Do U agree w/ Jindal RE Trump: narcissist, egomaniac?


Well-known member
Trump isn't really running for president. So this is a little off the topic. But I think anyone who runs for president has to be a little off in the head when it comes to excessive ego.

Obama is the one of the few recent presidents that I think may be a little less so, and that's because he was more or less called to the position. He would not have sought the presidency on his own. And maybe George Bush Sr. was a bit less so, as well. Though he did seek the position, and he did want that second term. But clearly Reagan, Clinton, and Bush Jr. (of the recent presidents) were all very full of themselves and had an absurdly high sense of self-worth. And with the excessive media scrutiny, the inevitable lies and slander that accompany any major political campaign, and the unquenchable need for huge amounts of money involved in winning any higher office, I doubt we'll see many candidates that aren't narcissistic egomaniacs in the future.

On the other hand, I'm not sure that such qualities necessarily cause a president to be bad at the job. In the past, some of our greatest presidents were quite narcissistic and egomaniacal. In fact, I believe these traits made them more effective as politicians because it made them less vulnerable to self-doubt and indecision, which is a weakness that would immediately be exploited in the political arena.

On the other hand, self-assuredness that is not accompanied by high intelligence (as in the case of George W. Bush) is disastrous. And is something we should definitely avoid supporting in candidates in the future.

So I'm OK with the big egos. What scares me is the big egos backing up a weak mind and a weak character. "W" nearly sunk this country. We can't afford to elect another one of this ilk or I'm afraid it would be the end of us as a nation.


Quote: Originally posted by Shasta

Trump is a very, very rich man who is self-made. People like him are used to doing whatever they want. Just like Obama, they are not inclined to take counsel from anyone but their own appointees, not their own political allies or the public at large that elected them. When Obama is about to make a decision shuts his ears and eyes to everyone and everything and does whatever he wants. From what I have observed so far, Trump would do exactly the same thing.

my thoughts exactly
we do not need more of the same old same old...
as many are saying and I have been thinking..
if we miss this opportunity, it will probably be the last we get...

President Barack Hussein Obama has completely ignored the document that he swore to uphold:

the US Constitution.

Let's hope that a President Donald Trump doesn't do the same thing (and let's hope that the people who vote him into office won't allow him to do so).


Well-known member
That was the Old Covenant.

We now live in the New Covenant.

(Matt 5:43-44) “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Jesus was telling them what would happen.

Jesus also said in the same chapter there would be earthquakes and famines.

That doesn't mean that earthquakes and famines are just.

You call it "passive attitude", I call it trusting in God.

My point in quoting the prophets was that God has a will and a hand in whether nations rise and fall. The fact that we are in the New Covenant does not diminish God's sovereign dealings with world powers even now before the world has submitted to His dominion. God is not a remote Deity who does not care about the affairs of earth. I do not think the "godly response" of the nations at the time of the Third Reich would have been to surrender to them and allow them to complete their genocidal plans.

Sometimes humans are required to take up the sword to prevent worse violence and to enforce the principles of justice and mercy. To "give way" before the wicked is not a virtue.

Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked (Proverbs 25:26).

It is worthwhile to note that Jesus never told soldiers to disarm but to simply be "content with their wages." Soldiers at that time had the combined duties of police and soldiers. Populations need to be defended internationally and intra-nationally against lawlessness. To that end the magistrate bears the sword of execution to avenge wrongdoing. Holding an absolute policy of non-involvement either personally or nationally allows the strong to prevail over the weak and the perverse to abuse the innocent. An unconditional commitment to non-violence does not assuage the blood-lust of the violent. To the contrary, it only serves to incite them all the more. Pacifism sounds noble until you see the travesties take place because of it. This has been a painful lesson in history which is why someone said,

for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing.

Even as individuals we might be called upon by circumstance to use force to defend ourselves, our families or the helpless. In the absence of police it may, for instance, fall on us as citizens to ensure order within our small sphere of responsibility. Even Jesus seems to acknowledge that in perilous times we might need a weapon to defend ourselves.

…35 And He said to them, "When I sent you out without money belt and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you?" They said, "No, nothing." 36 And He said to them, "But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one. (Luke 22:36)

Several disciples were already "packing heat," and apparently with the Lord's consent (Luke 22:38). This is not to say that anyone should imagine the Kingdom is established by force. Jesus said

"If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” (John 18:36)

His Kingdom is "carved without hands" (Daniel 2:34) and will come to power without the help of armies - either human or angelic. As Martin Luther said of Satan and his kingdom "one little word will fell him" (Revelation 19:15, 2 Thessalonians 2:8).

Until then there will not be peace on earth. We must deal with the world as it is. Famines and earthquakes are natural events and therefore we have no moral responsibility respecting them. War and human conflicts, however occur because of human evil and, unfortunately some of us might called upon to confront it. We do so primarily through proclaiming the Gospel but as citizens, we may be called upon to meet the challenge in more direct ways.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Do U agree w/ Jindal RE Trump: narcissist, egomaniac?

True ... though no doubt he will reference it in order gain votes. Apparently he doesn't need to walk the walk.

And you don't know what the man reads anymore than Chrys does you hypocrite. Bad form to attack something that you have no way to prove...:nono:
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
well, here we have another person (besides Trump) who obviously hasn't read the Bible..

esp Mt 25:31-46

Whatever you do [say] to the least of My Brethren, you do [say] to Me​


So you also feel you have the right to judge something you have no way of proving you pathetic all should be ashamed of yourselves.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
well, here we have another person (besides Trump) who obviously hasn't read the Bible..

esp Mt 25:31-46

Whatever you do [say] to the least of My Brethren, you do [say] to Me​


You have a lot of nerve to change the words & context of scripture while bearing false witness... You really are a clueless lying hypocrite...better say a few extra hail Mary's for lying & changing the words of the Holy Writ... For shame indeed Romanist!


New member
You have a lot of nerve to change the words & context of scripture while bearing false witness... You really are a clueless lying hypocrite...better say a few extra hail Mary's for lying & changing the words of the Holy Writ... For shame indeed Romanist!

I rest my case


"By your words you will be condemned"

(That's in the Bible, just don't know where)



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So you also feel you have the right to judge something you have no way of proving you pathetic all should be ashamed of yourselves.

For all her thread starting, she does not seem to endear herself to anyone. Maybe had she listened to my initial comments on using normal words, rather than 'text talk' she might have been taken more seriously?

She also seems more concerned about political matters than theology, other the banal RCC posts?