Peter Kreeft comes to mind too.
I have to look Peter Kreeft up now. I'll be really upset with myself if he is a liberty activist since I don't know who he is...
My joke was based on the current privacy-related scandals in the news.
But yeah, by the time this administration is done, he will have given just about everyone reason to hate him.
Oh, I hate him for that too, although I don't like George W. for his own breeches of privacy too. I don't know where you are politically ("Right wing Zealot" is rather broad, and some would put me in that category while others would say I'm a left wing fanatic, that's pretty much what libertarians get, being called far right and far left depending on who you're talking to) but I know most run of the mill conservatives kind of accepted if not outright supported these types of privacy invasions when Bush did them. Of course, I didn't really know anything about politics until two or three years ago tops, and I feel very differently about the whole system now than I did back then, but being 18 I guess I have a right to have not really understood the issues back during the Bush adminstration
Other then the benefits of superior technology, however, Obama has yet to be nearly as tyrannical as one of the figures that was mentioned.
I thought we all hated him because he's black and we're racist.
That's not what I was talking about, and most of those people are on Stormfront anyways. I don't think anyone's racist unless they show me that they are. I probably hate Obama as much as even the Stormfront people do, but for different reasons, and for reasons that also apply to George W., the vast majority of our congress and senate on both sides, John McCain, Mitt Romney, exc. (I named those two in particular since they were Obama's opponents in 2008 and 2012 respectively: I'm aware McCain also fits under "The vast majority of the senate.
The far right, as typically defined, however, doesn't have such a serious problem with the phone wiretapping, the indefinite detention without trial (They think it will only be used against terrorists), Guantanamo Bay, drone strikes, foreign wars, drug wars, exc.
You guys would probably agree with me a lot of the time, if not all the time, on fiscal issues, and I agree with the right that abortion is evil and should be banned, although I do believe the Constitution grants enforcement of anti-murder laws to the states. But that's probably where it ends. I don't really care much about the gay marriage issue, I strongly support the legalization of drugs, I hate the Patriot Act and the TSA regardless of who's in power, I hate foreign wars regardless of which American President starts them, exc.
Public figures Past: Moses, Apostle Paul, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Johan Sebastian Bach, George Fedric Handel
Present: Bob Enyart, Ken Ham, Todd Aiken
I might want to meet Lincoln myself if only to tell him how horrible a person he was. The public school brainwashing about Saint Abraham is just that. Along with Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt Lincoln was one of our worst tyrants. That his war just so happened to coincide with the freeing of the slaves does not justify the killing of over 600,000 people and the suspencion of habeus corpus which led to unjust imprisonment of over 40,000 more. Not to mention that his real goal was not to free the slaves, but to end the possibility of legal secession. Which, if Lincoln had never been born, might be a rather useful solution to some of the modern problems Brother Vinny was talking about.
As for the modern list, I don't happen to be a big fan of Enyart (Open theism, ugh) but at least I can understand why that... but why Tood Akin? Or are you thinking of someon else?
Granted, I don't hate Akin for his gaffe (I don't know much about him politically, if he's an ultra-national security conservative like so many others I'd probably dislike him for different reasons but I absolutely agree with him that abortion in cases of rape and incest should not be legalized) but I just don't see why he's particularly important.
That makes perfect sense. You are both
devil worshipping communists that hate
freedom of the people.
Well, you might not be a communist, but you do hate freedom yourself, so
I've met Ken Ham. He's a very nice man and an eloquent speaker as well.
I'd love to meet Ken Ham. Maybe I'd learn something. I'm a YEC but very bad at scientific arguments of this type so that might be helpful.