toldailytopic: What will 4 more years of Obama mean for this country?


New member
You're welcome to believe so. But if I'm a fool, I'm an armed fool.

And I practice weekly.

Go suck somebody else into your evil play. I'm from old school, where it is commonplace to have a tool in one hand and a sword in the other. It would be stupid not to know how to use them both. I served this Country and took the Oath to the Constitution, to defend it from ALL ENEMIES foreign, AND DOMESTIC. Jesus told His deciples to have a sword, when they said "we have two", He said, "that is enough". And when it comes to gettin' froggy, my rules of engagement are the same, wait 'til they jump..."don't fire unless fired upon". So you can just sit on your opine of me and rotate. And don't expect a response from me further, you don't deserve one.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Dude, you're nothing more than a target for the Messengers now.
Well, it could always be worse. I could be a walmart.

Don't bother replying to me,
A sensible tactic, But it's no bother. I always enjoy talking to people, one way or another.

What I have to say is not up for debate.
Then if you don't mind my saying you've picked the worst possible place to say it.

The US has been judged.
Time and time again and by everyone with a drum. And yet here we are.

By not voting, you voted, and oh yes deluded one, you chose evil.
How to say this...I voted. :plain: I've actually gotten onto people for failing to vote. Though people who don't vote aren't actually voting and in the same way that those abstaining from intercourse aren't fornicating.

And I'm not deluded, my earlier opinion that I might move you to reason notwithstanding.

And yes, the sky will fall.
It really won't. :nono: Oh eventually anything will fail, but not because you say it will or imagine some sort of judgment in the moment that was absent when we did far worse things as a nation than vote for the current President.

If I was Phineas, I'd be aiming for you,
If you were lucid you'd be apologizing. Well, that's life. Some men long to kill others with a spear because they confuse their anger with gospel and some don't.

The times of your ignorance will no more be winked at.
You can't wink with your eyes shut, so that's no wonder, really.

...And it is so you do NOT turn from your wicked ways.
If you honestly believe that God desires the inequity you falsely and foolishly place at my feet then you deserve the embarrassing surprise you're in for one of these days, assuming you don't at some point (and not spear point, mind you) wise up and calm down.

Be well.


New member
Well, it could always be worse. I could be a walmart.

A sensible tactic, But it's no bother. I always enjoy talking to people, one way or another.

Then if you don't mind my saying you've picked the worst possible place to say it.

Time and time again and by everyone with a drum. And yet here we are.

How to say this...I voted. :plain: I've actually gotten onto people for failing to vote. Though people who don't vote aren't actually voting and in the same way that those abstaining from intercourse aren't fornicating.

And I'm not deluded, my earlier opinion that I might move you to reason notwithstanding.

It really won't. :nono: Oh eventually anything will fail, but not because you say it will or imagine some sort of judgment in the moment that was absent when we did far worse things as a nation than vote for the current President.

If you were lucid you'd be apologizing. Well, that's life. Some men long to kill others with a spear because they confuse their anger with gospel and some don't.

You can't wink with your eyes shut, so that's no wonder, really.

If you honestly believe that God desires the inequity you falsely and foolishly place at my feet then you deserve the embarrassing surprise you're in for one of these days, assuming you don't at some point (and not spear point, mind you) wise up and calm down.

Be well.

If you're not going to have the ability to understand what I speak, there is nothing else for me to say to you.


New member
Good. What's above is what I wanted to know.

As a side note, I thank you for your service to this country.

Good enough. Thank Yah, my belief in Him came first. God then Country, and Country, because Yah set it up. But man has caused it's demise. By simply not obeying Yah. And that's my view. If man continues, it's gonna get way worse, really fast. That's all I'm saying really...and why. And of course I'm ticked...I didn't desire to see this day. But it is here. So now I look forward to it's end. When it's over, things will be right. But it is the very few years in between now, and then, those are what I am warning about. People have chosen the wrong side big time. Those that do not see it, are not seeing it on purpose. A purpose that is from Above. And I agree with The Creator, it is He who is King over All Nations. He made them. His Name is Yah. Our Constitution was founded on His Principles. Even most of our warfare has been studied and applied by our Military. But alas, I ramble, until ears are opened, then all will be understood.

Junius Gallio

New member
Good enough. Thank Yah, my belief in Him came first. God then Country, and Country, because Yah set it up. But man has caused it's demise. By simply not obeying Yah. And that's my view. If man continues, it's gonna get way worse, really fast. That's all I'm saying really...and why.

This I have no problem with. I believe that you are incorrect, but discussions like that can be had without rancor.

But I have--far too often--heard Phineas invoked as a model for insurrection, rebellion, theft, and murder. If you get a chance, read the article concerning the organization called the "Phineas Priesthood" for just one example of people mis-using Biblical themes for criminal ends.


New member
It isn't understanding you that takes an effort. It's remaining good humored about it, though I think I've managed well enough.

And yet... :plain:

Ya know Bro, I am obviously not in a laughing mood now am I. My heart is broken over people with no love for the truth. So, no, I got nothing to laugh at. See, what I see, is this, and it is now...

Pro 1:22-33 “How long, you simple ones, Would you love simplicity, And shall scoffers delight in their scoffing, And fools hate knowledge? Turn at my reproof. See, I pour out my spirit on you, I make my words known to you. Because I called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one inclined, and you spurned all my counsel, and would not yield to my reproof, Let me also laugh at your calamity, Mock when your dread comes, When your dread comes like a storm, And your calamity comes like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you. Let them then call on me, but I answer not; Let them seek me, but not find me. Because they hated knowledge And did not choose the fear of יהוה, They did not accept my counsel, They despised all my reproof, Therefore let them eat the fruit of their own way, And be filled with their own counsels. For the turning away of the simple slays them, And the complacency of fools destroys them. But whoever listens to me dwells safely, And is at ease from the dread of evil.”


New member
This I have no problem with. I believe that you are incorrect, but discussions like that can be had without rancor.

But I have--far too often--heard Phineas invoked as a model for insurrection, rebellion, theft, and murder. If you get a chance, read the article concerning the organization called the "Phineas Priesthood" for just one example of people mis-using Biblical themes for criminal ends.

If I must stand, I will stand as an Oathkeeper. Phineas stood, and it was because of his stand, that all Israel was saved from destruction. So I don't agree with the invokation you mentioned whatsoever. I will share no part with evil. And I do know the difference.

It's time for a beer. I speak no more now in this "tent of meeting". I bid you go in peace. And return with peace also. Shalom

Junius Gallio

New member
If I must stand, I will stand as an Oathkeeper.

The folks I'm talking about are not Oathkeepers--these guys start with the claim that Jesus was not Jewish, and that he only died for the caucasian race. It goes downhill from there.

I'm simply glad to see that you re not one of them.

Rest well--and thank you again.

Aleikum shalom.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Ya know Bro, I am obviously not in a laughing mood now am I.
Didn't say you were/only hoped you eventually would be.

People who take themselves too seriously rarely are practiced at laughing at their own imperfections. It's a defining trait. But hey, that's the internet for you.

My heart is broken...
No, you don't get to essentially call me a servant of evil, completely misrepresent my practice, infer that I'm unsaved, set out the desire to cause me harm and then weep like the injured party. :nono:

And you know, for a man with nothing else to say to me you're remarkably talkative. :plain:

Wile E. Coyote

New member
No, you don't get to essentially call me a servant of evil, completely misrepresent my practice, infer that I'm unsaved, set out the desire to cause me harm and then weep like the injured party. :nono:

And you know, for a man with nothing else to say to me you're remarkably talkative. :plain:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: What will 4 more years of Obama mean for this country?

Four more years of "tolerance" for the Islamic Muslim brotherhood.


New member
Didn't say you were/only hoped you eventually would be.

People who take themselves too seriously rarely are practiced at laughing at their own imperfections. It's a defining trait. But hey, that's the internet for you.

No, you don't get to essentially call me a servant of evil, completely misrepresent my practice, infer that I'm unsaved, set out the desire to cause me harm and then weep like the injured party. :nono:

And you know, for a man with nothing else to say to me you're remarkably talkative. :plain:

"set out the desire to cause" you harm? You are quite the ignorant one aren't you. You have done that to yourself, and it ain't gonna come at my hands fool, but by your choices. You want to laugh about it, go for it. You would do much better paying closer attention to the Scriptures I gave, they ARE true, and ARE about YOU. And no, I won't be laughing at your demise. As for keeping on talking to sure ain't for my own benefit FOOL. And I call you fool, according to what Scriptures say a fool is. You live it. No falsehood about that...

Luk 24:25 And He said to them, “O thoughtless ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!

Luk 24:25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

A fool is slow of heart to believe...without belief, how then are you saved? So, what I said rings very true, you are simply deluded not to believe. And again, it is because you have "no love for the truth". All Scriptural bonehead. Pay heed to them, not me.

As for not speaking to you again, and me having a change of heart for your benefit...go ahead, put me down and laugh about it, I don't care.


New member
The folks I'm talking about are not Oathkeepers--these guys start with the claim that Jesus was not Jewish, and that he only died for the caucasian race. It goes downhill from there.

I'm simply glad to see that you re not one of them.

Rest well--and thank you again.

Aleikum shalom.

I did rest well, thank you. No, I'm not one of those whacko's. That sounds like the way a lot of Christians think, they forget that Jesus IS Jewish, and kept the Torah, and then also said "follow Me". They don't seem to have the desire for truth, or they would "walk as He walked" like the NT says. They can't get it in their feeble mind that to walk as He walked, means they are to keep Torah too. So instead of "doing" the Commands, they tell others they don't have to. Never realizing that it was the penalty of death nailed to the cross, not the Torah, because Jesus told them that if they wanted to be His brother sister or mother, they have to keep the Father's Commands, and that is Torah. What would one expect from people who can't count to three? Their main objective it seems is to keep others from having a love for the truth, and thus keep those others from obeying Jesus Commands to "do the Father's will". But they pray that His will is to be done here on earth, as it is in Heaven...they just don't really want that, so they do lie. Thus, they have been sent delusion, just like is written. They not only don't "do", they also "teach others" to disobey...and think they got some clout to send anyone to hell as they so please. Thus the "time for ignorance" that God has winked at, is now over. And they are being "condemned by your own words", like Scriptures also say. And they will indeed be, "the least in the Kingdom of Heaven". And all who do love the truth, wanted them to do better so they would not be "least in the Kingdom". But as Jeremiah said, "they say they do not listen". No matter how many Scriptures are thrown before their face, they keep "spurning the rebukes", and the rebukes come from the God they CLAIM to believe in. They have gone way too long stealing salvation, and that is their ignorance. It will be cured soon. I just didn't want things to go so hard for them. But hey..."they do not listen". They will. When they hear boom boom on the mountain and it splits in two, they will mourn and know what they have done, and what they have not they are being taken to the valley of decision, and are wondering, saying to themselves, "what ever happened to that rapture I thought was for me?"

As for my rancor? They deserve at least that.



New member
We can expect more of the same.

News Release


October 25, 2012

Contact: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

People with Medicare save $4.8 billion on prescription drugs because of the health care law

Over 20.7 million with Medicare also receive free preventive services in the first nine months of 2012

As a result of the Affordable Care Act, 5.6 million seniors and people with disabilities have saved $4.8 billion on prescription drugs since the law was enacted, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today. This year alone, 2.3 million people in the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap known as the “donut hole” have saved an average of $657. During the first nine months of 2012, over 20.7 million people with original Medicare got at least one preventive service at no cost to them.

This news comes after last month’s estimates that the health care law will save the typical person with original Medicare $5,000 from 2010 to 2022.

“I am pleased that the health care law is helping so many seniors save money on their prescription drug costs,” Secretary Sebelius said. “Medicare is stronger thanks to the health care law, offering new benefits at no cost to seniors.”

For state-by-state information on savings in the donut hole, please visit: Hole Savings Summary - September 2012.pdf

For state-by-state information on utilization of free preventive services for people with original Medicare, please visit: Services Utilization by State - September 2012.pdf

For more information on the estimate that the average Medicare beneficiary will save $5,000 from 2010 to 2022 as a result of the health care law, please visit:


That is ok with me


New member
News Release


October 25, 2012

Contact: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

People with Medicare save $4.8 billion on prescription drugs because of the health care law

Over 20.7 million with Medicare also receive free preventive services in the first nine months of 2012

As a result of the Affordable Care Act, 5.6 million seniors and people with disabilities have saved $4.8 billion on prescription drugs since the law was enacted, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today. This year alone, 2.3 million people in the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap known as the “donut hole” have saved an average of $657. During the first nine months of 2012, over 20.7 million people with original Medicare got at least one preventive service at no cost to them.

This news comes after last month’s estimates that the health care law will save the typical person with original Medicare $5,000 from 2010 to 2022.

“I am pleased that the health care law is helping so many seniors save money on their prescription drug costs,” Secretary Sebelius said. “Medicare is stronger thanks to the health care law, offering new benefits at no cost to seniors.”

For state-by-state information on savings in the donut hole, please visit: Hole Savings Summary - September 2012.pdf

For state-by-state information on utilization of free preventive services for people with original Medicare, please visit: Services Utilization by State - September 2012.pdf

For more information on the estimate that the average Medicare beneficiary will save $5,000 from 2010 to 2022 as a result of the health care law, please visit:


That is ok with me

It sounds wonderful.
However, the monthly cost of Medicare has increased significantly.
Also, the cost of my ancillary insurance has increased significantly.
Right now, I am able to pay these premiums and am grateful to have the coverage.
The value of my home has decreased alarmingly but the tax has raised in giant increments.
All costs for goods and services have increased significantly.
I need help from my children to survive.
We are in for hardship. We can take it and grow from it.
I am an American first.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Just listened to ASCon's youtube argument against conservative and humor ever being used in the same sentence again.

It's pretty convincing stuff. :plain:

For those who can’t be bothered, here’s a quick recap of the hilarity.

First “joke”: President Obama has just won reelection so let four more years of blaming Bush. begin. (rolling canned laughter)

Second: Obama’s reelection is great news for his supporters so let us be the first to say, “Welcome back, Carter.” (eerily similar or maybe the same bit of laughter).

Third: Now that he’s been reelected the American people want to know how he’ll handle the myriad of problems that he’s inherited from himself (same laughter).

And no, it really doesn’t get any bitter…I mean better than this, which is probably why it's not something you've heard of before. At least I hope it isn't if I like you...and maybe even if I don't.