Movies you have seen multiple times


I believe the movies that you never grow tired of watching can tell someone quite a bit about who you are. Some people watch the same film over and over because they are obsessed with some aspect of it. For instance, they may love the sensation of being scared. Others may watch a film with horrible injustice in it because they have experienced something similar in their lives and they want to keep the fires of hatred burning strong and bright in their black hearts towards certain sections of humanity they despise. Tell us what movies you love to watch multiple times and perhaps be brave enough to search your hearts to uncover your underlying motivations.


Well-known member
Independence Day, … I don't know why I like that movie.

The Outlaw Josey Wales, and Unforgiven. I'm a Clint Eastwood fan.


New member
The Star Wars Trilogy (ya know, from back when that's all there was).
Probably because I still feel the need to believe that a hero can overcome, no matter how powerful the real-world empire becomes.

It's still the only classic Disney movie I can watch whenever (The Lion King is my favorite, but I have to warm up for the emotional rollercoaster).
It has become an ever-stronger conviction of mine that a person is defined by his/her choices, not the circumstances of his/her birth. Americans like to talk this idea up as one of our founding ideals, but far too many Americans treat being born American as somehow being inherently better than the rest of the world, regardless of how far behind we fall in standard of living, medical care, public transit, public safety, justice system, trustworthiness of elected officials, etc etc.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
There are a lot of movies I've watched multiple times. Some of them are sentimental favorites. Some are simply unbelievably good films and a few...I can't even tell you why.

Of the former, to name a few: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, It's a Wonderful Life, Bringing up Baby, The Quiet Man, The Searchers, Raiders, Field of Dreams, Searching for Bobby Fisher, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Groundhog Day, Sense and Sensibility, The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, North by Northwest, Beau Geste, 12 Angry Men, The Apartment, Ran, His Girl Friday, Once Upon a Time in the West, Shawshank, Sleepless in Seattle, Good Will Hunting (for Robin Williams role), Seven Samurai, The Shinning, To Kill a Mockingbird, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Usual Suspects, Rashomon, Die Hard, A Man for all Seasons, Blade Runner...and a large additional number. Almost any great comedy, from Chaplin and Keaton to the Marx Brothers on, never grows old for me.

Of the can't help myself but can't entirely tell you why...The 13th Warrior, The Negotiator, Outbreak...


I believe the movies that you never grow tired of watching can tell someone quite a bit about who you are...

So true.

What are your motivations if you are aware of them.

Humm, Haven't see that movie, what's it about? :)

Terminator 1, 2 and 3 and the Matrix 1 and 2---just like good a good sci-fi with action and a twist---also canceled my cable for a few years at one time and the Terminator movies where some of the very few I own.


TOL Subscriber
Lonesome Dove, because it is one of my favorite books and one of my favorite movies(even though the movie couldn't squeeze in all of the book's story lines).

The Abyss, because its awesome, and I find the Marianas trench incredibly interesting.

The Color of Money because AB and I have talked about it too many times not to rewatch at every chance.

Cool Hand Luke because it's my favorite movie of all time. There are too many great one liners.

Snatch because it's hilarious, and I have a black friend from East London named Vincent.

The Magnificent 7 because my kids love it, and I never get tired of it.

Frozen for the same reason.

The Red State by Kevin Smith because of the emotional rollercoaster it puts me through.

The Lion King, because it's an awesome story and the music is great as well.


Hall of Fame
Terms of Endearment ... funny, sentimental and heart wrenching ... plus my favorite actor and actress are in it.

Dead Again ... intriguing who done it, but not of the typical kind.

Beauty and the Beast
... funny, love the songs, the characters. I watched it numerous times with my children when they were growing up. The happy ending always makes me cry.

Legend of Billy Jack ... way cooler than Rambo, I watched this as a kid and have always seen him as the stand up guy who protects the abused and innocent from the bad guys. Also, love the theme long to the movie "One Tin Soldier".

"Friday the 13th" I saw it at the walk in movies as a teen. It was the first movie that REALLY scared me. Unexpected villain and ending.

"Rocky Horror Picture Show" ... campy, hilarious. I love Tim Curry, as well as the songs and characters. The whole experience of audience members dancing in the isles, throwing rice, waving candles, etc. and dressing up as the characters. One of those "you had to be there" ............ :chuckle:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Temp Banned
Terms of Endearment
I liked that one too.
Shirley McClain's character was a hoot!

One of my favorite lines in the movie was, "I'd rather have a few moments of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special".

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I do love disaster movies, the first film I ever saw was the original film about the Titanic. The true ones are the best, but some fiction ones like The Towering Inferno [how true that one proved to be]

It is not because I like to see people die and stuff, but it is all the things that go to make the disaster happen, avoidable mistakes.

A favourite along these lines too is A Bridge Too Far.....


New member
So many. I'm going to just throw out L.A. Confidential to get it out of the way. I love the soundtrack, the suits, the punchy slang.

The Princess Bride, because there are many words that don't mean what I think they mean.

Raiders of the Lost Ark because Han Solo brings a revolver to a sword fight.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Noguru said his fav is some broken mountain film, but I'd never heard of it. :idunno: