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  • As for MJ, (Messianic Jewish), yeah, that is much closer, but no, there are no groups close enough to how I understand the writings, (they also are way too carnal minded). I did for quite a while spend time in an MJ forum, (the MJ board at, but not much lately anymore as it gets wearisome being constantly harranged and ridiculed by carnal minded Khazarites all dressed up as Jews in a place where it is much more difficult to defend yourself if you are not a "Trinitarian MJ", (lol). At least in a place like this when someone slings mud in my face I can send their own mud right back to them most of the time. :)
    Hey Freelight, sorry I had forgotten that you asked me about the Keys of Enoch but now that I had another message here I see that message again also. You did once before point me to that link but I remember not actually being able to find the book and lost interest, (I confess I'm a reading nerd :) ). Any way, no, I have not read the Keys of Enoch but keep hearing different concepts of it and am not even sure it is an ancient writing. Is it? If so then I would indeed be interested. :)
    I listen to a lot different stuff but Mooji is still my favorite and I resonate with his teaching more than any others I have listen to.
    Yea we will see how long it last, I am sure there have been some complaints from the peanut gallery, Yet Tol included a religious section but like to complain about religious ideas being posted, go figure, I have never reported or complained to the mods and only egocentric people who are the lowest on the spiritual level do, Namaste.
    Literalism is on our side. "Perish" and "shall be no more" and "reduced to ashes" are pretty literal.
    Hi Freelight,......with the new format on TOL you can direct link YouTube videos by just using the video editor feature which is next to the spell check on the task bar.
    Thank you freelight. :) I wish I could live up to that...

    I'm hanging in there, and I hope you're doing well yourself these days. Our paths don't cross too often so it's nice to see you. Take good care. :)
    Hi Freelight, sorry, I just NOW found the message conversations. I'll try to monitor these from now on.
    Right. A friend of mine from Unity introduced me to his work and I took one particular book to heart so I am creating a dictated version in audio format. I have several books that I recorded which I listen to over and over again. I like to let that stuff sink into my consciousness while I'm driving around town for example. It is my version of loving your God with all your heart, mind, body and soul and seek ye first the Kingdom. I do want to look a lot more into theosophy but my plate is a little full right now since I am in the middle of editing another projects. I don't want to juggle too much at once. So what is your opinion on the top 3 or so most overlooked spiritual books? Gems that go unnoticed so-to-speak?
    Hi Freelight. I'm doing fine. And you? Anything new on your side? I'm working on an audio book project. Have you heard of Joel Goldsmith?
    I am simplistic in my personal views. Jesus is the heart of my belief, however, I respect all systems of thought, as long as they too respect other people's systems of thought. I only believe in the glorification of our being. I do believe in the butterfly effect, but I personally, do not believe in reincarnation. I can discuss such matters openly, however, all day and always feel blessed to learn from others. I hear the Holy Spirit speaking everywhere I go. ��
    Yeah it's going well. :).....I'm just reading some posts. I might need to take an extra strength excedriin now. :crackup:
    Yes, I agree, and you are getting warm too! :) But the one link I did not yet look at was the JW translation so I suppose I need to go look there too. The reason what you have already said becomes so important is because that ends up being the charge against Yeshua. The first charge was as a mesith, that is, a perverter of the people or leading a city or town astray, (the penalty was stoning). But the Sanhedrin could not find two credible witnesses that agreed and therefore were about to acquit him. That is why the chief Kohen cries out, "What have we need of witnesses". At that point the charges change from mesith to CLAIMING TO BE A KING. This mostly goes unrecognized because mainstream Christianity cares nothing about the ANOINTING of the Jewish kings and that "Son of God" later would become a quasi-title for the anointed kings of Judah. :)
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