toldailytopic: Is homosexuality genetic?

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This isn't:

The following article titled "The Overhauling of Straight America'' was written by Marshall K. Kirk and Erastes Pill and appeared in Guide Magazine, a homosexual publication, in November 1987. [Kirk, along with Hunter Madsen, later wrote "After The Ball, How America Will Conquer It's Fear and Hatred of Gay's In The 90's"]:


In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector. If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our "gay pride" publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image. And we must walk the fine line between impressing straights with our great numbers, on the one hand, and sparking their hostile paranoia--"They are all around us!"--on the other.

Now, there are two different messages about the Gay Victim that are worth communicating. First, the mainstream should be told that gays are victims of fate, in the sense that most never had a choice to accept or reject their sexual preference. The message must read: "As far as gays can tell, they were born gay, just as you were born heterosexual or white or black or bright or athletic. Nobody ever tricked or seduced them; they never made a choice, and are not morally blameworthy. What they do isn't willfully contrary - it's only natural for them. This twist of fate could as easily have happened to you!"

Kirk and Pill would be proud. Their Madison Avenue marketing strategy worked so well that even Christian websites spend time discussing it.


TOL Subscriber

Don't care if it is satire.... lets just say, hypothetically, that I wrote a satirical piece about blacks or women or my high school teachers of the same nature- threatening "satirically" of course to sodomize their children and declaring "war" on them. How would that fare in pop culture? I would get TARRED AND FEATHERED or worse- I'd be tried for a hate crime!

Just because a it's from a homosexual to the religious right means its okay? NOPE.


Don't care if it is satire.... lets just say, hypothetically, that I wrote a satirical piece about blacks or women or my high school teachers of the same nature- threatening "satirically" of course to sodomize their children and declaring "war" on them. How would that fare in pop culture? I would get TARRED AND FEATHERED or worse- I'd be tried for a hate crime!

Just because a it's from a homosexual to the religious right means its okay? NOPE.

It wasn't satire jmdeets, it was an attempt at covering up a deviant behavior that preys on children.

Homosexuality and pedophilia

While it's not every homosexual/atheist/moral relativist's "thing" to "love" (for those of us in the real world that means "molest"), little boys, there seems to be quite a bit of interest in the gay so-called "community" when it comes to that subject.

Straight from the pedophiles website: the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)

WELCOME! The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) was formed in 1978. It was inspired by the success of a campaign based in Boston's gay community to defend against a local witchhunt.
NAMBLA's goal is to end the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships by:
building understanding and support for such relationships;
educating the general public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love;
cooperating with lesbian, gay, feminist, and other liberation movements;
supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual prejudice and oppression.
Our membership is open to everyone sympathetic to man/boy love and personal freedom.

Where's the outcry from the leaders of the gay so-called "community" for libel?

Or was it libel?

News coverage of a Duke University official accused of raping his adopted 5-year-old son and offering the child to someone else is apparently lacking what some say is a key piece of information: the fact the alleged perpetrator is a homosexual who lives with another “gay” man.
Frank Lombard, associate director of the Health Inequalities Program at the university’s Center for Health Policy, was arrested last Wednesday in Raleigh, N.C., for attempting to induce someone to cross state lines to engage in sex with the child, who is black.
The arrest affidavit goes into graphic detail of Lombard’s alleged actions, including alleged performance of oral sex with the child in front of a webcam, and sodomizing the boy with his finger and tongue. It also prominently cites the fact that Lombard is a homosexual living with another “gay” man.
In his online profile, Lombard reportedly describes himself as “perv dad for fun.”

Where's the outrage from gay organizations like the Human Rights Campaign? (the silence from the gay so-called "community" was deafening).

How about Hate Crime legislation? Legislation that is backed primarily by homosexual special interest groups.

When Congressman Louie Gohmert, a former judge, and House Republicans tried to amend the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 so it did not offer protection to pedophiles.
Liberals in the House went ballistic and voted down the amendment. Here's what Gohmert said as recounted by Human Events:
“'When we tried to get the term sexual orientation narrowed down to where it didn’t include something like a pedophile... that was voted down on party lines... there are about 30 different types of sexual orientations, and they can include exhibitionism and voyeurism or things that are so offensive such as pedophilia or necrophilia and bestiality. The problem is that the supporters of this bill did not want to exclude any of those and even voted down the amendment that would have excluded pedophilia.'”

This explains the silence when it comes to pedophilia amongst homosexuals:

The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) recently boasted that although homosexuals are less than two percent of the population, three-fourths of the people who decide the content of the front page of the New York Times are homosexual.

Gay press promotes sex with children

"The editorial board of the leading pedophile academic journal, Paidika, is dominated by prominent homosexual scholars such as San Francisco State University professor John DeCecco, who happens to edit the Journal of Homosexuality," The Journal of Homosexuality recently published a special double-issue entitled, "Male Intergenerational Intimacy," containing many articles portraying sex between men and minor boys as loving relationships. One article said parents should look upon the pedophile who loves their son "not as a rival or competitor, not as a theft of their property, but as a partner in the boy's upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home."
In 1995 the homosexual magazine "Guide" said, "We can be proud that the gay movement has been home to the few voices who have had the courage to say out loud that children are naturally sexual" and "deserve the right to sexual expression with whoever they choose. …" The article went on to say: "Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children's sexuality … we must do it for the children's sake."
Larry Kramer, the founder of ACT-UP, a noted homosexual activist group, wrote in his book, "Report from the Holocaust: The Making of an AIDS Activist": "In those instances where children do have sex with their homosexual elders, be they teachers or anyone else, I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it."
In a study of advertisements in the influential homosexual newspaper, The Advocate, [Dr. Judith] Reisman found ads for a "Penetrable Boy Doll … available in three provocative positions. She also found that the number of erotic boy images in each issue of The Advocate averaged 14.
Homosexual newspapers and travel publications advertise prominently for countries where boy prostitution is heavy, such as Burma, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

The evidence is out there, they (the sodomites) have an agenda, and children are a big part of it.


New member
Don't care if it is satire.... lets just say, hypothetically, that I wrote a satirical piece about blacks or women or my high school teachers of the same nature- threatening "satirically" of course to sodomize their children and declaring "war" on them. How would that fare in pop culture? I would get TARRED AND FEATHERED or worse- I'd be tried for a hate crime!

Just because a it's from a homosexual to the religious right means its okay? NOPE.
It does seem very hate filled for sure, satire or not, but I suspect it was aimed primarily at a very specific audience of gays, not really the religious right, to those who would have been well aware that it was parody. Of course the religious right were meant to get more than a glimpse of it.


TOL Subscriber
It wasn't satire jmdeets, it was an attempt at covering up a deviant behavior that preys on children.

The evidence is out there, they (the sodomites) have an agenda, and children are a big part of it.

I am aware that wasn't satire... my point was even if it was, its outrageous!!!

There is an agenda, 100% agreed. NAMBLA needs to be put on front stage, IMO. Show them for what they are, GAY PEDOPHILIAC RAPISTS. No punishment too harsh for that lot.



I am aware that wasn't satire... my point was even if it was, its outrageous!!!

There is an agenda, 100% agreed. NAMBLA needs to be put on front stage, IMO. Show them for what they are, GAY PEDOPHILIAC RAPISTS. No punishment too harsh for that lot.


Spreading the truth is evil's worst nightmare. Thanks for giving the atheists and liberal so-called "Christians" in here that support homosexuality the makings of one loooooong night.


TOL Subscriber
Spreading the truth is evil's worst nightmare. Thanks for giving the atheists and liberal so-called "Christians" in here that support homosexuality the makings of one loooooong night.

I am just waiting for one of our liberal commrades to wander in here and try to defend NAMBLA. It would be a long night, for sure!:noid:


Well-known member
If homosexuality were purely a "choice" as conservatives who are "opposed" to it claim, why would gay people "choose" to live a lifestyle where they are constantly at risk of being treated so badly,descriminated against, taunted,bullied, fired from their jobs,
not allowed to serve in the military openly, and even physically attacked or murdered, and rejected by their parents and families?
Does this make any sense?

Deception never really does "make sense."


I am just waiting for one of our liberal commrades to wander in here and try to defend NAMBLA. It would be a long night, for sure!:noid:

"Man/Boy Love" is today what homosexuality was 20 years ago.

Give it time (if people of decency don't expose the homosexual agenda and defeat it), and what we call "pedophilia" today, will be just another "lifestyle choice" in the future.

With Kevin "Fistgate" Jennings as Obammies "Safe School Czar", the Gay Mafia is in high gear when it comes to their agenda of perverting (and recruiting) our youth.

Progress: Schools Teaching Your 10-Year-Old Child About Anal Sex


TOL Subscriber
If homosexuality were purely a "choice" as conservatives who are "opposed" to it claim, why would gay people "choose" to live a lifestyle where they are constantly at risk of being treated so badly,descriminated against, taunted,bullied, fired from their jobs,
not allowed to serve in the military openly, and even physically attacked or murdered, and rejected by their parents and families?
Does this make any sense?

I dunno. Why do people choose to start using drugs, or get tattooed or to get falling down drunk, or to dress in all black and wear black eyeliner? Don't those things also get people "treated so badly,descriminated against, taunted, bullied, fired from their jobs,
not allowed to serve in the military openly, and even physically attacked or murdered, and rejected by their parents and families"?

You tell us... why do people make bad choices?

aSeattleC: Things like these TERRIFY me. I have 2 sons... I pray daily for them and for the Lord to give me the wisdom to raise my boys in the way they should go. I think in the next few years we will be sickened even more by what becomes "tolerable".


Active member
I am just waiting for one of our liberal commrades to wander in here and try to defend NAMBLA. It would be a long night, for sure!:noid:

yeah don't be deluded
not hating homosexuals doesn't mean i or anybody else supports NAMBLA
only the sick freaks in NAMBLA support NAMBLA
but you can mix up homosexuality and NAMBLA all you want, we'll still see right through it


Well-known member
I dunno. Why do people choose to start using drugs, or get tattooed or to get falling down drunk, or to dress in all black and wear black eyeliner? Don't those things also get people "treated so badly,descriminated against, taunted, bullied, fired from their jobs,
not allowed to serve in the military openly, and even physically attacked or murdered, and rejected by their parents and families"?

You tell us... why do people make bad choices?

aSeattleC: Things like these TERRIFY me. I have 2 sons... I pray daily for them and for the Lord to give me the wisdom to raise my boys in the way they should go. I think in the next few years we will be sickened even more by what becomes "tolerable".

I have 4 sons and so far batting a thousand. :up: Affirm their manhood often to reduce the confusion that precedes homosexuality. I think though I might have gone overboard with my son in the Navy - sometimes I wish he would get in touch with his "feminine side" so he would become more civil. :chuckle:
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New member
Oh yeah- this was re-added after the article gained fame. Even still, if any other magazine printed such hate, EVEN IF IT WERE fantasy, toward gays, the world would end. But here's the original preface anyways

"This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."

It certainly sounds pretty crazy, but not nearly as wacko and sinister as "The First 100 Days: The Rebirth of America". Cuckoo!


TOL Subscriber
yeah don't be deluded
not hating homosexuals doesn't mean i or anybody else supports NAMBLA
only the sick freaks in NAMBLA support NAMBLA
but you can mix up homosexuality and NAMBLA all you want, we'll still see right through it

I don't hate sodomites... never said that. But I do not tolerate sodomy and sodomites, nor do I tolerate those who try to force it into my home and family as an "acceptable" lifestyle. The leftist virtue of tolerance says that NAMBLA should be afforded the same rights as you and I.

Isn't NAMBLA all about, um, MAN BOY "LOVE"?? Man boy love isn't quite heterosexuality(I think), so I'm not seeing what I have mixed up.:noway:


Active member
I don't hate sodomites... never said that. But I do not tolerate sodomy and sodomites, nor do I tolerate those who try to force it into my home and family as an "acceptable" lifestyle. The leftist virtue of tolerance says that NAMBLA should be afforded the same rights as you and I.

Isn't NAMBLA all about, um, MAN BOY "LOVE"?? Man boy love isn't quite heterosexuality(I think), so I'm not seeing what I have mixed up.:noway:

i think man man love is more representative of homosexuality than anything. in fact, man boy love is totally different than man man love. like how man woman love is totally different than man girl love.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
YES. We deserve execution. Rom 6:23
No we don't. Well, I do, but that's beside the point. Romans 6:23 is about spiritual death, not physical execution.:nono:

It's not even about physical death, or no Christians would ever die physically.


TOL Subscriber
i think man man love is more representative of homosexuality than anything. in fact, man boy love is totally different than man man love. like how man woman love is totally different than man girl love.

Yes, WAY different:doh:. Sodomy of a child is WAY worse. But in any case, its still sodomy. This isn't a discussion about what represents homosexuality better. I am saying that NAMBLA acceptance is just one of the next steps that the sodomite agenda will push as an acceptable lifestyle. Call NAMBLA Male SmallerMale love if you wish, but its still SODOMY.

No we don't. Well, I do, but that's beside the point. Romans 6:23 is about spiritual death, not physical execution.:nono:

It's not even about physical death, or no Christians would ever die physically.

With all possible respect, I ask you to help me understand...

If no physical death is required to atone for sin, then what was the point of Christ's physical death on the cross? Why were animal sacrifices made in the OT?

I understand that in Romans 6 Paul is talking about spiritual life and death, but, as sinners, we all deserve to burn. Christ's death is what paid for our sins according to law, and subsequently set us free from the law as well. Romans 8:1-4


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
With all possible respect, I ask you to help me understand...

If no physical death is required to atone for sin, then what was the point of Christ's physical death on the cross? Why were animal sacrifices made in the OT?
God told Adam and Eve they would die they day they ate from the tree. Did they physically die that day?

Was physical death the only kind Jesus suffered?

The animal sacrifices were temporary. They did not wash sin away. They did not set anyone free from sin. Jesus died once, for all.

Jesus' death was not atonement, it was propitiation.

Yet we all still die physically, do we not? If the gift of God in Romans 6:23 was physical eternal life why do Christians still die physical death?

I understand that in Romans 6 Paul is talking about spiritual life and death, but, as sinners, we all deserve to burn. Christ's death is what paid for our sins according to law, and subsequently set us free from the law as well. Romans 8:1-4
And yet murderers should still be punished by the law, correct? Or should we let them all go, because Jesus died for sin already?


Eclectic Theosophist
hardly equitable......

hardly equitable......

Originally Posted by The Horn

If homosexuality were purely a "choice" as conservatives who are "opposed" to it claim, why would gay people "choose" to live a lifestyle where they are constantly at risk of being treated so badly,descriminated against, taunted,bullied, fired from their jobs,
not allowed to serve in the military openly, and even physically attacked or murdered, and rejected by their parents and families?
Does this make any sense?

Why would anyone choose to murder, to molest children, to rape?

I guess they were ill informed, seduced, without God, etc.

Who wants to be known as a child molester? Yet people choose to do it.


I find 'equating' murder, child molestation and rape...with 'homosexuality' illogical not to mention ridiculous. Homosexuality is an soul-orientation, not a specific sin such as 'murder', 'theft', 'rape', etc.....which is an 'act'. Both 'heterosexuals' and 'homosexuals' could commit those crimes, - the matter of one's gender-preference and 'attraction' is a subject of its own (it cant be compared to a crime).

I believe there may be a genetic component towards homosexuality, but also factors of a 'psychic' and 'spiritual' how one's psychology develops along the lines of engendering same sex attraction. Also considering the predisposition of the soul from past lives or experiences. However one can always learn more with honest research, instead of proliferating ignorance and presumption, which only retards one's enlightenment.

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