Video Shows ‘Prosperity’ Preachers Laying Hands on Trump


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I just did. Why don't you just come out and admit why you don't like Donald Trump? (Because he was meeeeeean to Carly Fiorino and the Fox News' defender of the LGBTQueer movement Megan Kelly).

I don't like Donald Trump because hes as phony as the prosperity preachers.

One more time on the rest, take your homo chat back to your own thread, thanks. This is not a thread on homosexuality, and you go right ahead and falsely accuse me of supporting anything lgbt, and get your tail laughed off, because everyone here knows better than that.


Thanks for talking about worldly things, as I understand that you're not of this world?

I am not perfect. I am curious about what is going on.

I am just observer.

In fact I am sad to say I am very worldly myself. But His followers should stay away from worldly things as much as they can.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I just did. Why don't you just come out and admit why you don't like Donald Trump? (Because he was meeeeeean to Carly Fiorino and the Fox News' defender of the LGBTQueer movement Megan Kelly).
I don't like Donald Trump because hes as phony as the prosperity preachers.

Phony is a subject word, i.e. open to interpretation. I see there are about 4 or 5 current woodshed complaints against you, it appears that they believe you're a phony as well.

Now if you would like to discuss why you believe Donald Trump and those who use money to promote God's Word are phony...

One more time on the rest, take your homo chat back to your own thread, thanks. This is not a thread on homosexuality, and you go right ahead and falsely accuse me of supporting anything lgbt, and get your tail laughed off, because everyone here knows better than that.

Since your buddy Desert Reign refuses to return to my thread and defend ENDA

(you must remember Part 2 when you both defended the supposed right for homosexuals not to be discriminated against when it comes to jobs, housing, etc.) why don't you return to the thread and "everyone here" can decide for themselves?


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Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I just did. Why don't you just come out and admit why you don't like Donald Trump? (Because he was meeeeeean to Carly Fiorino and the Fox News' defender of the LGBTQueer movement Megan Kelly).

Phony is a subject word, i.e. open to interpretation. I see there are about 4 or 5 current woodshed complaints against you, it appears that they believe you're a phony as well.

Now if you would like to discuss why you believe Donald Trump and those who use money to promote God's Word are phony...

Since your buddy Desert Reign refuses to return to my thread and defend ENDA

(you must remember Part 2 when you both defended the supposed right for homosexuals not to be discriminated against when it comes to jobs, housing, etc.) why don't you return to the thread and "everyone here" can decide for themselves?

This thread is also not for you to gossip about other members because of your desire to discuss lgbt issues, take it back to your own thread, that i stopped participating in long ago, your issues with other members are your problem, not mine.


I am not perfect. I am curious about what is going on.

I am just observer.

In fact I am sad to say I am very worldly myself. But His followers should stay away from worldly things as much as they can.

["staying away from worldly things"] By promoting the goodness that He talks about in Holy Scripture (spiritually, culturally, and legislatively).


This thread is also not for you to gossip about other members because of your desire to discuss lgbt issues, take it back to your own thread, that i stopped participating in long ago, your issues with other members are your problem, not mine.

Obviously the purpose of this thread is to gossip about a front running Presidential candidate who for obvious reasons you don't like and a version of Christianity that doesn't meet your approval.

On that note: I see that you're on one of your woodshed rampages, I'll attempt to escape before I'm your next victim.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
David Jeremiah, pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California also participated in the prayers, asking that the next president “will help us economically and spiritually, and in every way.”
“So today we pray for Donald Trump,” he said, as the others in the room joined in agreement. “We pray for his family. We pray for his associates. We pray that what he has heard today from those who have spoken into his life, he will consider.”
“Lord, whatever it is that You are going to do to bring around him the right people as he moves forward in this campaign, we ask you to give him direction and give him hope,” Jeremiah continued. “And Lord, thank you for allowing us to be here for this special moment. Perhaps we’ll look back on this day and remember that we stood together and we prayed for the next president of the United States.”

But not everyone is happy to hear about the meeting. Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, said that he was concerned that out of all of Christianity, billionaire Trump seems to be attracted to prosperity preachers.

“The people that Trump has so far identified as his evangelical outreach are mostly prosperity gospel types, which are considered by mainstream evangelicals to be heretics,” he told Politico.

“Trump seems to be positioning himself as a secular version of the health-and-wealth televangelists,” Moore continued. “What Donald Trump is doing in terms of promises for the future is very similar to what’s going on among these prosperity gospel hawkers.”.

I'm wondering what kind of back channel fussing this is going to create...I'm pretty sure Jeremiah's church is S.B.C. affiliated. :)


New member
I just did. Why don't you just come out and admit why you don't like Donald Trump? (Because he was meeeeeean to Carly Fiorino and the Fox News' defender of the LGBTQueer movement Megan Kelly).

I read this excellent book back in the 1992 – it is one heck of a well-researched expose of Trump written way back when.

Anyone considering voting for the man might want to read it.

From the link:


Trump: The Deals and the Downfall

By Wayne Barrett

The true story of Trump's rise to the top is told for the first time by Village Voice reporter Barrett, who has been following the Trump story for nearly a decade.

No figure has come to symbolize the excesses of the 1980s as vividly or as powerfully as Donald Trump. As master builder, as media star, as bestselling author, as conspicuously wealthy consumer, Trump reigned — until his spectacular collapse — unchallenged as a unique new breed of entrepreneurial superstar, one who was as confidently victorious on television and the podiums of an endless string of press conferences as he was in the boardrooms and bankers' offices where he waged his epic battles.

For all the media attention that has been devoted to him, though, what do we really know about Donald Trump, apart from what he has carefully contrived to foster the myth of a self-made financial genius, a man for whom extravagance was merely a perquisite of success?

In Trump, The Deals And The Downfall, the journalist most qualified to tell the story finally unravels the myth and reveals the truth behind the rise and fall of the remarkable mogul.

For over thirteen years — from the time Trump was an audacious newcomer on the New York real estate scene — Wayne Barrett has scrupulously followed Trump's career, and has charted a pattern of backroom deals and the underside of Trump's own business practices — behavior nothing like the canny prowess celebrated in Donald's own autobiographies.

The Trump we meet in this exceptional book is a man who, rather than a self-created millionaire, is in fact heir both to a substantial empire built by his equally rapacious father and to the Democratic machine connections that made the empire possible.

Barrett's investigative biography takes us from the days of Donald's lonely youth to his brash entry into the real estate market, and to the still-secret machinations behind the major deals that made his name; from the initial triumph of the Hyatt Hotel to the successful purchase of the largest parcel of real estate in Manhattan, the West Side Yards; from the incomparably opulent Trump Tower to such contrasting showpieces as the Taj Mahal casino and the Plaza Hotel; from the extravagance of the $1,OOO-per-square-foot, unoccupied Trump Palace apartments to the extraordinary, desolate Palm Beach estate Mar-A-Lago.

Barrett's investigation of these deals provides not only a fascinating chronicle of Trump's own suspect business practices, but also a hair-raising account of the workings of power brokers in the heady and heedless money culture of the 1980s.

Here is a detailed portrait of the forces that made a Donald Trump possible: the banks that advanced him staggering loans, at times based on misleading information; Trump family associations with mob-connected figures; and compromising alliances with governors, mayors, and perhaps his most powerful benefactor of all, the rogue lawyer Roy Cohn.

Most compellingly Barrett paints an unprecedentedly intimate portrait of Trump himself, a man driven by bravado, ambition, and an anxious ruthlessness to subdue his rivals and control his allies.

We see him head to head with an opponent as powerful as Pete Rozelle, ingratiating himself with the brooding governor on the Hudson, and fueling the Drexel engine driven by Michael Milken with hundreds of millions in fees — paid, ironically, by gaming companies to fend off Trump takeovers.

We look behind the headlines to explore his complicated emotional and business relationship with Ivana, and the use he planned to make of his mistress Marla Maples as a "southern strategy" in his contemplated presidential campaign.

And through interviews with scores of adversaries and former colleagues we are given a privileged look at Trump the businessman in action — arrogant as often as he is brilliant, reliant on threats as much as on charm, and ultimately a cautionary tale: himself the victim of a career that will see no parallel in our lifetime.

Praise for Trump:

"Trump is a withering portrait of the most self-mythologized and promoted businessman of our era, an exhaustively researched and long-overdue antidote to Trump's own books. It is a penetrating portrait of the age that spawned him and the many who aided and abetted his rise. Trump seems destined to be the definitive account of how Trump got ahead and why he fell. It is a sad story, with important lessons for us all." — James B. Stewart, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Den of Thieves

"Donald Trump surprises us again. Wayne Barrett's Trump is a fresh, detailed, and vivid account of the tangled connections of money, politics, and power in our times." — Nicholas Pileggi, author of Wiseguy


Wayne Barrett was a fixture at the Village Voice for almost four decades, doing his first investigative feature in 1973 and writing more than 2000 stories between then and 2011, when he left the paper.

He has also written five books, including two on Rudy Giuliani, a biography of Donald Trump and City for Sale, a chronicle of the Koch scandals of the late 80s.

He has been an adjunct at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism for years, teaching courses on investigative and political reporting, as well as advising students on investigative projects.

An army of his interns and students are now spread throughout American and international journalism.


I read this excellent book back in the 1992 – it is one heck of a well-researched expose of Trump written way back when.

Anyone considering voting for the man might want to read it.

Why on earth should a book written 23 years ago influence anyone supporting Donald Trump today?

And believing a word from someone who worked for the ultra left wing/pro homosexual "Village Voice" for 40 years, seriously?

Speaking of current republican presidential candidate frontrunners:

I've always wondered why the leftwing media goes soft on Carly Fiorina, this very well might be the answer:

What Fiorina didn't tell us about her Clinton Foundation ties

Political campaigns are like peeling back layers of an onion -- just when you think you know a candidate, there's something new and unexpected revealed.


I'm wondering what kind of back channel fussing this is going to create...I'm pretty sure Jeremiah's church is S.B.C. affiliated. :)

Looking at the Shadow Mountain Community Church website, they seem to teach the basics of Christianity:

God Loves You. He Always Has, He Always Will.

Do you know for sure you are going to heaven?

If God asked you: "Why should I let you in my heaven?" What would you say?
Did you know the Bible tells HOW YOU CAN KNOW FOR SURE that you have eternal life and will be with God in heaven forever?
"These things I have written unto you...that you may know you have eternal life..." (1 John 5:13)

1. ETERNAL LIFE is a free gift. It is not earned or deserved (Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9).Why is it that no one can earn his way to heaven? The Bible says that...

2. MAN is a sinner and cannot save himself (Matthew 5:48, Romans 3:23).
However, the Bible says that in spite of our sin...

3. GOD is merciful (1 John 4:8), but He is also just (Exodus 34:7, Ezekiel 18:4).
God loves us and doesn't want to punish us, but He is just and holy, and must punish sin.
The Bible says that God solved this problem for us in the person of...

4. JESUS CHRIST, the infinite God-man (John 1:1,14). He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. He rose from the grave to purchase a place for us in heaven (Isaiah 53:6, 1 Corinthians 15:1-5). Jesus now offers you eternal life (heaven) as a free gift.
The Bible says that this gift is received by...

5. FAITH, the key that opens the door to heaven. Saving faith is not mere HEAD KNOWLEDGE, like believing certain historical facts. Even the demons believe there is one God (James 2:19). Saving faith is not TEMPORAL, either; that is, trusting God for temporal crisis such as financial, family, or physical needs. Now these are good, and you should trust Christ for these, but they are not saving faith.
Saving faith is trusting in Jesus alone for eternal life. It means resting upon Him and what He has done rather than in what you or I have done to get us into heaven (Acts 16:31, Ephesians 2:8-9).

And now we resume with the scheduled programming of "My church is better than your church!"


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Hall of Fame
And theres more!

Prosperity Gospel Preacher Paula White Prays for Donald Trump: 'Any Tongue that Rises Against Him Will Be Condemned'

Florida megachurch pastor and prosperity preacher Paula White prayed for Republican 2016 presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, saying that "any tongue that rises against him will be condemned according to the word of God," and for "a greater encounter" with God.

"Father, we just secure him right now by the blood of Jesus. We thank you that no weapon formed against him will be able to prosper and any tongue that rises against him will be condemned according to the word of God," prayed White, a Florida evangelical preacher with a daily television show on The Word Network.

White was among several other selected Christian leaders and ministry professionals, who prayed for Trump, laying their hands on him, as shown in a video recently posted on YouTube.

"Even as we lay hands on him right now, let Your hand be laid upon him. Let him have a greater encounter with You, a greater encounter with the spirit of God," White went on to say in her prayer.

She referred to Ephesians 1:17,18, which reads, "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people."

White, the senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, a multi-cultural ministry founded in 1996 by late pastor Zachery Tims, prayed that Trump's eyes would be opened "to see the glory and the goodness of God," and added, "All the days of his life, let him live well. I secure him, I secure his children, I secure his calling and his mantle."

White was joined by Pastor David Jeremiah, pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, a megachurch in El Cajon, California; Southern Baptist megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress, of First Baptist Dallas; TV personalities Jentezen Franklin, Steve Munsey and Clarence McClendon; and others in praying for Trump.

So apparently we all need to be for Trump and not disagree or we are doomed as believers.


And theres more!

So apparently we all need to be for Trump and not disagree or we are doomed as believers.

Two things about the Christian Post article caught my attention:

White, the senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, a multi-cultural ministry founded in 1996 by late pastor Zachery Tims,

What makes a church "multi-cultural"? Looking at their website I see nothing that indicates that they're perverting the gospel.

prayed that Trump's eyes would be opened "to see the glory and the goodness of God," and added, "All the days of his life, let him live well. I secure him, I secure his children, I secure his calling and his mantle."

They prayed that Trump to open his eyes "to see the glory and goodness of God",

And the problem with that is?


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Hall of Fame
Two things about the Christian Post article caught my attention:

White, the senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, a multi-cultural ministry founded in 1996 by late pastor Zachery Tims,

What makes a church "multi-cultural"? Looking at their website I see nothing that indicates that they're perverting the gospel.

prayed that Trump's eyes would be opened "to see the glory and the goodness of God," and added, "All the days of his life, let him live well. I secure him, I secure his children, I secure his calling and his mantle."

They prayed for Trump to open his eyes "to see the glory and goodness of God",

And the problem with that is?

No problem for me, the problem is prosperity preachers saying we are doomed if we dont agree with him and express it.

The problem is them hawking it to their churches as if its biblical.

You can keep ignoring my points and pretending im saying something else when ive been clear, you do it all the time.


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Hall of Fame
So ACW back the point, do you agree that any believer who says anything against trump is doomed? yes or no, and if yes, please back it with scripture.


Well-known member
No problem for me, the problem is prosperity preachers saying we are doomed if we dont agree with him and express it.

The problem is them hawking it to their churches as if its biblical.

You can keep ignoring my points and pretending im saying something else when ive been clear, you do it all the time.

This is absolute nonsense, I don't care who is saying it. "I secure him, I secure his children, I secure his calling and his mantle."


Well-known member
mmmm ... "prosperity" preachers attracted to Donald Trump. Now why on earth do you suppose that is.



More "prosperity"?


They worship the same God?


mmmm .... they just wanted the opportunity to get close enough to see what in God's green earth is going on with that comb over?



New member
Hall of Fame
mmmm ... "prosperity" preachers attracted to Donald Trump. Now why on earth do you suppose that is.



More "prosperity"?


They worship the same God?


mmmm .... they just wanted the opportunity to get close enough to see what in God's green earth is going on with that comb over?


Uh oh, you said something against trump, you are now doomed.


Well-known member
Uh oh, you said something against trump, you are now doomed.

Well, to me, a comb over begs the question, "what, exactly, are you hiding and why do you feel the need to hide it?" ... and ...
What else are you trying to hide?

This is why most successful politicians have to have good hair as a prerequisite for running ... Rick Perry ... come on down.