Zero Americans killed by terrorist attacks from banned countries


Active member
There have been zero Americans killed by terrorists from the 7 banned countries.

An American also has only a 1 in 3.6 billion chance of dying by a terrorist attack by a refugee in a given year (only three have ever died from refugee terrorist attack, all in the 70's.

The order does almost nothing for national security (might even make it more dangerous as the radical Islamists may get additional motivation to harm us), at great cost (disrputing legitimate business, which harms our economy and research, and separating families).

Anyone who supports Trump's Muslim ban are a bunch of disgraceful cowards.

Another interesting thing to note, most of the voters and supporters of Trump and his ban live in places that are never targeted by terrorist attacks (small towns). The large cities that tend to be targeted, like NYC and Boston that have suffered terrorist attacks, overwhelmingly oppose Trump and his travel ban. The people who actually live in places that may suffer a terrorist attack have a 1,000 times more courage than the cowards who isolate themselves in small towns with their guns and bunkers and support this ban.


Active member
The man is actually malevolent, and incompetent at the same time.

People are protesting against this injustice.

We can now state that the Trump presidency has been a disaster and it's only day 8 . . .

It's a national disgrace. We are probably only one terrorist attack away from him and his admin impelemting a substantial curtailment of our freedoms and trying to grab even more power, and the cowards will be cheering him on. This is how tyrants are made, always in the name of "for your own security."


Active member
Maybe we should lock up anyone that might cause trouble then? Especially men. All of them.

See where that gets you?

Or maybe these cowards should support women not having children. Boys/men aged 16-29 are statistically the most likely to commit major crimes like rape, murder, robbery and assault. Better stop having children because we don't want the "trouble" when the boys become young adults.

But they would never support that, would they?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Anyone who supports Trump's Muslim ban are a bunch of disgraceful cowards.

what a marvelous way to start a conversation!

allow me to rebut:

Anyone who opposes President Trump's three month hiatus on immigration from countries that may be seeking to export terrorism is a drooling retard!


your turn!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Muslim countries are a bunch of disgraceful cowards? Bigot....