toldailytopic: Are there many paths to God?


Eclectic Theosophist
power points......

power points......

No, why should i be able to speak the things of God if not for Gods own word on it?

The question still remains then. But a further question is begotten by your response - How do you know you have God's own word it, and not just a religious belief, symbol or metaphor written by a man, further subject to various 'interpretations'? (and further possibly 'doctored' by scribes to fit a pre-figured theology). What there is here, are 'assumptions', 'beliefs', 'interpretations'.


But back to the actual subject here, which is "are there many paths to God"? - one answer is "no", since there can be no paths to what is already always we've covered earlier. On another level however, we could say "yes"....since all paths originate from 'God' (source) and ultimately lead to 'God' (the ultimate reality and conclusion).



New member
Hall of Fame
The question still remains then. But a further question is begotten by your response - How do you know you have God's own word it, and not just a religious belief, symbol or metaphor written by a man, further subject to various 'interpretations'?

Fulfilled prophecy, historical accounts, different physical authors yet it all lines up and speaks truth, but most of all evidence of Him and His truth in my own life and the lives of many others I know.

Truth is absolute.


Eclectic Theosophist
Annie Besant

Annie Besant

Who was Annie Besant?

Annie Besant has a prolific history and biography as a prominent British socialist, Theosophist, women's rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule. I consider her life, ministry and service exemplary on many levels as she held many influencial positions in both socio-political and religious-philosophical platforms. She was friends and worked with other greats such as Walter Crane, George Bernard Shaw, Gandhi, besides her pioneering work and presidency in the Theosophical Society.

Wiki article

Theosophical Society-Adyar,

Quest Books (list of some of Annie's writings)


I recall one of her books "Esoteric Christianity", of which I read years ago, and just downloaded the kindle version for free :) - being a 'theosophist' myself on certain philosophical levels, this is wonderful stuff.

As far as educating oneself,...we can thank 'God' for the vast resource of the internet, a virtual world library and global network.

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New member
Fulfilled prophecy, historical accounts, different physical authors yet it all lines up and speaks truth, but most of all evidence of Him and His truth in my own life and the lives of many others I know.

Truth is absolute.

Yet you can't take your "absolute truth" to any big city university's dept of religions or history depts in America and tell them your "absolute truth" without them wondering if you're nuts or perhaps missed the directions for the little bible college outside of town where that nonsense is taught. You see you can only spout the nonsense that your paper and ink word idol tells you is truth meaning ancient men are making you their puppets from their graves, ancient men with ancient ideas about the world, many of them terribly wrong causing much unnecessary grief and hardship, e.g. that women are chattel and men rule everything. Or that God divides the world up into those wearing the ideological uniforms of one people's nationalized religion are somehow more of God than other peoples wearing other nationalized religious ideologies as belief systems. I mean "Jews", "Christians", "Muslims", "Hindus", "Buddhists", what is this? God is a Spirit and that's the way I worship God--as a Spirit.


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Hall of Fame
Yet you can't take your "absolute truth" to any big city university's dept of religions or history depts in America and tell them your "absolute truth" without them wondering if you're nuts or perhaps missed the directions for the little bible college outside of town where that nonsense is taught.

So? Are those people your authority on what is Godly or is God?


Eclectic Theosophist


Fulfilled prophecy, historical accounts, different physical authors yet it all lines up and speaks truth, but most of all evidence of Him and His truth in my own life and the lives of many others I know.

Since we believe 'God' to be the source of all that is,...naturally we 'inter-face' and 'involve' this reality within our own religious system/tradition, culture and personal experience.....since every human experience is arising in the greater context of 'God' (the energy, light and consciousness that makes all things possible).

Truth is absolute.

There are two kinds of truth,....absolute truth and relative truth. The former is the pure absolute reality that is always being, unconditional, indivisible, immutable, eternal, infinite, formless, essential, the heart of all. Only what is 'absolute' is 'absolute'. - everything else is 'relative'.

'Relative' truths are more or less conditional and 'relatable' in the context of 'space-time-relativity', 'associations' and the modifications where any interpretations or translations occur in one's perception (it is therefore more or less distorted). Therefore much in our human experience, even 'religious experience' may be only 'relatively true' in as much as it relates to other meanings and values. There is the 'absolute'....and the 'relative'. Both co-exist as a seeming 'paradox'.

See 'dialectical monism'.

The One Light refracts or reflects itself in a spectrum of colour, vibration and form, but all is born out of that original essence. 'God' is that Light, wherein the entire phenomena of existence arises in all its dimensions and definitions. In the play of relativity and 'mis-perception' of 'seperateness',...there may appear to be a 'path' or many 'paths' to 'God'. - however, such appears only to a 'seperate' individual.



Eclectic Theosophist
Re-turning to 'God'.......

Re-turning to 'God'.......

So what happens to those that hate God? When they die, do their spirits just go away? I think they still go before God.

Cannot those who at one time hate 'God', become converted to the goodness of 'God', reform their lives (repent) and become lovers of 'God'? Since its Love's will to enrich, empower and inspire souls and give them the fullness of eternal not this Love ever available to a soul, as long as it has the 'capacity' and 'ability' to turn towards 'God'?

All souls-spirits ultimately re-turn to 'God', for such is inevitable upon many principles such as the nature of reality, God's omnipresence, his Infinite LOVE and the law of progress which inherent to life encourages all souls to fulfill the purpose of their existence, inspiring life's potential. This universalist view is logical upon these premises.

We've explored these possibilities and principles elsewhere....but your inquiry is a step in the right direction...if you would dare to research for yourself what is most reasonable, respecting such principles.


Everywhere one turns....there is 'God'. 'God' is the omnipresent One.



New member
Many roads lead to God, but not all. Love God, love your neighbor. Both simple and difficult, as most of reality is.


New member
I think you are optimistic. There are some who are unable to live in the light, unable to love. Dante said the Hell was the last gift of a loving God to those who did not wish to go to heaven.


Eclectic Theosophist
Is Love all-supreme?

Is Love all-supreme?

I think you are optimistic.

Perhaps my downfall? :eek:

There are some who are unable to live in the light, unable to love.

That may be true along a certain point in the soul's journey, a temporary condition affected by some misfortune, ignorance, sin, rebellion or pride. Could not a soul along the path of eternal progression however learn by his suffering, misdeeds and experience and rise higher towards the goal of life's purpose and his own happiness by conversion, repentance, and choosing righteousness and love? As I've shared before in my expose of ECT, would appear as long as souls can respond to love, and repent to effect a true change of mind/heart....the path of salvation and progress would be ever available to them (and why not?).

Dante said the Hell was the last gift of a loving God to those who did not wish to go to heaven.

But would such be a gift from Love's bosom?...when Love's will is eternally for the salvation, wellness and happiness of its offspring? If God respects individual free will as somewhat sovereign, perhaps a soul could forever choose to reject God (and suffer eternal punishment because of such continual insanity) or choose its own destruction (death), as the final consequence and fruit of given itself wholly over to sin's power, whose end is death.

Whether we hold to an ECT (eternal conscious torment) view or 'soul-death' is God's will and divine character(name) glorified by these conclusions? Love is not satisfied with either of these ends! Neither is God's will fulfilled. Such is an apparent 'paradox' between God's supreme will, and the soul's individual will.

In any case,..there are many factors in the equation here deeper and more intrincate than most traditional 'assumptions' on the subject.



Eclectic Theosophist
There's more to it

There's more to it

There's only one path, and that is by reading a Bible.

As we've shared so far, it might be helpful to review :)

Remember,....since 'God' is omnipresent,...there is no 'path' to 'God', since 'God' is always already PRESENT.

Furthermore, does reading a Bible qualify for being the one path that is 'correct' or 'right', when hundreds of other religious books and inspired writings revered by various cultures and communities also exist and hold their value.

Curiously, because 'God' is All That Is.....all paths begin with 'God' and then theorize or formalize a system or method of re-turning to 'God'. Amazing how the human mind works eh? :)

But thats what the journey and adventure of Life is all about, 'God' searching for himself thru an infinite number of ways, only to find that He was never lost to begin with.

Gotta love it!


Autumn Delight

New member
When you take away the The Bible and all other holy books, the traditions, the denominations, the teachers and preachers, the group mentality... and after you've examined your heart... What are you left with?


The Dark Knight
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I hate that you can't see who gives you these 'reps'. It would be nice to know. :)
After you have at least 50 posts and been registered for two full weeks [336 hours] you will be able. Or you could upgrade to a subscription and be able to see now.


I identify as a Christian
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There's only one path to God Most High, the heavenly Father of Jesus Christ, and that is through His Son. God's put this relationship in the heavens with Signs to guide us spiritually below. It's all revealed in Celestial Torah Christianity at:
That path will send you straight to hell. You make a gastalt of hot air that serves no purpose but to deceive.

There on only one path--the Lord Jesus Christ.

John 14:6 -
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


Eclectic Theosophist


I hate that you can't see who gives you these 'reps'. It would be nice to know. :)

I think after 50 posts or being here over 2 weeks, you'll become a 'registered plus' member, then you can see who reps you on your User CP page. Not sure, but wait and see. You can also eventually become a 'subscriber' if it turns out you want to engage here long-term :)

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I sent you an email by the way.
