ECT This should start a decent discussion: Universal Atonement

Cross Reference

New member
Originally Posted by LAL359 View Post
And what may I ask is wrong about feeling good as a Christian??!! I LOVED the video. It excites me when I am reminded that "it" is not all about me. I have victory "in Christ". I have freedom "in Christ". I don't know about you but when I focus on how I am doing, in the disciplines of Christian living, how I am doing at resisting temptations etc. etc. it can be rather depressing. We seem to always come up short but "HELLO" are you listening?? Our eternal life, our "success" as Christians is NOT dependent on US! Christ took it all on Himself!! Hallelujah that makes me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY. As some one that used to live in the frigid north, that whole illustration of crawling vs. driving on the ice is SO awesome. I would certainly encourage you to rethink your stance and watch the video or not I guess but for heaven's sake Let's feel good as Christians! This is GOOD NEWS!!
To any one else on this thread that hasn't taken the time to watch this latest video the tftn5280 posted WATCH it and find encouragement in this at times discouraging world. Thank you tftn5280!

That's pretty cool. Thanks!

But wrong when the Christian realizes the purpose of temptation, what it is meant to accomplish for him.


New member
No. I am sure he didn't say anything that would have changed my mind based upon your comments. Of course, I am assuming you watched him.

Then you are but a clanging cymbal, a banging gong, a little child with his fingers in his ears, shouting la la la la la la la. You have nothing to say and nothing to learn. Why are you even here, if not to sow discord?

Cross Reference

New member
Then you are but a clanging cymbal, a banging gong, a little child with his fingers in his ears, shouting la la la la la la la. You have nothing to say and nothing to learn. Why are you even here, if not to sow discord?
And why are you being so insulting? Can this be the result of anything I missed by not watching the video? You are making me wonder.


New member
And why are you being so insulting? Can this be the result of anything I missed by not watching the video? You are making me wonder.

Yes, you have missed something by not watching the videos. This thread opens with a request to watch a video, whereby you would have a basis to understand my position. You don't have to watch them, but if you don't, you really have nothing to contribute to the thread. Go start your own thread. Explore any topic you like. But don't hang around here, because you are uniformed and willfully unequipped. Some criticisms are justified.
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Cross Reference

New member
Yes, you have missed something by not watching the videos. This thread opens with a request to watched a video, whereby you would have a basis to understand my position. You don't have to watch them, but if you don't, you really have nothing to contribute to the thread. Go start your own thread. Explore any topic you like. But don't hang around here, because you are uniformed and willfully unequipped. Some criticisms are justified.

So your insults are a result of my being honest with you? hmmm? OMT, What religious denomination are you?
and have you read any of my posts to know what I am espoused to?


Well-known member
As it was for Jesus, was it not "to fulfill all righteousness"?

That is why JESUS was baptized...

__ If not, then why was Jesus baptized in water?

Jesus was baptized to fulfill all righteousness...
He commanded the Apostles to baptize all the Nations...

YOU get baptized in order to fulfill all righteousness IN YOU...

Seems pretty straightforward...



Well-known member
So your insults are a result of my being honest with you? hmmm? OMT, What religious denomination are you?
and have you read any of my posts to know what I am espoused to?

Be a big boy and watch the video...

Or be a big baby and whine...

You have been asked nicely by the thread starter to man up...

And you keep whining about insults...

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Cross Reference

New member
Be a big boy and watch the video...

Or be a big baby and whine...

You have been asked nicely by the thread starter to man up...

And you keep whining about insults...


I don't think so and I don't need your .02 mingled in this. So bac-off, Creed Cruncher.
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New member
So your insults are a result of my being honest with you? hmmm? OMT, What religious denomination are you?
and have you read any of my posts to know what I am espoused to?

I go to a Baptist church. I criticized you but I am not trying to insult you. I have read some of your posts.
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Simon Baker


Inferential based on the words of Holy Writ...


Flash of insight and its outworkings...

Instead of these, it is empirical...

The words of the holy ones of God are descriptive...

John wrote: o theos agaph estin... God Love IS... He is describing in human terms, as simply as he can, what he has PERCEIVED noetically in Divine Vision... He is describing something few have perceived empirically - eg the Power of Love to create and sustain all of existence... Who has 'seen' such a thing? But he did...

Eastern is practical - immediately...

Western is more along the lines of the Jews who spoke in terms of IF... The outworkings are left to figure out or become manifest with time - And a lot of arguing about implications being necessary of optional...

But more than that, the eastern theology is concerned with the preparation of the person for encountering God... And for deepening one's encounters with God... A lot...

Western theology is much more logically concerned with systematic explication of theoretical constructs that explain what the Bible means...

In the East, after 2000 years of living the Faith of Jesus Christ that caused the Bible to be written, we are no longer flopping around on the ice fresh caught and reading the Bible for new theological insights for our systems of thought... Our concern is the preparation of our souls for the Bridegroom, lamenting our sins, and calling on the Name of the Lord, taking the Cup of Salvation... Our theology is intimately concerned with how repentance works and what it looks like, and the how-to of what happens within divine encounters, and what that looks like...

The concern of our theology is the DOING of God's Word...

In the West, it is defending one's VERSION of God's Word...


Do you DO God's Word ? Please expound. That is a broad, sweeping statement, that may be true statisically, but prove it. You are in the west, not the east. i must have missed your answer before, are you a priest or an eastern orthodox "teacher" or "peacher" of any kind ? get back to us on "DOING" God's Word, and what your rank is according to God. you may notice, i am not "defending" anything.


Luke 9:23
And He said to them all,
"If any man will come after me,
let him deny himself,
and take up his cross daily,
and follow me. "



.....................!! SPLAT !!...


I have given you all my Latin!

This is not found in the Complutensian Polyglot, Hodges-Farstad, or Robertson-Pierpont, nor does Von Soden venture to say it is in the majority of manuscripts. It is a latin Roman catholic fraud. None of the other synoptics say daily either. The TR may be inconsitent here, but it originates obviously from the Vulgate, and is an Alexandrian only reading which fooled the Orthodox being as they have in their greek version. It is also found critical texts. But it is not an old Greek reading, nor could it be considered majority though it is a incorrect Textus Receptus interpolation.

You fail big time. You knew too easily what it said in the Latin original.


Well-known member
You fail big time. You knew too easily what it said in the Latin original.

I don't DO Latin, sorry...

I have no idea what the Latin version of the Greek Original Text that we have transmitted to the present day might say... I simply use the BYZ text, and it has "daily"... The BYZ Greek Text is the Majority Text, and is a critical edition of their amalgam - There are thousands of MSS... The BYZ is sort of "official" out of Constantinople...

All I did to refute your false claim was to do a search on my free e-Sword for DAILY and it popped right up... But even easier, it is discipled in the Church as a DAILY taking up of one's cross and following Christ... It is the default understanding... It has to be done each and every day... If it is not done, a day is lost...



Well-known member
Do you DO God's Word ? Please expound. That is a broad, sweeping statement, that may be true statisically, but prove it.

I had written that theology in the EOC is concerned more with the DOING of God's Word than with arguing interpretations of the Bible... Christ IS God's Word... A 'word' is a teaching or doctrine, and the teaching is Christ's walking the earth in His Incarnation... So it means following Christ in obedience to the Apostolic teachings given BY Christ to His Disciples:

Matthew 28:20
Teaching them to be carefully observing
all things whatsoever I have commanded you

You are in the west, not the east.

And the West is lost... We regard it in its entirety as a vast Mission Field... The cannibals of the Amazon are less lost than the West... That is why a RADICAL look, at what the Faith of Christ actually IS, needs to be proclaimed...

i must have missed your answer before, are you a priest or an eastern orthodox "teacher" or "peacher" of any kind ?


get back to us on "DOING" God's Word,

It means following Christ - Renouncing the world, and gaining the Kingdom of Heaven...

and what your rank is according to God.

My rank according to God?


And with Paul, in the first rank of the worst of sinners...

you may notice, i am not "defending" anything.

Why would I notice that?



Well-known member

i must have missed your answer before,
are you a priest or an eastern orthodox "teacher" or "peacher" of any kind ? ...
and what your rank is according to God.

Why are you so concerned about who I am?

And what exalted "position" I might hold?

Think of me as a scum-dog rotter...

With dogs licking my seeping sores...

A VERY RANK amateur...

Smelly and with limited social skills...

Fer openers, I say!

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Well-known member
This is not found in the Complutensian Polyglot, Hodges-Farstad, or Robertson-Pierpont,
nor does Von Soden venture to say it is in the majority of manuscripts.

That is a very underwhelming argument...

It is in the TOL database when you mouse over it...

You will find it in the BYZ text of the interlinear online...

It is free...


patrick jane

Why are you so concerned about who I am?

And what exalted "position" I might hold?

Think of me as a scum-dog rotter...

With dogs licking my seeping sores...

A VERY RANK amateur...

Smelly and with limited social skills...

Fer openers, I say!


i smell what you're cookin'. i wish i could just split the world 'east' and 'west', yes, that's it ! sores ? seeping ? maybe it's bed bugs ? -

View attachment 19601


Well-known member
i smell what you're cookin'. i wish i could just split the world 'east' and 'west', yes, that's it ! sores ? seeping ? maybe it's bed bugs ? -

View attachment 19601

A lurid visual sometimes helps, that's all...

Wasn't it Paul who quipped: "What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?"

But the over-view is the Great Schism of the Latin West from the Eastern Communion of Christianity... Where the Latin Papacy was taken over by warring German Bishops in the 10th century, and tried to take over the Church under Papal RULE...

They failed, but their authoritarian Church gave illegitimate birth to the Reformation in the 15th century, which spawned legions of denominations, to the point that today, every Protestant Christian is theologically self-defined... Hating the Latins and using the Bible as a weapon against Rome...

The East, otoh, underwent persecutions, and is undergoing them as we speak, throughout the Middle East... In the West, Ireland, the beautiful green Isle of Saints, dried up under Papal rule, and has birthed but a handful in the ensuing thousand years...

And so the whole mess comes to America under the banner of Freedom... May it be Blessed! But we have and are turning from God, and no Christian Banner can unite it, and the Christian Churches are emptying, and Islam is showing her roots and have 15 kids per couple...

And the Ancient Christian Faith is struggling to rein in those seeking rest for their storm-tossed souls... Even as our own wounds are greivous... Planting a place of purity in the middle of such wickedness... Even the Altars of Christ... And His Services...

So yes, I care...
