Why America Loves War


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
WW2 accounts for 4 years, out of 214 years of warfare, so far, that the U.S. has engaged in.

And had Hitler won, it is very unlikely that he would have retained power for very long. It's one thing to rule a country. It's another to rule continent.

what about communism and islam?
a lot of people are dying
to protect you
your pathetic posts


Its in the best interest of the US, that there always exist a market to sell their products and a means to remind the world that they are a super-power and they mean business.


I was born here and couldn't convince my wife to move away from family, and now grandkids and great-grandkids. Our eldest moved to Germany in his late 20s, has lived there for 14 years and there's no way he's moving back. When he visits here we get along great, but he is reminded how selfish and superficial the culture is here.

So why am I here? My mission is here. I'll go home soon enough.

germany? :noway:



ah yes, germany, the peaceful land of lollipops, bunnies and unicorns

never any war in germany, eh?

List of wars involving Germany


and that's just since the unification of germany in 1871

and remind us why Germany exists as a state, why all the Germans aren't speaking russian, why Germany's military spending is currently only about 1.3% of the country's GDP?

oh yeah - nato



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
many have died to protect our freedoms
this thread is an insult to them and their families

this thread shows us what purex is all about
you had any doubt about it


America believes in redemptive violence. In other words VIOLENCE SAVES!

Most citizens lack the imagination to come up with alternatives to giving in or fighting back when faced with conflict.


America believes in redemptive violence. In other words VIOLENCE SAVES!

Most citizens lack the imagination to come up with alternatives to giving in or fighting back when faced with conflict.

tell that to the czechs in 1938 and the poles in 1939

tell it to the south vietnamese, laotians and cambodians in 1975


tell that to the czechs in 1938 and the poles in 1939

tell it to the south vietnamese, laotians and cambodians in 1975
Everytime organized nonviolence was tried against the Nazis, it worked. Adolph Eichmann, the war criminal tried by Israel admitted in court that his "Final Solution" for the Jews was a total failure in the Netherlands.

Mayors led their population to lie down on the tracks and stop the trains the Nazis wanted to use for Jewish deportation. Bishops "converted" many Jews to Christianity to keep them out of harm's way. Women of Berlin demonstrated peacefully to protest the imprisonment of their husbands and were successful in getting them released. The Scandinavian countries smuggled Jews out of the country or hid them in their own homes.

I was able to negotiate with a gang of drunken bikers successfully one evening.

Aikido is the only martial art that deals with one's opponent without harming them. Psychological aikido is helpful in violent situations.


tell that to the six million jews who went, non-violently, to the ovens
Nonviolence is not passive.

Unfortunately, most Christians still believe Jesus was telling people to behave as a bathmat in the face of violence or threatening behavior from others. The actual interpretation of his suggestion shows the action was not passive in the least.

Luckily, more and more people are learning nonviolent communication, collaborative problem-solving, working in small groups, negotiation skills and mediation techniques.

At my daughter's co-op preschool years ago the parents were given a framework for mediation when kids had conflicts. You cannot imagine how gratifying and useful it was to know how to calm down a pair of screaming four-year-olds and help them solve their own problems.

The world is changing.

"Get out of the new world if you can't lend your hand..."
--Bob Dylan



Well-known member

No one wants to admit it, but Americans love being at war.

War gives people meaning - something worth dying for. It's 'exciting'. Even for those who aren't directly involved in the fighting. Parents brag about how their kids went to fight. Everyone makes heroes of them. And no one pays much attention to the reasons for the war, or how many people have been killed, and maimed, on both sides.

The fact is that a lot of people like war. On both sides, regardless of the reasons. The rich, who obviously like making money, will make lots more of it from a war. The poor, who's lives are already miserable, and who are looked down on, get jobs, and some respect, and a chance to see the world for joining in the fight. The middle classes, who are generally bored silly with their work-and-consume cycle of life, get a shot at some kind of "glory". And the politicians all get to show how tough they are, and how much they love their country without risking anything of themselves. And of course no one dares question them in wartime.

So everyone gets something they want from a war. And the few who know better had better not speak out. Or they'll be labeled an 'enemy' collaborator and treated accordingly. It's why warfare never ends. And it's why neither side is ever really "righteous", and why neither side ever really wins.


other countries like to kill us.


New member
''And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword''.

The US is simply a sword in the hand of the Almighty. He uses the wicked to punish the wicked.
This is the worst pile of horse puckey I've ever heard.