toldailytopic: Now that homosexuality has become socially and legally acceptable what


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Sorry, LK, but that domino theory just doesn't work.

The laws that protect children have been in play and strengthening since our founding. In fact, despite the so called sexual revolution, where attitudes about sex in the culture changed dramatically, the laws relating to protecting children actually got stronger.

What's changed in this country is that we've become less involved in the moral choices of other adults that don't demonstrably impinge on our own rights and freedoms. However you feel about that it has nothing to do with pedophilia, which is a capacity/consent issue. NAMBLA has been trying to soften the fringe on that for decades and no one is buying in.

And with increased scientific understanding relating to that capacity/consent, that protection and the argument from experience has been underscored and is in no danger of amelioration. In fact, you couldn't alter it without altering the foundation of both criminal and civil law in a way that would work clear and present danger to the integrity and stability of the compact.

Best guess? I suspect polygamy might be next. You could make many of the same arguments and some of the counters would be missing against it.
Given that the wisest man in the world, a man made so by God, had 300 wives and 700 concubines, I don't think polygamy is particularly un-biblical.


I highlighted "adult" morals only because I think that "parents" in general have loosened their standards with their children. What you described is what I refer to as "social desensitization" and I believe the loosening of morals has been a long, steady process.

I work with tomorrow's parents on a daily basis (high school kids).

Their morals and attitudes, what they accept as normal, behaviors they don't even blink at - behaviors that in my day would have had people retching or turning away in disgust or anger - it's discouraging.

And they will be deciding what is socially acceptable tomorrow.

They will be making the laws.


Aah, that would be "the golden egg of the PAEDOPHILE movement".

Your mistake.

(Homosexual men are after other men, not boys. Learn what each term means before using them. Unless you are trying to dissemble and be dishonest, in which case - carry on!)

I'm above the age of 12 gcthomas, so it's a waste of your time to stalk me.


Golly aCW - buggerers are some of the nicest people you could want to meet

I have it on good authority

Yeah, that's what Jeffrey Dahmer's victims initially thought.



Hall of Fame
LKmommy mentioned "sympathy", not changing the law.

I am not seeing anyone other than the mentally defective having *sympathy* for pedophiles.

Sympathy for a child being victimized by child molestation is different than taking up for a person when they make a decision to become one themselves.

The idea of a child being raped by an adult is heartbreaking. However, the response should be to support for the child so he/she will know that under no circumstance was what happened to them okay and that it happened by no fault of their own.

They should witness their molester being punished to the full extent of the law (the DP, if I had my way) and receive intensive therapy so they can get past what happened to them and realize they were the innocent party.

However, should THAT same child grow up TO be a child molester, they do not get a free pass just because they were a victim.

What is clearly being assumed/claimed by many is that homosexual = child molester as a way to justify a personal hatred that is based on a religious bias.

That claim is every bit as tainted as claiming that all blacks are gang bangers and thugs.


New member
I work with tomorrow's parents on a daily basis (high school kids).

Their morals and attitudes, what they accept as normal, behaviors they don't even blink at - behaviors that in my day would have had people retching or turning away in disgust or anger - it's discouraging.

And they will be deciding what is socially acceptable tomorrow.

They will be making the laws.

Isn't is scary Res?


Maybe everyone will be forced to let religious beliefs carry the same weight as scientific facts. That would really be PC run amok! Imagine the wasted time and how loony the culture would get.


New member
Maybe everyone will be forced to believe religious beliefs need to carry the same weight as scientific facts. That would really be PC run amok. Imagine the wasted time and how loony the culture would get.

"Culture" is a misnomer. Hog wallowing is a more descriptive label.
Science has ruled for quite a while now and we appear to be more debased and depraved in our behavior than when religious mores carried more weight.


"Culture" is a misnomer. Hog wallowing is a more descriptive label.
Science has ruled for quite a while now and we appear to be more debased and depraved in our behavior than when religious mores carried more weight.
You sure? The treatment of women has much improved in our culture while more religiously devout cultures continue to exploit and degrade woman as the norm.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
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Our friend who likes to pretend he's a lawyer is conflating law with public perceptions.
Any time you want to wager your permaban against my having credentials I'm game. :thumb:

LKmommy mentioned "sympathy", not changing the law.
I'm relating her answer to the OP.

Given that the wisest man in the world, a man made so by God, had 300 wives and 700 concubines, I don't think polygamy is particularly un-biblical.
And yet most of Christendom has rejected the practice. It just seems to be the next prohibited, adult form of consensual relationship that's up for grabs at some point, assuming anything else is.

And that is what was said about fornication and pornography with the feminists and sexual revelution of the 60's.
That's a bit broad. Change or the potential for change always brings out that domino charge. Most of that had to do with a more strident support of the law as a more purely secular instrument. And much of it was foreseeable in that context. But the foundation of that just doesn't apply to the question of sexual relations and children given the foundation of that protection can be completely divorced from religious argument and be maintained as an entirely secular protection.

So, it has happened all the way up to pedophiles, but they are knocking on the door.
You must not have read me on this. It simply doesn't follow and hasn't followed for the reasons I hope you go back and look at when you have time. Suffice to summarize that you'd have to upend the foundation of our law, civil and criminal, in which case there's no law and not much of a compact.

Anything may be possible, but the question should be is it reasonable. In this case it isn't. The evidence runs against the fear. Despite relaxing moral codes we've strengthened protection for children.


There are no forced abortions. Just maximum choice about a biological process within the bodies of women.

While it can be misused and women mistreated due to porn, like most things it's fine in moderation. I do believe participants need to sign off on informed consent (education risks associated with it)and condoms need to be mandatory.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Now that homosexuality has become socially and legally acceptable
what will the next perversion to be forced on the culture?

Polygamy? Could be.

5) As this evil society will get worse and worse, casting off restraint to that which is unnatural will grow greater.

4) The sentiment for the homosexuals and their demands for other things on society will increase, with attitude what not, what can it hurt and there will begin the disintegration of a great nation.

3) I think child protective services will have more authority over children and the household as cps monitors the family life. God help those who put on the babies, infants and children a mean spirited hateful moods and actions, they'll not stand the judgment, as somebody said, it would be better for such to have a mill stone tied around their neck and that they drown in in waters.

2) The church will be come less of a force and grow deeper into hear tickling and wishful thinking. Any flickering of the candle that shines on The Way, The Truth, and The Life will be come dim and the word against that will be, "O that's passe, you really don't believe that do you?" Myself I'll die quoting John 14:6 and Romans 10:8-13, and that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

1) The Christian Church will come under greater microscopic scrutiny and fall into greater disfavor with a non-christian society whose desire is to chip away at the Christian Church so it will become minuscule in size and diminished in scope and Christian church is but a memory and believers will have secret meetings ~ regardless Lord has always had those who will not bow to a godless society, including me.


New member
Suffice to summarize that you'd have to upend the foundation of our law, civil and criminal, in which case there's no law and not much of a compact. .
You can not make the leap or see it perhaps because you can not imagine such a sudden or drastic upheaval of law. Nor could I!

However, I have previously defined the jump/leap/occurence as a SLOW process like abortion. Just like some could argue that homosexuality evolved from the closet to "outside the closet". Granted I think some of the homosexual forced outing was due to the high percentage of AIDS cases and well the most assured death sentence associated to it. Forced out because of the AIDS followed by empathy and sympathy given, and now it is supported by laws because they chose* to engage in preverted and unnatural, or promiscuous acts that are not supported by most true Christians.

For instance, a is ok, b is iffy....some have argued for reduction of charges or sought and found a sympathetic jury to acquit. Also, you darn good and well there are always "exceptions" to rules, you know that legal gray area such as the mental capacity of an average 14 year old girl vs. the mental capacity of a 25 year old person with below 70 IQ.

I also disagree that the child abuse laws are as "speedy" as you assert them to be since prior to this Country's founding (I believe your background) not to mention the rate at which the laws roll out in whichever varying State that you live in. "Roll outs" that are actually in practice take time to acclamate the workers investigating and delivering the services, the police enforment/criminal apect enforced in REAL TIME,the Court Officials, and the Attorney's including GAL's, yeah and the Judge's. None of that process is "quick" IMO. But yes, legislation/laws I believe are trying to be passed and rolled out regarding child abuse. I also have witnessed "sympathy" in the Family Court because of perpetrator history.

I can stand to agree to disagree with you on these points TH:cheers:
"Tolerance and Apathy are the last virtues of a dying society."