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  • nope - i unplugged eleven years ago when i recognized it for the sewer that it is. and i confront evil every chance i get, whether on this site or irl
    i just don't understand the willingness by someone who calls himself (or herself) a Christian to tolerate evil
    Speaking from a non-Christian perspective, I think that was a very very good post from A4T's thread. Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed it.

    "Yep. And when a man has no legs, he doesn't speak despairingly of a crutch. If a man is starving in a desert, he isn't too proud to take a morsel of bread he finds on the ground. When one is stranded in an ocean with sharks all around, he doesn't scoff at a life preserver though it doesn't look like much in itself.

    The pride of man is a horrible thing. To turn up his nose at a Gift from God because it is free is the height of foolishness. Many a man has to be brought to his knees before he finds this out."
    So are you dear sister, you are exceptionally wise and your love of the Lord and others is abundant
    Thanks for the clarification. It's a thought that I had when I was studying Revelation several years ago. It may not be correct, but I haven't found anything that clearly debunks it either. Of course, with authorship of certain books always being in some dispute, it may never be confirmed. But if both are John's works and the gospel was written last, it would have to be by far the most mature work of his. And having seen what he saw...I don't see how he could fail to be changed.
    Thanks. I plan to. No profit in my engaging him and I'm mostly disinterested in reporting, so either he'll cross the line and be back on the ban pile eventually or he'll behave like this, which isn't going to make me lose sleep, or he'll tire and behave more like koban and less like Sod, which would be a win for everyone.
    Almost as soon as he came back pre ban time running. Once I realized who he was I stopped responding. So he posted in Quixote's and then Eeset started an Alabama law thread so he could try the old insult that once worked. After that he's pretty steadily stomped around posting about me and to me, but I haven't engaged him.
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