The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Well-known member
(There) are Christians who quite clearly believe Satan is a personality reality, that he still lives, that he is God of this world who is even in cahoots with the real God.
I don't believe that God is 'in cahoots' with Satan, but he is a real personality (demon) as you and Freelight demonstrate his persona with nearly every single post. Jesus spoke to demons and they answered Him. They are real. They exist today. Those who don't understand that we're the prize in the middle of the battle between good and evil are cannon-fodder in that war. You're a tool of Satan, whether you realize it or not. You always will be, until you are born again.

God's Truth

New member
I don't believe that God is 'in cahoots' with Satan, but he is a real personality (demon) as you and Freelight demonstrate his persona with nearly every single post. Jesus spoke to demons and they answered Him. They are real. They exist today. Those who don't understand that we're the prize in the middle of the battle between good and evil are cannon-fodder in that war. You're a tool of Satan, whether you realize it or not. You always will be, until you are born again.

Well said.

God's Truth

New member
The ONLY remedy for sin is God's Forgiveness. It is ONLY available through The Blood of The Lamb of God, Jesus. Without His Blood and His Flesh, you have NO PART in Him. He said so and He doesn't lie. You, on the other hand do lie, as does the Urantia book, which is nothing but lies.

Well said again.

Caino does not believe Jesus' blood cleans us, and he does not even believe he has the Spirit of God living inside him.

Jesus' blood cleans us and reconciles us to God, for we become the temple of His Spirit when we are cleaned and sanctified.


Eclectic Theosophist
No, not all men and women are sons and daughters of the living God.

Only those who do the will of God are God's children.

Those who do wrong are the children of the devil.

All human beings are children of God. "We are his offspring". God is the Original Father of all.

You can put a qualifier on that if you like but it would be your own 'spin' on it. Of course a tree is known by its fruit, but all mortals sin from time to time since we are all evolving, growing, developing, being purified/perfected....we are in 'process'. We will naturally reflect whatever influence or power we yield ourselves to.

God's Truth

New member
All human beings are children of God. "We are his offspring". God is the Original Father of all.

Paul was trying to get the people of Athens to understand, and he even references what some of their poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'

Then Paul goes on to say, "Therefore since we are God's offspring..."

Paul is not dealing with them as people who reject Jesus and do what Satan does. Paul is speaking to them as if their is hope they will not reject Jesus.

Jesus clearly says that if we do what the devil does then we are the children of the devil.

If we do what God does, then we are children of God.

You can put a qualifier on that if you like but it would be your own 'spin' on it. Of course a tree is known by its fruit, but all mortals sin from time to time since we are all evolving, growing, developing, being purified/perfected....we are in 'process'. We will naturally reflect whatever influence or power we yield ourselves to.

I am speaking the truth. You do not just put your own spin on the truth, you also chop it up and discard it. You cannot pick and choose what you want to believe. That is how you end up with a fictional god.


Eclectic Theosophist
speaking from ignorance.......

speaking from ignorance.......

You pick and chose what you wanted from the scriptures and threw out the rest. You even added your own. You have made for yourself a fictional god.

You have yet to read even the first 3 papers of the UB so are unqualifed to critique it and refuse to do so. You cannot add to the discussion having not read the theology from the book itself, but can only presume, presoppose and pontificate.

As far as fictional gods cannot prove your concept of 'God' is any less fictional than any other beyond assuming it fits your biblical qualifications.

We can examine a criteria for proving God by considering his nature, character, qualities and attributes. If God is love, is wholly just and merciful, all good and wise.....his government and administration will reflect those qualities.

God's Truth

New member
You have yet to read even the first 3 papers of the UB so are unqualifed to critique it and refuse to do so.
The Word of God says it is wrong and that is why I need not go any further with it.

You cannot add to the discussion having not read the theology from the book itself, but can only presume, presoppose and pontificate.
You speak untruths about the Bible in this thread, and I correct you that is how I can add to the discussion.

As far as fictional gods cannot prove your concept of 'God' is any less fictional than any other beyond assuming it fits your biblical qualifications.
Jesus tells us how we can know for sure. Would you like to know?

I did what Jesus said and I know for sure that what the Bible says is true.

We can examine a criteria for proving God by considering his nature, character, qualities and attributes. If God is love, is wholly just and merciful, all good and wise.....his government and administration will reflect those qualities.

You have a fictional god. What good is a fictional god?


Eclectic Theosophist
You have a fictional god.

Thats your assumption which you cannot prove, let alone prove your 'god' is any more real. - and thats the truth. Reality itself is what actually, now and eternally. It is prior to and beyond even these more petty and diverse religious opinions and concepts, however some religious books have a better presentation of truth than others.

Not going to go in circles with you here, as you are trolling the thread under the guise of defending the bible, a premature attempt at apologetics, a diversion tactic of refusing to discover the UB's theology for yourself. You have nothing then really, but assumptions and fighting an imaginary enemy at that. - such is the case with most critics here,...who have nothing but prefigurations, pre-conceived conclusions, made-up minds. Thats all you have.


You pick and chose what you wanted from the scriptures and threw out the rest. You even added your own. You have made for yourself a fictional god.

I'm honest about what I believe in the scripture and what I don't. Many Christians are not. Your opinions are meaningless to me.


Well said again.

Caino does not believe Jesus' blood cleans us, and he does not even believe he has the Spirit of God living inside him.

Jesus' blood cleans us and reconciles us to God, for we become the temple of His Spirit when we are cleaned and sanctified.

I already told you that I'm spirit born, therefore you are a liar!

Gods loving and forgiving nature is what cleans me, Christs blood was the result of idiot religious people rejecting his original gospel and killing him.

The Pagans believed in human sacrifice, I do not, but you are welcome to the primitive theology of atonement if you can' do any better.


The gospel that Jesus taught is the gospel that the Jews would be teaching if they didn't kill him. It's that simple.


Well-known member
The gospel that Jesus taught is the gospel that the Jews would be teaching if they didn't kill him. It's that simple.
Without His death there would be NO Gospel. None. It's that simple.

For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.


New member
Without His death there would be NO Gospel. None. It's that simple.

For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.

Amen! Jesus Christ willingly went to the cross for big reasons - out of a heart of love for all of mankind. Jesus Christ was the only perfect sacrifice for the sins of mankind and is the only way to Salvation. Thank you God for your unspeakable gift.


Eclectic Theosophist
No, some (yourself and Caino for example) are children of the devil. You do Satan's work, not the works Jesus assigned.

Your assumtpion above is just that, your own biased personal religious opinion, self-serving at that. Comical actually. Its the same ole script. You have to face reality with your judgments with the consequences when you discover they are untrue. :wave:


Well-known member
The gospel that Jesus taught is the gospel that the Jews would be teaching if they didn't kill him. It's that simple.

That doesn't really define anything. So if we find some Marxists Jews today saying the Gospel is for the top 10% of equitied people must give all they have to the bottom 10%, then that's the Gospel? Marx was Jewish.

God's Truth

New member
Thats your assumption which you cannot prove, let alone prove your 'god' is any more real. - and thats the truth. Reality itself is what actually, now and eternally. It is prior to and beyond even these more petty and diverse religious opinions and concepts, however some religious books have a better presentation of truth than others.

Not going to go in circles with you here, as you are trolling the thread under the guise of defending the bible, a premature attempt at apologetics, a diversion tactic of refusing to discover the UB's theology for yourself. You have nothing then really, but assumptions and fighting an imaginary enemy at that. - such is the case with most critics here,...who have nothing but prefigurations, pre-conceived conclusions, made-up minds. Thats all you have.

Jesus tells us how we can know if the Bible is true or not.
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