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  • Continued: Your word and-or doctrine is your "son" in the same kind of allegory or analogy. Unfortunately we always end up producing a "son of perdition" before we hopefully go on to produce elohim-sons of the kingdom, (Esau-man vs Yaakob). Speaking of Yaakob have you ever heard of Bnei Zadok? (Infancy Gospel narratives)? :sneaky-smile:
    You want the whole parable, eh? Testimony is Spirit. The Son is the Testimony of the Father. The Father is always masculine gender but the Son is not so, because he is the Testimony of the Father, and the Father sometimes speaks in masculine terms and sometimes in feminine terms. Thus the Son, he is knowledge; and the Son, she is wisdom, and so on. What happens when you speak to someone? Your words go through the air into their ears. After that what happens to your words? They either go into the heart and mind of the hearer or the person rejects them, (seed of the Word). As for created beings I do not think I would go past what the scripture says; he is the firstborn of all creation or firstborn of every creature. Does it really matter? All things are designed to bring us back to the Father. In this sense the Son is His "tool", like His "Right Arm" of power, (but obviously not the source of the Power).
    Oops, is there something I quoted you would like me to correct? No problem if so, just let me know which post or where. Uncial = ALL CAPS. :)
    I've read quite some bit from that link already; aside from who he claims to be occasionally, (not sure exactly how he means it and don't want to mention it here because it really does not matter anyways), everything else seems in pretty uprightly good order and true. By the way, when I suggested following the sheep I meant that sheepy looking link, (seems like we had this conversation before, quite some bit back though, hahaha) :)
    Hey Freelight, thanks for the link, I'll surely check it out. As for the previous message, "born of a woman, born under law", (possibly being an interpolation), please do let me know what you find or if you open a thread about it. :)
    I haven't had a chance to do much theological studying of late, beyond my little debates on here. I just complete my Masters in Computer Science and have been looking at possibly moving away to a job in the Bay Area or something. But in order to do that I've gotta set aside some time to do some heavy prep work for the technical interview portions. I've only done like 1 of those before :p
    Thanks freelight :) Yes it is definitely interesting to see the wide array of approaches to studying religion and philosophy on here. Each has it's respective benefits and draw-backs. I didn't note it in that post, but within the context of Christianity I tend to take a similarly open approach to studying the writings of theologians from different sects and time periods. It is all Christianity, even if some of them are a bit off the mark, and I take in the gems that I find amongst the various sects and combine them int my own view. Of course, I try to study each writer in their own context so that I understand what they were trying to say in of themselves.
    Whats up buddy! lol. I haven't been around for awhile, it seems. I hope you're well!!:e4e:
    Dear freelight, I see that the message does finally come up on your profile page. I'm learning and trying. It's so tricky. Hey, I love your Star of David/Cross avatar. You finally hit on the best one available. It's not a rainbow, but it's better than that! May God Bless You!!
    That's right. I'll be in the Boundary Waters for a week, so I won't be as active on TWeb. The Bible says that their eyes are blind and their hearts are hard so that they will not see and will not understand the truth. (John 12:40) Their hardness is not unexpected. Hang in there bro!
    freelight, It only works when I click on View Conversation again under My Profile page. Then I get the most current message. Otherwise, I don't get the message that we should both be getting. Will keep working at it.
    OK, freelight, I have gone to your Profile Page and clicked on Visitor Messages, and now I also clicked on View Conversation. Let's see how this goes.
    Dear freelight,
    I have to click on my name to get these Visitor Messages to work. Does that sound right to you?? Michael
    Now I like that Avatar better than most of yours before. Looks like I will find out which way works re: Visitor's Messages. My last way worked. Let's see what this does.
    God Is Love; Love Is God!!
    Dear freelight,
    I hope I'm doing this right, re: sending a Visitor Message. I don't know whether to click on your name to send one or click on my name to send one. Right now, I'm clicking on my name to see if this works. To be honest, I don't have much for eyebrows now either, but it doesn't matter, as long as you have eyes. Now that's what counts!!
    Much Love, In Jesus Christ
    Dear freelight,
    Thanks for your Message. Will gab more soon. Got to get caught up here. Much Love, In Jesus Christ!!
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