles," Gal. 2:2, 7, 8, 9.
He preached this very same gospel to the Jews, Acts 9:15; Romans 1: 16; 11:13-14; "the heathen" of Gal. 2:9.
According to the passages I cited after Israel's fall, the phrase "the Circumcision" at times refers to those of the Little Flock, as in Acts 10:45, or those of Israel, when Paul uses the phrase in a negative sense, as in Titus 1:10.
This is the standard Acts 9 Position, by the way...