Thank You, President Bush


Axe dropper
Mr. President, we thank you for your leadership in the war against terror, in the war in Afghanistan, and in Iraq. Thank you for seeing the connection between our own self-defense and the liberation of more than 40 million Iraqis and Afghans. And thank you that our soldiers protected innocent life in enemy territory more so than did the opposing governments.

Mr. President, the easy part is over. Now....[ more ]


New member
I agree. I'm starting to feel such a sense of hypocrisy in the US now and there's not a whole lot I can do about it.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Administrator is a good war follow-up is a good war follow-up

I'm going to use my show on KGOV to help further this idea of leveraging the momentum of American justice. After stopping the killing of innocents in foreign countries, we need to do the same here at home. -Bob


New member
What's over??!

3 of my buddies in a sister unit died just two days ago and my unit leaves for Iraq in exactly 7 days. ...Maybe it's starting to look "over" in TV land...

And as for abortion... I don't see Bob out fighting and dieing for his cause..... but he has no problem making a political parallel to the fighting that soldier's do.... Take up arms if you feel so strongly Bob.

I am certainly willing to give my life so you can complain about it... but don't compare your fight with mine. It's not your momentum even if your cause is just.
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New member
A politician who stands taller than most pastors

A politician who stands taller than most pastors

Sometimes when I hear President Bush address the nation I wonder why more Christians do not follow his lead and begin publically declaring their own dependance on Christ! If the President of the USA publicly admits that he needs Jesus, I think that we need to follow suit! I've never been more proud of the White House and I hope that President Bush remains our president for another term, we need a Godly man in his office.

Psycho Dave

Yeah, there's nothing like a president who can:

* destroy 50 years of progress with the United Nations
* alienate us from most of our greatest allies
* destroy the international military cooperation established since the peacekeeping in Yugoslavia
* operate our foreign policy by the medieval "get them before they even think of getting us" mentality.
* Ignore the world court at the Hague, which the US helped build up for international justice.
* make the bill of rights almost seem irrelevent with his Patriot Act, and the soon-to-be-circulated Patriot Act II.

If I'm not mistaken, Bush and his cabinet want to turn America into a police state in order to protect us. What a guy.


New member
God has a plan for your life Dave

God has a plan for your life Dave

Poor Dave...

Glass is always half empty isn't it. I promise to remember you in our prayer meetings on Wednesday nights.

God Bless You and God Bless America


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Calvinist
And as for abortion... I don't see Bob out fighting and dieing for his cause..... but he has no problem making a political parallel to the fighting that soldier's do.... Take up arms if you feel so strongly Bob.
And if he did take arms, would you then condemn him for it?

I'd be interested in reading your response to this thread:


Well-known member
Scribes, that's all we are here... someone who knows how to write.

Scribes, that's all we are here... someone who knows how to write.

Psycho, you need therapy.
Yeah, there's nothing like a president who can:
* destroy 50 years of progress with the United Nations
If what has happened in this, when it is all said and done, hurts our 'position' with the biggest farce of a "Human Rights," organization (the U.N.), then maybe we need to remove ourselves from the U.N. and tell them to get out of the U.S.. The U.N. has made itself irrelevant in too many ways, too many times. If they had acted responsibly the last time we were in Iraq, and helped KEEP the peace that we brought the people of Iraq, we wouldn't have this twelve-year-long killing spree to have to put an end to.
* alienate us from most of our greatest allies
If the actions we have taken have alienated us from anyone who is a true ally, it has not been announced in the news yet.
* destroy the international military cooperation established since the peacekeeping in Yugoslavia
Co-operation, and a lack of co-operation? I don't see it.
* operate our foreign policy by the medieval "get them before they even think of getting us" mentality.
No, it is called, "Let's get the guys that are killing human beings wholsale (read MILLIONS)."
* Ignore the world court at the Hague, which the US helped build up for international justice.
Well, if the World Court wants to ignore the U.N.'s resolutions, and our soverignty, and desire for world peace, then we need to ignore them.
* make the bill of rights almost seem irrelevent with his Patriot Act, and the soon-to-be-circulated Patriot Act II.
If I'm not mistaken, Bush and his cabinet want to turn America into a police state in order to protect us. What a guy.
I don't feel that I have lost any rights, and welcome stricter security. Israel has very, very, VERY strict security, and they enjoy one of the sweetest free governments on earth. I believe that if there were more people who saw police as, "ministers of God," operating in their (the people's) behalf; that we would have a lot fewer problems in this country, and there might not ever be any more terrorism. We also need to be praying for our ministers, they only have as much guidance and revelation from the Lord as we obtain for them on our knees.

Do we just turn tail and run, because somebody is swinging a stick? No, we confront the BONEHEAD, and take away his stick. If he goes and gets another stick, we call the police. If the police have a problem with the guy, he might end up being killed, because of his disobedience. The police are not to blame. Neither is President Bush, nor the military (thank the Good Lord Jesus for them).

We need to get our minds straight, and keep our eyes on the Truth. He is our focus. The true enemy is the spirit which is driving men like Saddam, Milosevich, Hitler, and so on. I see that same spirit operating in your words.


Psycho Dave wrote...

Psycho Dave wrote...

* destroy 50 years of progress with the United Nations
--The U.N. has made themselves irrelevant by passing resolutions and then not enforcing them. I thank GOD that G.W. Bush has the resolve to do what is best for this country, regardless of what a bunch of American haters [U.N.] think. The next step is to completely withdraw from the U.N. and make them find another country for their headquarters. May I suggest France?

* alienate us from most of our greatest allies
---What allies???? France? Germany? Russia? You must be kidding.....

* destroy the international military cooperation established since the peacekeeping in Yugoslavia
---We have experienced, in this war against Saddam, the 3rd largest coalition EVER! If that isn't military cooperation, what is?

* operate our foreign policy by the medieval "get them before they even think of getting us" mentality.
---Uhhhhhh........Saddam had 12 years to do the right thing. He had already gotten us, by ignoring resolutions. By firng at our planes consistently. By harboring terrorists. By making WMD availible to terrorists. By paying the families of 'suicide bombers. By helping Mo Atta before 9-11. The list goes on. And, by the way, I am all for getting them before they get us!! Hooooorrrahhhhhh!

-Colin Powell


What prevents most Christians from honoring the teachings of Jesus?

They seem pretty unambigous to me. And his parables seem to turn what we depend on and call "reality" upside down.

What would the Kingdoms of this world be like if God was the true ruler of the empire and Ceasar, Saddam and Bush were at the bottom? What will happen to the dogma of the pulpit when we begin to let Jesus finally speak for himself?

Most church-goers seem to want to tell others in low and sonorous tones to believe, believe and believe and berate others who do not agree with their fourth century formulations. What a great job it must be: bow down to a Nicean Creed which says NOTHING about Jesus' teachings and get up the next morning without having to change one whit about their own behavior.

No wonder some wag of an atheist once said that the best argument against Christianity is a Christian!

Jesus now, Jesus then, Jesus forever....

4 A.M. Prayer

Re: Scribes, that's all we are here... someone who knows how to write.

Re: Scribes, that's all we are here... someone who knows how to write.

Originally posted by famousGandalf7
, "Let's get the guys that are killing human beings wholsale (read MILLIONS)
No, Saddam has not killed "millions"; I don't have all the facts, perhaps his bloodletting in Iran gets him in the neighborhood, but do the "fundie Enyart-ites" on board really care about 'Islamic' souls? Aren't they all going to Hell?
, and Israel has very, very, VERY strict security, and they enjoy one of the sweetest free governments on earth.

Pah-leez! How many bulldozing of new 'settlements' do we need?
And I've yet to hear any fundy address the issue of 'Christian' Palestinians!!! Don't they count? Last time I checked, fundy apocolyptic Christians were split down the middle on whether "Israel" meant a literal new nation Israel or a "spiritual" Israel of Christians converts accumulated over the last two thousand years. (I'm not pro-Palestinian, I'm more for than against the Israeli development since 1948 but they are now armed, loaded to the gills, and perhaps the 5th or 6th (or higher!) power in the world today and should step back and support a Palestinian state)

I believe that if there were more people who saw police as, "ministers of God," operating in their (the people's) behalf; that we would have a lot fewer problems in this country, and there might not ever be any more terrorism.
Are you operating out of some some "la-la land" mindset my friend?

We also need to be praying for our ministers, they only have as much guidance and revelation from the Lord as we obtain for them on our knees.
I would agree here; but could we include 'priests' here as well, or is any "Catholic" opinion not to be considered...

The police are not to blame. Neither is President Bush, nor the military (thank the Good Lord Jesus for them).

I support our troops, I think Saddam is a murderous thug as are his croonies and his sons (from what we've been given). but can I give another " Pah-leez"! Can we not liberate Iraq without all the arrogant "we will shock and awe" crapola?? And the "our missles are so 'precise' that civilian casualties will be virtually non-existant?"
I think the UN is a joke in many ways; but Prime Minister Blair has already told Pres. Bush that the UN needs to play a part in rebuilding Iraq. I agree. The world (and the brainwashed Arab world as well) needs to see that this is not some American invasion....Our American leadership needs to stops this "we are the bad arses of the world" crapola....
I'm rambling here, I'll stop; may the Lord bless all folks in harms way.


Resident Servant
May God Bless the USA... At least we have some real leadership in office these days. Bush has my prayers and support with the way he is leading this great country of ours...


Well-known member
For FourAMPray-er

For FourAMPray-er

If we had just HALF as many bombings and unrest as Israel, we would already be living in a police-state which would happen because the people cried to the government to, "... do something!!!" as they always seem to do in America. In Israel, they are operating with much more restraint and tolerance than any other government on earth. God bless Israel, I think she is TOO patient.

Israel is the Olive Tree. We are the branches which have been 'grafted in.' The Olive Tree will soon be grafted back into the One True Vine, as well.
Are you operating out of some some "la-la land" mindset my friend?
I am, it is called, "Christianity," and this Kingdom is not of this earth. You are yet carnal, or you would understand the truth expressed here. The police are ministers of God, acting on your behalf, if you stay within the law. I am, thankfully, NOT your friend.

There are reports I have heard of people talking to witnesses in Baghdad who have said that the military of Iraq is firing missles into Shiite neighborhoods, and blaming the US for the outcome.

The need here, is for us to not think too highly of ourselves, which is how all problems get started (original sin: pride). We need to see through our Father's eyes, and judge with His Judgement.:angel:


4 am prayer wrote....

"I'm not pro-Palestinian, I'm more for than against the Israeli development since 1948 but they are now armed, loaded to the gills, and perhaps the 5th or 6th (or higher!) power in the world today and should step back and support a Palestinian state) "

---Barak accepted Clinton's proposal of a Palestinian State and Arafat rejected it!!!!! Israel is the good guy and Arafat is the terrorist, simple as that. See article below...

---Kofi Annan

Monday, June 24, 2002 9:14 a.m. EDT

Barak to Arafat: Too Late for Clinton Peace Plan

Reacting to Palestinian terrorist chief Yasser Arafat's belated offer on Friday to accept the terms of the peace plan proposed in December 2000 by then-President Clinton, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said that it was too late.

"I would say that if he is serious we have to see it in action, namely; put an end to the terror, put an end to incitement and arrest these terrorists," Barak told Fox News Channel's Rita Cosby late Saturday.

"That's what we would expect from him before turning to a real peace plan," the ex-Israeli leader added.

Barak, who had accepted the Clinton plan that Arafat rejected, said also that he doubted the Palestinian leader's reversal was sincere.

"I'm quite doubtful he really means it this time," he told Fox News Channel. "It looks like a smoke screen. He feels the pressure coming closer to him as a result of his terrorism, his suicide attacks and series of bombings."

The Clinton proposal would have given Arafat control over all of the Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank, as well as sovereignty over East Jerusalem, the New York Post reported Saturday, before Barak's remarks.

"I'm prepared to accept [the Clinton peace plan], absolutely," Arafat told the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on Friday.

Barak's comments come as a blow to Clinton supporters, who continue to hold out the hope that his plan will eventually provide the framework for a long-lasting peace agreement that would win him a Nobel Peace Prize.


New member
We have already lost the peace

We have already lost the peace

THe declared objective of the war was to remove Saddam Hussein & liberate the Iraqi people. We were given to expect a short & positive campaign, and a welcome by the people.

Instead we have a war of attrition, disruption of vital supplies, & extreme & ongoing suffering of the people we were trying to liberate.

"We" can win the war in a military sense by massive force, but that will mean utter defeat in terms of the objectives.

The legacy will be lasting hatred & distrust - and continued terrorism..


Originally posted by Knight
aikido7, please attempt to post text relevant to the topic at hand.

topic at hand (posted by "webmaster, administrator):

"Mr. President, we thank you for your leadership in the war against terror, in the war in Afghanistan, and in Iraq. Thank you for seeing the connection between our own self-defense and the liberation of more than 40 million Iraqis and Afghans. And thank you that our soldiers protected innocent life in enemy territory more so than did the opposing governments."

This topic was posted on the TheologyOnline Community website. My response was to ask, specifically, how Jesus' teachings compare and/or contrast to our war against terror, particularly in our terrible weapons used against that perceived terror.

If you read it carefully, you will discover my post is full of questions, lamentations and opinions regarding the present leadership and how that leadership plays against the servant leadership exemplified by the deeds of Jesus.

In my mind and heart, I actually think I am bring us BACK on topic!

Now I guess I need to ask, specifically, how my post has no relevance to "the topic at hand."
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