GOP Congressman shot at baseball practice, Gunman likely dead


Well-known member
Both sides play political tribalism. Stop lying to yourself. Obama said "get in their face" et al. Shall I quote Trump?

Who came first?

I just spent 8 years criticizing Obama and now your Trump fan boy idiots have put on the cheer-leading skirts. Ra fricken ra. :loser:

I am not one of the Trumpian ubermen cultmembers. Never was. But compared with the leftist puppet man we had before, and having dodged Clinton (WHO WILL NEVER BE POTUS), I admit that I'm much relieved.

My problem now isn't with Trump as much with the establishment RINOs who are stonewalling and slow walking everything he (AND THEY) said they would do. That's what's going to hand this nation permanently back to the Left over the next few elections, I'm afraid.


New member
Who came first?

That makes it...right...acceptable...palatable? What is the significance of your question?

I am not one of the Trumpian ubermen cultmembers. Never was.

Accept my apology if I've unfairly lumped you in. :e4e:

But compared with the leftist puppet man we had before, and having dodged Clinton (WHO WILL NEVER BE POTUS), I admit that I'm much relieved.

Bush = Obama = Trump.

They're really not much different from one another as far as policy goes. I was no fan of Hillary and never voted for Obama. I've tried to be optimistic about Trump the president. Trump the person is clearly not someone I'd invite into my home.

patrick jane

:think: There is a lot of hatred expressed on this forum, Patrick. I have lost count of the numerous "I will enjoy watching you burn in hell, Rusha" posts in just the last couple of years here. Why should Trump be above criticism?
It's way beyond criticism, it's bad for America


New member
Your hatred of President Trump is overtaking your soul

We weren't even talking about Trump

You have a one-track mind, don't you?


the skirt does look nice on you. Very patriotic.


New member
It's way beyond criticism, it's bad for America

Your borderline idolatry of Trump is good for America?

Theodore Roosevelt said that speaking out against criticism of the President "is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

― Theodore Roosevelt

You've got a lot to learn, grasshopper


Hall of Fame
It's way beyond criticism, it's bad for America

No ... the criticism of Trump (the originator of birtherism) is no worse than all the hatred spewed at Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. His divisiveness is ruining our country and alienating our allies.

Rather than pretending that this is a one sided hostility, perhaps it's time for Trump to try to UNITE the country instead of trying to tear down anyone outside of his base.

However, I won't respond again on this "blame it on the left thread" again ...


Well-known member
That makes it...right...acceptable...palatable? What is the significance of your question?

You're missing the point. Trump represents a one-finger response of many ticked off and ignored Americans, not all of them Republicans, to the uniparty establishment. That's what's most significant about him and I think he knows it. Eight years of lawless Obama insulting and baiting us, as rioters were nothing but emboldened and illegals welcomed...and here you are implying Trump is just as bad?


They're really not much different from one another as far as policy goes.

Really? Bush and Obama I'd probably agree, but ask newly rehired W. Va. cole miners if they agree with you that Trump = Obama. Ask border patrol now allowed to detain and expel illegals if they agree with you on that.

Trump the person is clearly not someone I'd invite into my home.

Why not?


Well-known member
Gabby Gifford was a Democrat. So your point is invalid as always in this realm

:nono: They guy was criminally insane, NOT politically motivated.

Honestly, this looks like the desperation it is:
Loughner was about as politically motivated as Chapman was hating "Give Peace a Chance." :nono:


New member
You're missing the point. Trump represents a one-finger response of many ticked off and ignored Americans, not all of them Republicans, to the uniparty establishment. That's what's most significant about him and I think he knows it. Eight years of lawless Obama insulting and baiting us, as rioters were nothing but emboldened and illegals welcomed...and here you are implying Trump is just as bad?


I began as cautiously optimistic. Now I will state the same that I did about Obama after Bush, until something is significantly done to demonstrate a real difference, I'll assume the establishment controls all. Even Trump. Who really isn't the outsider his supporters frame him to be. He's just another rich guy who has danced around the establishment even if he never dove into politics until this election.

How were Obama's policies significantly different than Bush's?

They really weren't.

And since the GOP has control of the entire government, let's see what they can do. There is no point in blaming Democrats for anything until 2018, then we'll see how the midterms turn out.

Until something changes it's 'promises, promises' as usual. Just like Obama ran on 'change' and it turned out to be a joke.

Really? Bush and Obama I'd probably agree, but ask newly rehired W. Va. cole miners if they agree with you that Trump = Obama. Ask border patrol now allowed to detain and expel illegals if they agree with you on that.

Coal isn't going anywhere and Obama deported more than any president before him.

Under Trump, arrests are up by 33 percent, but deportations are down by 1.2 percent.

The comparatively small drop in deportations is not necessarily a sign that the law and order candidate has gone soft. Unlike arrests, deportations are not instantaneous acts. But it signals that Trump so far hasn’t been able to carry out his campaign promises to push for mass deportations and arrests. He hasn’t even managed to beat former President Barack Obama’s record. Under the Obama administration, ICE agents arrested 29,238 undocumented immigrants in the first few months of 2014.


In my opinion, he's a bit of a misogynist and is a full-fledged egomaniac.

But, I don't have to like him. If he does good things for America, I'll support his presidency.


Well-known member
:nono: They guy was criminally insane, NOT politically motivated.

Disagree. There's a sliding scale of crazy and he's definitely at the high end, but the politics were there.

So where's the line between merely criminally insane, and those who are willing to kill politicians they don't agree with, or those who support them, simply because of politics? Actually attempting or succeeding in killing someone? Is that where we draw the line?

Loughner wasnt an outlier who shouldn't count. There's a lot more people on the Left exactly like him (perhaps not clinically psychotic) who just haven't succeeded in doing what many of them SAY they want to do.


patrick jane

I am not one of the Trumpian ubermen cultmembers. Never was.
I could be mistaken for a Trumpian uberman cult member and I have ramped up my Pro-Trump rhetoric in response to the incessant attacks on Trump from the left. I didn't get on the Trump bandwagon until he started winning primaries and I'm glad he beat clinton. I think Trump is doing a great job considering, he can't legislate, that's on Congress.


Well-known member
I could be mistaken for a Trumpian uberman cult member and I have ramped up my Pro-Trump rhetoric in response to the incessant attacks on Trump from the left. I didn't get on the Trump bandwagon until he started winning primaries and I'm glad he beat clinton. I think Trump is doing a great job considering, he can't legislate, that's on Congress.

The people I mean by that are those who seem to think Trump cannot do any wrong whatsoever. I see those people elsewhere but I don't think even you are one of them.


New member

That's a pretty good article. I largely agree with it. I'd only point out that that dehumanization runs both ways, and Trump and his associates indulged in very violent and dehumanizing rhetoric. In a sense, we're seeing the breakdown of the democratic political process, and the fringes starting to take actions apart from it.